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Municipal Infrastructure Investment Unit (MIIU): Strategic Review 2005-2006

Review of MIIU's performance, strategy, business plan, KPIs, and budget for 2005-2006, focusing on project implementation, revenue management, and institutional preservation.

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Municipal Infrastructure Investment Unit (MIIU): Strategic Review 2005-2006

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  1. Parliamentary BriefingBudget Review of the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Unit (MIIU) Danai MagugumelaChief Executive Officer

  2. CONTENTS • MIIU Performance 2004-2005 • Strategy for year 2005-2006 • Business plan & KPIs for 2005-2006 • Approved Budget for 2005-2006

  3. PERFORMANCE 2005-2006

  4. Multi Year Capital and Operational Expenditure



  7. Completed Projects MSPs Uthungulu Water (KZN) an interim O & M contract with WSSA for operations of all rural schemes CPT drop –off (solid waste) (WC) establishment of four green waste drop-off centres CPT SMMEs (solid waste) (WC) Epping Fresh Produce Market (WC) - sale of a non-core asset. A 20yr lease was entered into with the new owner, with repair, maintenance & expansion risk transferred to new owner.

  8. Completed Projects Revenue Management Mogale City (GA) – data cleansing, debt review and audit of customers, meters, connections, tariffs, etc resulting in significant saving of lost revenues. Private partner entered a shared risk contract with municipality, earning a reward only in the event where the municipality saves revenues relative to set revenue benchmarks. Ugu District (KZN) - data cleansing, debt review and audit of meters, connections, etc to improve revenue. Private partner is recommending a replacement of the existing revenue management systems to improve coordination of all billing systems that have existed in the individual B municipalities. Thembisile (MP) - data cleansing, debt review and audit of meters, connections, etc to improve revenue. Dr J S Moroka (MP) - data cleansing, debt review and audit of meters, connections, etc to improve revenue. Loan Guarantee MIIU has recently refined the implementation methodology and tender document for banks to bid on.

  9. STRATEGY FOR YEAR 2005 - 2006

  10. Key Focus Area 1:PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION • MSP Creation • Revenue Enhancement • Credit Enhancement • Regulation • Other Private Sector Participation

  11. Key Focus Area 2: INSTITUTIONAL PRESERVATION • MSP Standardisation • Contract Monitoring and Evaluation • Institutional Memory • Marketing and Communication • Training and Development

  12. OTHER FOCUS AREAS INTERNAL • Provide on-going technical assistance to municipalities for Municipal Service Partnerships • Management of a local government loan guarantee programme Development Credit Authority (DCA) product • Contract Monitoring and Evaluation • Resourcing of MIIU and staff development • PFMA compliance • Package MIIU institutional memory • Transition plan?

  13. OTHER FOCUS AREAS EXTERNAL • Liaison with other local government strengthening programmes: • Project Consolidate of the dplg • ISLGS (Increasing Sustainable Local Government Service Delivery) Programme of the USAID • Collaborate with National Treasury on regulation of and guidelines for MSPs • Engage the financial sector on issues of municipal access to finance

  14. Business Plan and Key Performance Indicators for 2005 - 2006

  15. APPROVED BUDGET FOR 2005-2006

  16. THANK YOU www.miiu.org.za

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