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H. Daniels Duncan Faculty Member Asset Based Community Development Institute. Maximizing Your Tools to Manage Data - Results Based Accountability. Asset Based Community Development. Workshop Objectives.
H. Daniels Duncan Faculty Member Asset Based Community Development Institute Maximizing Your Tools to Manage Data - Results Based Accountability Asset Based Community Development
Workshop Objectives To become effective community impact organizations, local United Ways are transforming from primarily fundraising and allocating agencies to community building and engagement organizations, bringing the community together to act collectively for the common good, through giving, advocating and volunteering. There are two complementary approaches that can provide an effective framework to help local United Ways complete this transformation and achieve real long-term result; Results Based Accountability (RBA) and Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). This workshop will outline how to use the concepts of RBA and ABCD to drive greater impact and results. Participants will learn: • How to use RBA to identity their community level outcomes and the data/indicators required to track their community level results; • How to develop effective performance measures to track and improve their program and strategy level results; and, • How to use the principles of ABCD to achieve greater community engagement and results.
Assumptions for Creating Community Change It takes a wide variety of strategies and activities to achieve community change To achieve real impact requires the community and its residents to be involved Communities have an abundance of resources. The issue is that they have not been identified and engaged All of our activities should be directed at increasing and not stifling community engagement
Lisbeth Schorr: Lessons on What Works Source: Lisbeth Schorr Keynote Address, Santa Clara County Children’s Summit – January 31, 2008 Suggests five lessons: Be clear about the purposes of our work, the outcomes we are trying to achieve Be willing to be held accountable for achieving those purposes Create and sustain the partnerships to achieve these purposes Move audaciously into the world beyond programs Have the capacity to take community-wide responsibility to assure that actions that will lead to improved lives will actually happen
Simple, Complicated and Complex Problems Source:“Getting to Maybe: How the World Is Changed” Frances Westley, Brenda Zimmerman, Michael Patton
What is Results-Based Accountability (RBA)? A disciplined way of thinking and taking action that communities can use to improve the lives of children, youth, families and the community as a whole. It can also be used to improve the performance of programs, agencies and service systems.
Results Accountability is about… • Unified purpose: focusing the energy of multiple partners on continuously improving the most important measures of well-being • Transparency: Using data and effective questions to access facts and the “story behind the facts” to move quickly to action • Communication power: Being able to tell your story in the most compelling and data-driven way
RBA in a Nutshell2 – 3 – 7 2 Kinds of Accountability • Population- or Community-Level Quality of Life • (Results & Indicators) • Performance- or Program-Level • (Performance Measures) 3 Kinds of Performance Measures • How much did we do? • How well did we do it? • Is anyone better off? 7 Questions From Ends to Means
THE LANGUAGE TRAP - Too many terms. Too few definitions. Too little discipline Benchmark Outcome Result Modifiers Measurable Core Urgent Qualitative Priority Programmatic Targeted Performance Incremental Strategic Systemic Indicator Goal Measure Objective Target Lewis Carroll Center for Language Disorders
DEFINITIONS RESULT A condition of well-being for children, adults, families or communities. Children born healthy, Children succeeding in school, Safe communities, Clean Environment, Prosperous Economy INDICATOR A measure which helps quantify the achievement of a result. Rate of low-birth weight babies, Rate of high school graduation, crime rate, air quality index, unemployment rate PERFORMANCE MEASURE A measure of how well a program, agency or service systemis working.Three types: 1. How much did we do? 2. How well did we do it? 3. Is anyone better off? = Customer Results or Outcomes
Results Based Accountability – turning the Curve e Projection without action Goal: Turn the Curve Trend It takes a variety of strategies to turn the curve – beyond the delivery of services. (low-cost citizen action, media support, public policy, etc.)
? Fixed Leaking Roof (Results thinking in everyday life) Experience Inches of WaterBASELINE Not OK Measure Turning the Curve Story behind the baseline (causes) Partners What Works Action Plan
POPULATIONACCOUNTABILITY For Whole Populationsin a Geographic Area
CI 2020 - Goals Education • Population Results • Primary Population Result - Youth are Ready by 21 – Ready for college, work and life • Secondary Population Result - All children (0 – 5) in Pima County enter Kindergarten eager to learn and ready to succeed in life. • Indicators • High School Graduation Results • 3rd Grade Reading Scores*
CI 2020 Goals Income • Population Result • Families are financially stable • Indicator: • Percent of households with incomes below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.
CI 2020 Goals Health • Population Result • Seniors are Healthy and Maintain Maximum Independence • Indicator: • The percent of Pima County population 65 and older reporting an independent living difficulty and the percent of Pima County population 65 and older reporting a self-care difficulty.
Performance Accountability For Services, Agencies, citizen Action and Service Systems
Turning the Curve Requires: Citizen Action (no-cost solutions) Institutions doing the things that only they can do and stepping back to support citizen and neighborhood/community action Neighborhood/ Community Action (low-cost solutions)
To “Turn the Curve” The questions we must ask to answer the final three accountability questions What are the things that only residents can do? What are the things that residents can do with help? What are the things that only institutions can do? RBA and Asset Based Community Development
Performance Measurement Categories Quantity Quality How much did we do? How well did we do it? Customer Satisfaction (Residents as Advisors) Retention Rates Following Protocols # of Customers Served # Activities Effort How productive? Are we doing things right? Is Anyone Better off? # Skills / Knowledge # Attitude / Opinion # Behavior # Circumstance % Skills / Knowledge % Attitude / Opinion % Behavior % Circumstance Effect (Residents as co-producers) Are we doing the right things? Mark Friedman (2005). Trying Hard Is Not Good Enough: How to Produce Measurable Improvements for Customers and Communities. USA Trafford Publishing
POPULATION ACCOUNTABILITY • Youth Succeeding in School • % 3rd graders reading on grade level • % MS students proficient in math & reading • % and # students dropping out of school PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY Middle School Intensive Mentoring Project THE LINKAGE Between POPULATION and PERFORMANCE POPULATION RESULTS Contributionrelationship – Not cause and effect Total # of1:1 hours with students % parents with “active” connection to program Defining Roles # with 10 or less days absent for year % with 10 or less days absent for year Alignmentof measures CUSTOMERRESULTS
Discussion/Questions Examples of your Population Results Examples of Performance Measures
Hand, Head and Heart Exercise Hand – Physical skills you possess that you would be willing to teach others. I.E., carpentry, photography, painting, bicycle repair… Head – Knowledge that you have in a particular area like child development, health care, history of the neighborhood… Heart – What are your passions; what stirs you to action; what would you walk across hot coals for?
Why Community Matters: The Limitations of Institutions “Unfortunately, many leaders and even some neighbors think that the idea of a strong local community is sort of “nice,” a good thing if you have the spare time, but not really important, vital or necessary. However, we know strong communities are vital and productive. But, above all they are necessary because of the inherent limitations of all institutions.” -John McKnight, July 8, 2009
What Only Individuals Can Do: Primary source of our health Safety and security The future of our earth – the environment Build a resilient economy Raise our children Provide care
Determinants of Health • Personal behavior • Social relationships (networks of support) • Physical environment • Economic status • Access to health care
What Only Individuals Can Do: Primary source of our health Safety and security The future of our earth – the environment Build a resilient economy Raise our children Provide care
Healthy communities Require both Care and Service
Everyone should have the opportunity to be a producer of their own and their community’s well-being It takes everyone to build a strong and safe community
What “Engage the Community” Means Not based on an opinion poll Not organizing the community to care about your agenda Identifying the individuals that already care about your agenda and mobilizing their action
What is ABCD? It starts with the simple truth, everyone has gifts The belief that neighborhoods and communities are built by focusing on the strengths and capacities of the citizens and associations that call the community “home.” A place based approach focusing on the assets of an identified geographic area. The belief that the assets of a community's institutions can be identified and mobilized to build community not just deliver services. A range of approaches and tools, such as asset mapping, that can put these beliefs into practice.
Asset Based Community Development It is the capacities of local people and their associations that build powerful communities. What can we do with what we already have.
ABCD ABCD helps us see people and places not as problems for experts to solve, but as being full of hidden assets, skills and strengths that can be harnessed (Kretzmann & McKnight, 1993)
Ingredients of a Healthy Community Time & Money Exchanges NP B NP B B Time & Money Exchanges NP Time & Money Exchanges G G G
Five Types of Assets Individual talents and skills Local associations Local institutions Land, property, and the environment Economic strengths
Effective Communities: Look inside first to solve problems Relationships are seen as power Have a good sense of assets and capacities, not just needs Leaders open doors Citizens are involved People take responsibility
How do you engage people to share their gifts? Focus on the gifts of their Heart
Needs Map: Community Unemployment Housing Projects Child Abuse Crime Teen Mothers Gang Members Poverty Illiteracy Mentally Ill School Dropouts Homeless Truancy Addiction Uninsured Delinquency
Consequences of the Power of the Needs Map Internalizations of the “deficiencies” identified by local residents Destruction of social capital Reinforcement of narrow categorical funding flows Direction of funds toward professional helpers, not residents Focus on “leaders” who magnify deficiencies Rewards failure, produces dependency Creates hopelessness
The Asset Map Local Institutions Schools Businesses Libraries Citizens’ Associations Churches Block Clubs Gifts of Individuals Parks Hospitals Youth Seniors Skills Athletic Groups Cultural Groups Labeled People Artists
Consequences of Asset Mapping • Shift in Power!!! • Inclusiveness – all people have gifts and talents • Relationship building • People, not programs build power in a community • Welcoming the stranger • Learning community atmosphere • Place based • Cooperative orientation
Through asset mapping, community residents move from being: “producers” of community well-being “advisors" of community programs “consumers” of services