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Adult Programming on a Limited Budget

Adult Programming on a Limited Budget. Molly Keating Adult Programming Coordinator Hiawatha Public Library. About Me. Have worked in three different public libraries over the course of 12 years. Have been with the Hiawatha Public Library for 6 years.

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Adult Programming on a Limited Budget

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  1. Adult Programming on a Limited Budget Molly Keating Adult Programming Coordinator Hiawatha Public Library

  2. About Me • Have worked in three different public libraries over the course of 12 years. • Have been with the Hiawatha Public Library for 6 years. • I am the Adult Programming Coordinator for our library. In addition to that role, I also maintain the CD and DVD collections for our library. • Carry a Level IV State Certification with the State Library of Iowa and have completed the Iowa Library Association’s Leadership Institute. • Known as the “resident whiner,” I generally have an inclination towards misbehaving and being sassy. 

  3. About My Library We are located in Hiawatha, IA, a small city located within the Cedar Rapids metro area. Because of our close proximity to Cedar Rapids and Marion, the Metro Library Consortium was formed in 1999 to provide library services to the metro area.

  4. Some Statistics… • In fiscal year 2006-2007 we circulated 189,009 items. In fiscal year 2011-2012 we circulated 311,125 items. • In library speak, we have 7.2 full time staff. In layman’s terms, we have 7 full time staff, 2-30 hour staff, and 3 pages who each work 10 hours a week. • In fiscal year 2006-2007 we had 281 adults attend programs. In fiscal year 2011-2012 we had 1,509 adults attend 126 programs.

  5. Our Staff!

  6. Hiawatha Public Library Cedar Rapids Public Library & Marion Public Library • Annual operating budget of $529,000 • Cedar Rapids Public Library’s annual operating budget $4.2 million • Marion Public Library’s annual operating budget $1.4 million Budget Comparisons

  7. I have a dream…

  8. What would you do if... You had one million dollars to spend on programming?

  9. The lesson learned? Just because you’re small, there’s no harm in dreaming big! Your programming can be as big and wonderful as you want to make it.

  10. Research and Statistics about Adult Programming otherwise known as “on a more serious note”

  11. Research indicates… • Research done in the United Kingdom on libraries indicated: “The opportunities offered by libraries, in addition to providing access to books and other recreational materials such as videos, further enhance people's leisure time by giving them the chance to socialize and by providing access to activities many others in society take for granted because they can afford them.” • Research from Minnesota suggests: “This includes the phenomenon known as the "living room" experience, meeting and conference rooms available, all-inclusive, safe and friendly environment, and a unique forum for social networking, book clubs and reading groups.”

  12. Iowa Statistics • In fiscal year 2011, Iowa public libraries educated and entertained 1,465,349 attendees with 67,215 programs. If the attendees paid a commercial fee of $4 per person, they would have paid nearly $6 million! • 196,402 adults attended programming at their public libraries in the state of Iowa during fiscal year 2011. • In fiscal year 2011, Hiawatha Public Library had 704 adults attend programs, average number of adults attending programs in libraries our size was 669.

  13. North Carolina Statistics • In fiscal year 2010-2011 North Carolina public libraries hosted 22,244 adult programs. • 374,208 adults attended programs in their public libraries during fiscal year 2010-2011. • P.S. Happy 200th Birthday State Library of North Carolina! 

  14. Programming Ideas …otherwise known as the “light bulb” moments.

  15. Considerations when planning… • What are your community’s needs and interests? • What is your audience? • Timing is everything! • What are you willing to spend? • Watch out for conflicts with other organizations. • How far in advance?

  16. Tools of the trade • Rolodex or business card holder • Microsoft Publisher or Broderbund’s Print Shop software • A really good color printer • Disposable plates, silverware, napkins and cups • Serving ware • Thank you cards • Notepads and post-it notes

  17. 6 Types of Programming • Literary • Musical • Foodie • Fun • Civic • Crafty

  18. You mean we read at a library?! • Literary • Book discussions • Book Clubs • Author visits • Writing workshops • World Book Night • Storytellers • National library events

  19. If the music moves you… • Musical • Local bands • School bands • Professional musicians • History of music • CD preview party • CD exchange

  20. Everything is better with food! • Foodie • Recipe Swaps • Nutritionist • Local Chef or Experienced Cook • Edible Book Contest • Cake decorating class • Local Farmers Exhibition • Coupon Clipping/Saving Money on Groceries • Coffee Tasting

  21. We aren’t always so serious… • Fun • Paranormal programs • Going “green” • Master Gardeners • Scrabble Club • Chess Club • Play preview • Collaborative programming • Organizing

  22. We need to give back… • Civic • Resume writing workshop • Job search workshop • Animal shelter awareness • Computer classes • Goal setting • Blood drives • Food drives

  23. Craft time ain’t just for the kiddos! • Crafty • Knitting • Crocheting • Scrapbooking • Photography • Frames • Altered books

  24. Still need more ideas?Beg, borrow or steal! • Ask your patrons! • Think current, think relevant. • Books about programming • Programming Librarian website • Steal from other libraries!  • New York Public Library • Brooklyn Public Library • Hennepin County Library System • Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

  25. SHOW ME THE MONEY! Financing programming …otherwise known as “show me the money.”

  26. Outside Funding Sources • Local banks and community credit unions • Local businesses • Church groups • School groups • Civic organizations • Humanities organizations • Grants

  27. Other tips for funding… • Know your approach (letter, phone, etc.) • Know your stats, connections, and information about your library • Stress what you can do to benefit their organization (free publicity, future partnerships, etc.) • Always play the library card • Don’t be afraid to bargain • Always, always, ALWAYS send a handwritten thank you note for any financial donation you receive

  28. Advertising EXTRA! EXTRA! …otherwise known “shout, shout get it all out.”

  29. Definition • ad·ver·tis·ing [ad-ver-tahy-zing] noun • the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc., especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, etc.: to get more customers by advertising. • paid announcements; advertisements. • the profession of planning, designing, and writing advertisements.

  30. Getting the word out… • In-house advertising • Flyers • Posters • Bookmarks • Postings in bathroom stalls or mirrors • E-blasts • Electronic advertising (TV screens, digital picture frames, etc.) • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, etc.)

  31. Getting the word out…part deux • Out-of-house advertising • Local newspaper • Television and radio stations • Water bills • Pop-ups at restaurant tables • Community boards • Local businesses • Community websites

  32. Game Day …otherwise known as “hope for the best, prepare for the worst”

  33. There once was a program…

  34. In the moment… • Make sure to introduce yourself to your presenter • Always do an introduction for your presenter • Use your time with people to remind them of the other programs you have coming up • Ask for feedback from your audience • Above all, keep calm and carry on

  35. Recap …otherwise known as “it’s okay to come out, we’re almost done”

  36. Things to remember… • Keep in mind considerations when planning programming(timing, etc.) • Find your niche in programs • Know your numbers, stats, and possibilities • ALWAYS thank your sponsors and speakers • Think outside the box • Everything is better with chocolate 

  37. THANK YOU!! • My contact information: • Address: 150 W Willman St Hiawatha, IA 52233 • Email: keatingm@hiawatha-iowa.com • Phone: (319) 393-1414

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