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AVC. Automatic Volume Control. AVC. What does AVC do??? AVC will adapt the volume of a CALL (or BGM) to the level of the background noise This means : Noise level up > Call (BGM) level up Noise level down > Call (BGM) level down. AVC. Goal:

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  1. AVC Automatic Volume Control

  2. AVC What does AVC do??? • AVC will adapt the volume of a CALL (or BGM) to the level of the background noise • This means : Noise level up > Call (BGM) level up Noise level down > Call (BGM) level down

  3. AVC Goal: • A clear and audible Call despite the back ground noise level

  4. AVC AVC principle: • Back ground noise level is measured • Call level is adapted to the back ground noise level • BGM level is adapted to the back ground noise level • Response to changes of Background noise level is SLOW

  5. AVC AVC basics: • AVC will reduce the max. volume of the PA system • AVC is not a magic tool to solve your intelligibility problems, • AVC can not determine what is background noise and what is Back Ground Music • The overall system design must be capable of being louder than the max. back ground noise level

  6. One sensing microphone (on amplifier input) for multiple zones Internal routing to local zones Routing via system busto other amplifiers Microphone supervision AVC AVC system setup NCO Noise Sensing Mic Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6

  7. One sensing microphone (on NCO input) for multiple zones Routing via system bus Disadvantage: No supervision on mic input AVC AVC system setup NCO Noise Sensing Mic Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6

  8. A sensing microphone for each individual zone Internal routing to local zones Routing via system busto other amplifiers Microphone supervision AVC AVC system setup NCO Noise Sensing Mic Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6

  9. Equipment configuration Select: <Microphone> Select: <AVC> Select: <Phantom supply> Select: Supervision <On> AVC AVC configuration • Zone and amplifier • Select: Zone • Enable AVC • Select: Select an input • Select: Select Call margin • Range: 0 – 24 dB • Select: Release time • Range: 0 – 10 Sec. • Select AVC range • Range: 0 – 20 dB

  10. Audio processing Start AVC calibration 15 sec wobble tone 15 sec silent AVC AVC configuration • Displayed: Available range in dB

  11. 10 100 5 20 10 80 60 Time AVC S/N SPL (dB) Call level Noise level

  12. 10 100 10 10 90 10 80 70 AVC Call level SPL (dB) AVC Range 30dB S/N Noise level Time Praesideo AVC specs: • AVC Range : 0 - 20 dB

  13. 9 10 100 10 10 90 15 80 70 AVC Call level SPL (dB) AVC Range 20dB S/N Noise level Time Praesideo AVC specs: • AVC Range : 0 - 20 dB

  14. 0 100 5 10 SPL (dB) 10 90 80 70 AVC Call level S/N AVC Range 20dB 10 Noise level Time Praesideo AVC specs: • AVC Range : 0 - 20 dB

  15. AVC AVC settings: • AVC range • Call margin

  16. 100 SPL (dB) 0 90 0 0 80 0 70 Time AVC Call level Call Margin 0dB AVC Range 20dB S/N Noise level Praesideo AVC specs: • AVC Range : 0 - 24 dB • Call Margin : 0 - 24 dB

  17. 6 100 SPL (dB) 6 90 6 80 6 70 AVC Call level Call Margin 6dB S/N AVC Range 20dB Noise level Time Praesideo AVC specs: • AVC Range : 0 - 20 dB • Call Margin : 0 - 24 dB

  18. 12 100 12 SPL (dB) 12 90 12 80 70 AVC Call level Call Margin 12 dB S/N AVC Range 20dB Noise level Time Praesideo AVC specs: • AVC Range : 0 - 20 dB • Call Margin : 0 - 24 dB

  19. 12 100 12 SPL (dB) 12 90 12 80 70 AVC Call level Call Margin 12 dB S/N AVC Range 20dB Noise level Time Praesideo AVC specs: • AVC Range : 0 - 20 dB • Call Margin : 0 - 24 dB

  20. AVC AVC settings: • AVC range • Call margin • Release time (+ response time)

  21. dB dB 10 10 Time Time Time AVC Noise level Call level Response time 50% / 4 sec. Release time Call

  22. dB dB 10 10 Time Time Time AVC Noise level Call level Call

  23. dB dB 10 10 Time Time Time AVC Noise level Call level Call

  24. AVC System design for AVC: • Loudspeaker design must be right • System design must be right; enough amp power

  25. AVC System design for AVC: • Loudspeaker design must be right • System design must be right; enough amp power • Sensing microphones on the right place • use a omni-directional microphone • Select a microphone with a high sensitivity (10-20 mV/Pa)

  26. AVC Microphone position: Not next to an AC Not close to an air outlet

  27. AVC Microphone position: Not close to the loudspeakers

  28. AVC Microphone position: Not close to the audience

  29. AVC Microphone position: Not close to noisy machines

  30. AVC

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