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U 9 Taking a Medical Hx

U 9 Taking a Medical Hx. Taking a History/Interview. 90% of a diagnosis can come from a good medical history/interview. Be aware of…. Culture Gender/race Language barriers White coat syndrome. Culture. The spouse/partner of the patient does all the talking. Culture.

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U 9 Taking a Medical Hx

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  1. U 9 Taking a Medical Hx

  2. Taking a History/Interview • 90% of a diagnosis can come from a good medical history/interview.

  3. Be aware of….. • Culture • Gender/race • Language barriers • White coat syndrome

  4. Culture • The spouse/partner of the patient does all the talking.

  5. Culture • Spouse of patient does all the talking • Different medical practice…acupuncture and herbs

  6. Gender/Race • Pt may not be comfortable with opposite sex, or from a different race/nationality.

  7. Gender/Race • Pt may not be comfortable with opposite sex, or from a different race/nationality • Pt may not be comfortable with sexual orientation

  8. Language Barriers • Hard to get information when you can not communicate . • ESL’s

  9. White Coat Syndrome • Some people are afraid of healthcare workers, this fear changes the response to questions, test and procedures.

  10. Components of a Medical Hx • Past medical hx

  11. Components of a Medical Hx • Past medical hx • Family medical hx

  12. Components of a Medical Hx • Past medical hx • Family medical hx • ROS-review of systems-usually done by the doctor

  13. Components of a Medical Hx • Past medical hx • Family medical hx • ROS-review of systems • Current CC—chief complaint

  14. What not to write in a pts chart. She has had no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night.

  15. What not to write in a pts chart. Patient was released to outpatient department without dressing. I have suggested that he loosen his pants before standing, and then, when he stands with the help of his wife, they should fall to the floor.

  16. What not to write in a pts chart. Discharge status: Alive but without permission.

  17. What not to write in a pts chart. Healthy appearing decrepit 69 year-old male, mentally alert but forgetful. The patient refused an autopsy. The patient has no past history of suicides.

  18. Past medical hx • SHIMS

  19. Past medical hx • SHIMS • Surgeries- any operations or procedures in the last 5 years?

  20. Past medical hx • SHIMS • Surgeries • Hospitalizations- have ever been in the hospital for any reason in the last 5 years

  21. Past medical hx • SHIMS • Surgeries • Hospitalizations • Injuries- any broken bones, cuts etc…

  22. Past medical hx • SHIMS • Surgeries • Hospitalizations • Injuries • Medications- are you on any medication • (includes asa, or other over the counter meds, also includes…….

  23. Past medical hx • SHIMS • Surgeries • Hospitalizations • Injuries • Medications • Sickness- flu, colds etc… in the last year

  24. What not to write in a pts chart. The patient’s past medical history has been remarkably insignificant with only a 40 pound weight gain in the past three days. • The patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch. • Between you and me, we ought to be able to get this lady pregnant. • The patient was in his usual state of good health until his airplane ran out of gas and crashed.

  25. Family History • Are parents still alive?—if not, what did they die from?

  26. Family History • Are parents still alive?—if not what did they die from? • Any history of the following in the pts family- (family includes parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters)

  27. Family History • Are parents still alive?—if not what did they die from? • Any history of the following in the family • Heart disease-any form • Diabetes-type 1 or 2 • Cancer-any form • Liver disease • Mental disorders

  28. ROS-Review of Systems • Usually a check off sheet, filled out by the pt about their current health status.

  29. What not to write in a pts chart. • Since she can't get pregnant with her husband, I thought you would like to work her up. • She is numb from her toes down. • The skin was moist and dry.

  30. What not to write in a pts chart. • Coming from Detroit, this man has no children. • Patient was alert and unresponsive. • When she fainted, her eyes rolled around the room. • While in the ER, she was examined, X-rated and sent home.

  31. CC-Chief Complaint • CC- Why they are seeing the doctor today. Head ache, do not feel good, pain, bleeding etc…….

  32. CC Components • OPPQRST

  33. CC Components • OPPQRST • O-onset of s+s

  34. CC Components • OPPQRST • P-palliative- any thing that make it better

  35. CC Components • OPPQRST • P-Provocative- any thing that makes it worse

  36. CC Components • OPPQRST • Q-Quality- if there is pain what does it feel like—i.e. stabbing, burning, pinching, dull, sharp etc….

  37. CC Components • OPPQRTS • R- Radiation- does the pain or discomfort radiate/travel to other areas of the body, down the leg, up the back etc…

  38. CC Components • OPPQRST • S- severity- how bad does it hurt—pain scale 1-10. 1 being very little pain, and 10 being child birth/kidney stone type of pain

  39. CC Components • OPPQRST • T- timing- when does/did the cc happen? All the time , tid, qid, mornings, night etc…

  40. Progress Notes • SOAPE

  41. Progress Notes • S-subjective- why they are in the office

  42. Progress Notes • S-subjective- why they are in the office • O-objective-procedures, tests, exam results

  43. Progress Notes • S-subjective- why they are in the office • O-objective-procedures, tests, exam results • A-assessment/dx of the problem

  44. Progress Notes • S-subjective- why they are in the office • O-objective-procedures, tests, exam results • A-assessment/dx of the problem • P-plan- what is the plan for care

  45. Progress Notes • S-subjective- why they are in the office • O-objective-procedures, tests, exam results • A-assessment/dx of the problem • P-plan- what is the plan for care • E- evaluation of pts understanding

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