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Some Typical Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Advanced Networking Course Mehdi Sadri Jamshid Esmaeilnejad Spring 2012. Classification. Zone Based Hierarchical Routing Protocols. Zone Based Hierarchical Routing Protocols. The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP)
Some Typical Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Advanced Networking Course Mehdi Sadri Jamshid Esmaeilnejad Spring 2012
Zone Based Hierarchical Routing Protocols The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) The Hybrid Ad hoc Routing Protocol (HARP) The Zone-based Hierarchical Link State Routing (ZHLS)
The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) The First hybrid routing protocol. HRP motivations: Reduce control overhead of proactive routing protocols Decrease latency caused by route search operations in reactive approaches
The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) Partitioning into zones.... Network is divided into routing zones. Given node N: nodes within hop distance at most d => N's routing zone. Peripheral nodes: nodes which are exactly d hops away from N.
The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) Routing ... Different routing approaches are exploited. Inter-zone : Inter-zone Routing Protocol (IERP) Intra-zone : Intra-zone Routing Protocol (IARP)
The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) Routing Example ...
The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) Routing Example ...
The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) Routing Example ...
The Hybrid Ad hoc Routing Protocol (HARP) Similar to ZRP : different routing approaches use in different levels of zone hierarchy (Intra and Inter zone routing). Similar to ZRP : Intra-zone routing : existing proactive scheme Inter-zone routing : existing reactive scheme
The Hybrid Ad hoc Routing Protocol (HARP) Distributed Dynamic Routing (DDR) Nodes periodically exchange topology messages. A forest is constructed from the network topology in a distributed way. Each tree in the forest becomes a zone.
The Hybrid Ad hoc Routing Protocol (HARP) Gateway nodes ... Nodes which are in different zones but are within the direct transmission range are defined as gateway nodes.
The Hybrid Ad hoc Routing Protocol (HARP) Distributed Dynamic Routing (DDR)
The Zone-based Hierarchical Link State routing (ZHLS) Another hybrid routing protocol Nodes are assumed to know their physical location with assistance from a location system like GPS Network is partitioned into non-overlapping zones based on geographical information.
The Zone-based Hierarchical Link State routing (ZHLS) Hierarchical addressing structure which contains node ID and zone ID Two-level network topology node level : node level LSP (broadcasted in each zone) zone level : zone level LSP (broadcasted by zone gateways when a virtual link is broken or created)
The Zone-based Hierarchical Link State routing (ZHLS) Routing ... A wants to send a packet to B. if B is in the same zone, A knows B if not, the gateways of A's zone ask neighbors. Each node which receives a location request checks its intra-zone routing table and returns the address or forwards to other neighbors.
The Zone-based Hierarchical Link State routing (ZHLS) Routing (Example)
Cluster-based routing protocols • The Clusterhead Gateway Switch Routing (CGSR) • The Hierarchical State Routing • Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) • Comparison of cluster based hierarchical routing protocols presented
Clusterhead Gateway Switch Routing (CGSR) • CGSR is a hierarchical routing protocol. • Cluster Structure • Provides Effective Membership and Traffic Management. • Performance Improvement • Similar Proactive routing mechanism as DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) is a table-driven routing scheme for ad hoc mobile networks based on the Bellman-Ford algorithm.) Routing Information Collection, Update and Distribution + Cluster Construction and Cluster Head Selection
CGSR (cont.) • Mobile nodes are aggregated into clusters. • A clusterhead is elected for each cluster. • Gateway nodes are responsible for communication between two or more clusterhead. • Nodes maintain a cluster member table that maps each node to its respective clusterhead.
CGSR (cont.) • A node broadcasts its cluster member table periodically. • After receiving broadcasts from other nodes, a node updates its cluster member table. • Each node maintains a routing table that determines the next hop to reach other clusters. • Dynamic Network • Performance Degradation • Frequent elections of a Clusterhead. • Least Cluster Change (LCC) algorithm • Two clusterheads merging into one. • A node being out of the coverage of all current clusters.
CGSR (cont.) • Forwarding a Packet • Node first checks both its cluster member table and routing table. • Tries to find the nearest clusterhead along the routing path.
The Hierarchical State Routing (HSR) • A multi-level cluster-based hierarchical routing protocol. • The clusterheads of low level clusters again organize themselves into upper level clusters, and so on.
HSR (cont.) • Inside a cluster, nodes broadcast their link state information to all others. • The clusterhead summarizes link state information of its cluster and sends the information to its neighboring clusterheads. • Nodes in upper level hierarchical clusters flood the network topology information they have obtained to the nodes in the lower level clusters. • A hierarchical address is assigned to every node. Hierarchical address reflects the network topology and provides enough information for packet deliveries in the network.
HSR (cont.) • Nodes are also partitioned into logical subnetworks corresponding to different user groups. • Each node has a logical address in the form of <subnet, host>. • For each subnetwork, there is a location management server (LMS) which records the logical addresses of all nodes in the subnetwork. • LMSs advertise their hierarchical addresses to the top level of hierarchical clusters. • The routing information,which contains LMSs’ hierarchical addresses, is sent down to all LMSs.
HSR (cont.) • Source node only knows the logical address of the destination node. • The source node first checks its LMS and tries to find the hierarchical address of the destination’s LMS. • The source sends the packet to the destination’s LMS. • The destination’s LMS forwards the packet to the destination. • Once the source knows the hierarchical address of the destination, it sends packets directly to the destination without consulting LMSs.
HSR (cont.) In HSR, logical addresses reflect the group property of mobile nodes and hierarchical addresses reflect their physical locations. Combining these addressing schemes can improve adaptability of the routing algorithm.
Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) The clustering algorithm is performed when a node joins the network. • Node is "undecided" When joins • Sets a timer and broadcasts a Hello message. • A clusterhead receives the Hello message. • Replies with a triggered Hello message. • The “undecided” node changes its state to "member" state. • If the “undecided” node does not receive a message from a clusterhead before the local timer generates a timeout, it makes itself a clusterhead.
CBRP (cont.) • In CBRP, every node maintains a neighbor table in which it stores the information about link states (uni-directional or bi-directional) and the state of its neighbors. • A clusterhead keeps information of its neighboring clusters, which includes the clusterheads of neighboring clusters and gateway nodes connecting it to neighboring clusters.
Comparison of cluster based hierarchical routing protocols presented Different clustering algorithms Different clusterhead election algorithms HSR: • Hierarchical addressing is used and the network may have a recursive multi-level cluster structure. • A location management mechanism is used to map the logical address to the physical address. CGSR: • Every node keeps routing information for other nodes in both the cluster member table and the routing table. CBRP: • A clusterhead maintains information about its members and its neighboring clusterheads. • Exploits the source routing scheme and the addresses of clusterheads along a route are recorded in the data packets.
Landmark Ad hoc Routing (LANMAR) • A modification Fisheye State Routing (FSR) • Aims to get better scalability • Belongs to non-uniform category
Landmark Ad hoc Routing (LANMAR) • Nodes are divided into logical predefined subsets : w.r.t. moving patterns • Nodes in one subset are prone to move as a group • One node becomes Landmark of the subset and is responsible to keep track of the subset
Landmark Ad hoc Routing (LANMAR) Routing ... • Each node maintains : • topology information of its neighbors • all the landmark nodes • Similar to FSR, periodically nodes exchange: • Topology information to neighbors • the distance vector of landmark nodes
Landmark Ad hoc Routing (LANMAR) Routing ... • Source wants to send message to destination • if it is in the same subnet its address exists in source routing table • if not, • dest. subnet is identified from dest. address • message is forwarded toward dest. landmark uysing the distance vector.
Landmark Ad hoc Routing (LANMAR) Snapshot ...
The Core-Extraction Distributed Ad Hoc Routing (CEDAR) • Another non-uniform routing protocol • A subset of nodes are identified as core nodes • A distributed algorithm to select core nodes • The number of core nodes is kept small
The Core-Extraction Distributed Ad Hoc Routing (CEDAR) • Choosing core nodes : guarantees • each node must be adjacent to at least one core node => this core becomes its dominator • each core node is at least 3 hops away from another core node • Neighboring nodes periodically exchange link state information to choose the cores • Every core node determines paths to core node nearby using localized broadcasts
The Core-Extraction Distributed Ad Hoc Routing (CEDAR) Link state information propagation ... • It is done only between core nodes • Propagation distance is a function of link stability and bandwidth • Result : Core nodes know • local link state information • the state of stable and high bandwidth nodes far away
The Core-Extraction Distributed Ad Hoc Routing (CEDAR) Routing ... • S wants to send packet to D • S informs its dominator (SD) • SD finds a route in core network to D's dominator (DD) - DSR like discovery process • Core nodes involved in the path build a route from S to D
The Optimized Link State Routing protocol (OLSR) • Proactive & Table-driven • Link State Routing • Each node expands a spanning tree • Each node can obtain the whole network topology • Utilizes a technique to reduce message flooding • MultiPoint Relaying (MPR)
OLSR (cont.) • Each node periodically floods status of its links. • Each node re-broadcasts link state information received from its neighbors. • Each node keeps track of link state information received from other nodes. • Each node uses above information to determine next hop to each destination. • Only selected neighbors (MultiPoint Relays, MPRs) retransmit messages • Select MPRs such that they cover all 2-hop neighbors • 2-hop neighbors taken from neighbors' HELLO messages
Comparison of CEDAR, OLSR and LANMAR • In a core-node based routing protocol, the core-node extraction method is a key component. • CEDAR,OLSR and LANMAR apply totally different approaches for core node extraction purpose. • In LANMAR, the landmark nodes are application related and pre-defined according to their mobility pattern. • In CEDAR, a minimal (or nearly minimal) set of core nodes is selected to cover the network according to a certain optimization algorithm. • A node selects its MPR independently in OLSR.
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