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President Ronald Reagan. January 20, 1981 January 20, 1989. Created & edited by Steve Armstrong SHS, 1994-2006. Rise of Christian conservatism and the Moral Majority. Jerry Falwell, founder Demanded that the Supreme Court reverse its decisions on school prayer and abortion
President Ronald Reagan January 20, 1981 January 20, 1989 Created & edited by Steve Armstrong SHS, 1994-2006
Rise of Christian conservatism and the Moral Majority • Jerry Falwell, founder • Demanded that the Supreme Court reverse its decisions on school prayer and abortion • Agitated by the sexual revolution • Promoted “family values”
Fight against ERA • Phyllis Schlafly and her organization fought against ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment • ERA defeated in Illinois in 1979
New conservative agenda • Conservatives blamed 20-years of liberals in Congress for large budget deficits • Californians passed Proposition 13, an initiative to freeze property taxes • Conservatives blamed liberals for the 1970s period of stagflation • Conservatives in England elected Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister (1979)
1980 Election Campaign • Ronald Reagan, former governor of California was nominated for president • Reagan pushed a conservative agenda • Reagan criticized welfare, affirmative action programs and high taxes
George Bush ran as well • Former CIA Director and Ambassador to China sought the Republican nomination, too • Bush called Reagan’s economic program voodoo economics
Democrats were divided • Senator Ted Kennedy sought the nomination • Kennedy’s DUI which resulted in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne haunted his try for the presidency • The Chappaquiddick incident
Independent Party • John Anderson ran as a third party candidate
Libertarian Party • Ed Clark ran as the Libertarian candidate • Promised to reduce the size of government and significantly cut taxes
Reagan’s victory • Republicans won in traditional Democratic areas • Reagan’s coalition included Jews, some Blacks, anti-government crusaders • Reagan’s public speaking ability eased Americans
Reaganomics • Reagan strived to reduce taxes, particularly reducing the highest tax bracket • Tax Reform Act of 1985 reduced brackets from 70% to 28% • Argued that Americans should be free of strict government regulation
Criticism of Reaganomics • Critics said that Reagan’s “trickle-down” theory benefited only the wealthy
Reagan survived • Reagan’s humor after the incident relieved Americans • Reagan quipped, “Are any of you doctors Republicans?” • He said to his wife, “Nancy, I forgot to duck!”
Air traffic controller strike • Reagan fired members of the Air Traffic Controllers Union (PATCO), who went out on strike • Some businesses pushed for non-union workers
Reaganomics in practice • Factors such as a rising stock market, deindustrialization in the USA, outsourcing, led to a decline in the standard of living for some Americans • “Greed is healthy” said Wall Street financier Ivan Boesky • Yuppies -> Young urban professionals earned higher incomes
Downside of Reaganomics • Increased defense spending created large federal deficits • National debt expanded • Federal government bailed out failed Savings & Loans and other banks • National debt = $3 trillion, by 1988
Reagan’s Civil Rights • Reagan nominated Sandra Day O’Conner as the first woman on the Supreme Court • Reagan cut back on some Great Society programs • Reagan did not push the religious right’s agenda: abortion remained legal, etc.
Reagan sought reelection • Reagan was easily renominated for another term • Questions about his age were mentioned, but did not diminish his ability to campaign
Fuel leak causes accident • A broken o-ring seal caused the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger
Reagan’s foreign policy • Reagan was determined to reverse the “Vietnam syndrome” • Reagan sent troops to Grenada to oust a pro-Cuban government • The invasion lasted only a few days with only 19 Ameican deaths