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As always, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. 6:30 pm Upstairs at the Hong Kong Harvard Square Cambridge, MA. Participant Guide. A NOTE FROM THE FOUNDER:
As always, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. 6:30 pm Upstairs at the Hong Kong Harvard Square Cambridge, MA Participant Guide A NOTE FROM THE FOUNDER: The mass.ave’.a.thon was originally an accident. One fall night in 1986, a few money conscious college students decided to save on cab and bus fare and to walk home from Cambridge to Boston after an early, unplanned departure from the Hong Kong. In unfamiliar territory, the original “MassAveAThon”ers decided that there was no better way for the territory to become familiar than for the group to visit each of the pubs, taverns, common houses, clubs, lounges, victualers, and barrooms of the Cambridge stretch of Massachusetts Avenue. Your participation tonight is an honor to those original pioneers who were the first to experience what is now the tradition of… the mass.ave’.a.thon. But on a more serious note, folks….Please be respectful of others. Please be careful. And most of all, have fun!. Thanks in advance for your best behavior, and thanks for coming to the event! Helpful Hint #1 Try folding this in thirds. It will actually look like a brochure and you can fit it in your pocket easier and YOU WON’T LOOK SO MUCH LIKE A DAMN TOURIST. How To Use This Guide 1.Look for answers to your questions here before you ask a Mission Controller. Frequently Asked Questions are frequently answered in here! 2.Use it to help contact mass.ave’.a.thon Mission Control long after this years event. Inside, note email and web addresses that can help you get info and get the goods (like t-shirts). 3.Use it as a map. This is also a road map and a list of possible establishments that you may want to visit. visit us on the web @: www.geocities.com/massaveathon email us @: mass_ave_a_thon@hotmail.com
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1.Shipping Labels/Names Tags – where do I get one and what is it for? Shipping labels are for you to fill out so that Mission Control members know where to send you when you turn into luggage. In past years we had ‘em. Now we make ‘em available on the web. 2.Do we go in all pubs? Maybe. If there are lots of us, then we do not fit in all pubs. If there are fewer of us, the more places that we fit into. Some years, Mission Control is ahead of the main group and will try to arrange for us enter pubs without having to pay a cover. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. So, relax and play it by ear. 3.How long do we stay in each place? Answer: How thirsty are you? (15-30 minutes if you want any chance to get to Kenmore Square.) 4.What level of good sportsmanship should I exhibit? Fighting is an automatic 5 year suspension. That is because we have a great record as a group, and that is what lets us back into places the next year. Don’t be a lunkhead and spoil it for everyone. Also, remember that you are HAVING FUN WITH people, you are not COMPETING against them. So take the time to introduce yourselves to others in the group. Make some friends. 4.Don’t litter, especially this guide. It really looks bad if we dump on the turf that we are visiting. 7.Safety First! One last “good-sport” tip: remember that no one is keeping score on volume consumption. Think of this as more of a “distance” thing and we all do just fine. 8.TSHIRTS – what should I know? LIMITED EDITION mass.ave’.a.thon tshirts have been available in the past. Baseball hats were as well. Send an email to Mission Control if you are interested – there jsust might be some stock sitting around in the cave. Some people may already be wearing vintage models if you want a close look. Check ‘em out! Where We Plan To Go -- Every year this changes. From the Hong Kong, turn right out of the door. You are now heading in a southeasterly direction heading down Massachusetts Avenue towards the Charles River. The west side of Mass Ave is on your RIGHT, and the east side of Mass Ave is on your LEFT. The group makes its way down Mass Ave, across the bridge into Boston, then continues a short way down Mass Ave. A short way into Boston, we depart from Mass Ave as there are no establishments within a reasonable walk south of Huntington Ave. This year, we use Boylston and Ipswich to get west toward Kenmore. We also visit the Fenway neighborhood for the first time on the way to Kenmore Square. Use the numbers to guide you. Think of this as one big “connect the dots” exercise and you’ll do fine! NOTE: Don’t whine if you find a place not listed. Be brave; explore on your own.