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Teaching social skills through writing

Engage students in social skills development through reflective writing activities promoting empathy, self-awareness, and stress management. Designed by Diane Pellegrini, Resource Teacher at Wando High School.

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Teaching social skills through writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Teaching social skills through writing Diane Pellegrini Resource Teacher Wando High School Diane_Pellegrini@charleston.k12.sc.us

  2. “Good Things” (Capturing Kid’s Hearts) • Write something good that happened to you over the weekend • Place it on the board Benefits: • Students bonding • Applying social skills

  3. Did you know …. • 1 in 88 have autism • More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes & cancer combined • Boys are four times more likely than girls to have autism • While there is no medical detection or known cure for autism-significant improvement resulting from early diagnosis and use of effective interventions • Cause of autism remains unclear-genetics and environment both play a role in the increase.

  4. Why teach social skills?

  5. Research says……. • “Learning to engage in reciprocal social exchange is a challenge facing every person on the autism spectrum” (Rutter, 1985, Rutter, Mahwood, & Howlin, 1992) • “Good social skills are critical to successful functioning in life” (NASP Fact Sheet) • “To maximize writing outcomes, teachers will need to differentiate instruction for their students with ASD” (Berlin) • “Lack of social skills, difficulty working in groups, and adapting to change are all hallmarks of ASD, which will affect the job prospects of an estimated million young adults in the coming decade” (Exceptional Minds)

  6. Social Skills • Eye contact • Volume of Voice • Tone of Voice • Personal Space • Positive Self-Talk • Empathy • Rule Police • Stress/Anxiety • Conversational Skills • Big Deal/Little Deal • Different Perspectives • Group Work

  7. Activity 1- “Let’s Chat” Watch Video Clip • Ask a question • Write down answer • Ask the person to initial your paper Benefits • Getting to know each other • Eye contact • Conversational skills • Reflective writing

  8. Activity 2: “You Create the Scenario” Watch Video Clip • You will chose an emotion • Demonstrate your emotion to your teacher • Think about when you felt that way • Write a story about it • Share your story with the class Benefits: • Understanding different people’s perspectives • Everyone experiences emotions

  9. Activity 3: “Five Point Stress Scale” Watch Video Clip • You will complete the stress thermometer sheet independently • Pair-Share with a partner • Create a comic strip about a stressful situation that you had and how you handled the stress or write a poem • Share your story with the class Benefits: • Understanding stress and how to appropriately handle it • Remember stress is a lifelong issue

  10. Interesting Quotes

  11. Sources www.exceptionalmindsstudio.org www.teachchildrenesl.com www.beatbullying.org www.Autismspeaks.org www.cdc.gov www.Do2Learn.com www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu www.johnson-center.org www.iidcautismresources

  12. My Students…….

  13. Questions/Comments/Feedback

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