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Dimensioning in Solidworks

Dimensioning in Solidworks. Lecture. Objectives. Learn to dimension the LOC part file Be able to dimension LOC drawings. Dimensioning LOC Part File. Dimensioning is used to define an object so that it could be manufactured and must: Define the overall size of the part in all 3 dimensions

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Dimensioning in Solidworks

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  1. Dimensioning in Solidworks Lecture Dimensioning

  2. Objectives • Learn to dimension the LOC part file • Be able to dimension LOC drawings Dimensioning

  3. Dimensioning LOC Part File Dimensioning is used to define an object so that it could be manufactured and must: • Define the overall size of the part in all 3 dimensions • Define the size and location of the features of the part in all 3 dimensions Dimensioning

  4. Dimensioning • Click on Smart Dimension on the Dimensions/Relations toolbar • Select the item to dimension; click and place the dimension Dimensioning

  5. Types of Dimensions • Length of a line • Distance/Angle between 2 lines • Distance between 2 points or a point and a line • Radius of an arc • Diameter of a circle Dimensioning

  6. Modifying Dimensions • Double click a dimension • The Modify dialog box appears • Change the values with arrows, thumbwheel or type in the dimension Dimensioning

  7. LOC Specifications • Chip Diameter – 50800 μm • Chip Thickness – 5000 μm • Depth of ALL Features – 200 μm • Channel widths – 300 μm – 400 μm • Detection Well Volume – 3 μl • Round all sharp corners! • Refer to Project Description Document section - Design Deliverables for more details Dimensioning

  8. Dimensioning • Use this time to practice dimensioning the LOC part file using the chipholder template Dimensioning

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