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Oscar González Soto ITU Consultant Expert Strategic Planning and Assessment

ITU / BDT Regional Network Planning Workshop with Tool Case Studies for the Arab Region Cairo - Egypt, 16– 27 July 2006 Network Architectures for Planning and Technological alternatives. NGN: What and How. Oscar González Soto ITU Consultant Expert Strategic Planning and Assessment.

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Oscar González Soto ITU Consultant Expert Strategic Planning and Assessment

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  1. ITU / BDT Regional Network Planning Workshop with Tool Case Studies for the Arab Region Cairo - Egypt, 16– 27 July 2006 Network Architectures for Planning and Technological alternatives. NGN: What and How Oscar González Soto ITU Consultant Expert Strategic Planning and Assessment ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  2. Network Architectures and NGNContent • Modeling of the network by layers and segments for planning • purposes • Technology solutions for Access and Core architectures • NGN: What and how ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  3. Network Architectures and NGNNetwork Modeling • High complexity of the whole Network requires a modeling and splitting in subnetworks to facilitate analysis and design. • By Layers in a vertical dimension following the client-server relation (one layer is supported in the layer below and provides resources for the layer up). Physical, Transmission, Switching, etc. • By Segments or splitting of the end to end communication into subareas as customer premises, access, core national, core international • By Technologies or underlying technique as PDH, SDH, PSTN, ATM, IP, NGN, GSM, 3G, WiMAX, etc..... • Network Planning follows the same splitting or partitioning to allow treatment of the problems and adaptation to associated ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  4. Meshed (direct connection among nodes) • Fully (for all network nodes) • Partial (with limited connectivity) • Ring • Single, Multiple, Folded • Star • Tree • Linear • Combined Network Architectures and NGN Topologies ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  5. <40 km mean value ~1,7 km mean value ~300 m Typical Access Network structure: (classical) (50 % <1,2km, 90 % <3,7 km) (50 % <200 m, 90 % <500 m) branching cables SDF drop line . . . . SDF . . main cable FDF . . SDF NTBA MDF ISDN basic rate FDF RegionalExchange LocalExchange SDF SDF . . MDF Main Distribution Frame FDF Feeder Distribution Frame SDF Subscriber Distribution Frame drop line Network Architectures and NGNAccess Network: Wireline ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  6. Distribution: mean value ~1,7 km Drop: mean value ~300 m branching cables SDF drop line . . . . SDF . . DLC FO SDF NTBA Optical Interface DLC LEX/GW . . drop line LEX Local Exchange GW Gateway MDF Main Distribution Frame DLC Digital Loop Carrier SDF Subscriber Distribution Frame FO Fiber Optic DLC Network Architectures and NGNAccess Network: Wireline Evolution: FTTx Typical Access Network evolution towards BB and Convergence Local: ~40 km ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  7. Transport SDH/ADM IP Border router Point-to- multipoint BAS Mux POC END USER AU-RE POP POI SU-RT Other Networks PSTN/ISDN IP Internet SDH / ATM/ IP 10 BaseT Z SS7 10 BaseT E3 SU-NI AU SU BS Aggregation BS traffic (ATM/SDH) or IP MGW ACCESS EDGE CORE SU: Subscriber Unit SU-RT: Subscriber Unit Outdoor Unit SU-NI: Subscriber Unit Indoor Unit BS: Base Station AU: Access Unit AU-RE: Radio Front-end MGW: Media Gateway Note: The current Network description shows the ATM approach (BAS is needed). A fully IP scenario is also feasible (BAS is not needed) POC: Point of Concentration POP: Point of presence POI: Point of Interconnection BAS: Broadband Access Server Network Architectures and NGNAccess Network: x.WIP ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  8. Analog/Digital broadcasting VoD Coax Access Network TV Controlled IP Network TV Set Top Box FN Internet PSTN TV Head-end CMTS Amplifiers &Taps Voice Circuit Switch FIBER RING (Redundant) PC Cable Modem Gateway IN V5.2 E1 Hub Hub MTA 400 Homes / Fiber Node Network Architectures and NGNAccess Network: HFC MTA: Multimedia Terminal Adapter FN: Fiber Node CMTS: Cable Modem Termination System VoD: Video on Demand IN: Intelligent Network ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  9. Network Architectures and NGNAccess Network: xDSL ISAM MDF TV Set Top Box Copper Local Loop < d km * Controlled IP Network BAS ATM Splitter PC xDSL Modem MDF DSLAM IP mode network PSTN SS7 IN Voice Circuit Switch * Bandwidth/distances per solution ADSL: up to 4/8 Mbps/800 kbps d <= 3/1,5 km ADSL plus: up to4/ 8 Mbps/800 kbps d <= 4.5/2,1 km SHDSL: up to 2.3 Mbps symmetric d <= 1.8 km VDSL: up to 52 Mbps Assym/ 26 Mbps Sym d <= 300m (In all cases, higher distances imply less bitrate following bandwidth shape curve) MDF: Main Distribution Frame DSLAM: Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer IN: Intelligent Network BAS: Broadband Access Server ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  10. Any network Ethernet Regional Ring/Network ISAM Central Office Residential dispersed Business Area ADM ISDN/4xE1/STM-1 PDH DLC STM-1/STM-4 Access Ring POP ISDN/4xE1/STM-1 SDH Hub Business Park SDH DLC Nx2Mb/s (optical or HDSL) STM-1 LL Residential PDH DLC Residential Residential BAM Multitenant Business Business DLC:Digital Loop Carrier Internet Network Architectures and NGNAccess Network : Multiservice Nodes ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  11. 20 km MS P-OLT Splitters 622 Mb/s >> << 155 Mb/s 1490nm 1310nm H-ONT 1550nm V-OLT Network Architectures and NGNAccess Network : FTTU Central Office or Fiber Passive Outside Remote Terminal Distribution Plant FTTU:Fiber to the User ONT: Optical Network Termination OLT: Optical Line Termination ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  12. Scenario A Circuit based Scenario B Packet based Ethernet ptp Multiservice ATM/FR/IP ATM VPN, IP VPN Internet Gbit access IP VPN Managed LAN to LAN connection Dark Fiber Lambda Bandwidth IP GigE,10/100BT Ficon,Escon, ATM/FR IP Routing Fibre Ch.. Optical switching SDH Ethernet DWDM equipment GigE Optical fiber Physical Infrastructure Network Architectures and NGN: Technological alternatives at core ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  13. Network Architectures and NGNMulti-Layering in Transport: Introduction of WDM Services Layer Delivery of services to end users SDH/SONET Layer High-speed protection and restoration Time division multiplexing Time slot grooming ADM ADM ADM ADM DXC ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM Optical Layer WDM fiber OADM OXC Wavelength division multiplexing High-level protection and restoration Dynamic transport reconfiguration WDM fiber OADM WDM fiber WDM WDM OADM OADM for linear links OXC for mesh networks OADM for ring networks ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  14. A multi-service network able to support voice, data and video • A network with a control plane (signaling, control)separated from the transport/switching plane • A network with open interfaces between transport, control and applications • A network using packet technology( IP) to transport of all kind of information • A network with guaranteed QoS for different traffic types and SLAs Network Architectures and NGN: Evolution towards NGN NGN concept ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  15. Network Architectures and NGN: Evolution towards NGN NGN layers Legacy Network Signaling/Service Network Service Layer Legacy Network Media Network Independent Services Control Layer Media Layer Access and Transport Layer Enterprise Customer Remote Offices SOHO Residential Users ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  16. Network Architectures and NGN: Evolution towards NGN NGN : Why • Flexibility for service building and offering • Expectation of cost reductions by sharing infrastructure and • systems • Simplification of O&M, thus lowering OPEX. • Use of open interfaces leads for: • - quick deployment of services and applications • - new services (third parties) ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  17. Network Architectures and NGNModeling issues for NGN and 3G • New models to represent multiservice flows • New dimensioning methods for resources handling multimedia services with QoS • New measurement procedures for aggregated multiservice traffics • New multicriteria dimensioning for 3G and xG combining coverage by frequency, service speed and data traffic capacity • Which procedures to ensure interoperability and end-to-end performance across multiple domains? • Which units to define dimensioning and costing units for interconnection? ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  18. Network Architectures and NGNQoS and Performance Issues • Quality of Service (QoS) domains to be modeled, defined and/or extended for NGN and 3G. Measured in waiting time and/or loss probabilities • Domains for QoS evaluation: • - Service accessibility: capability to access a service • - Connection establishment: Capability to get connection • - Information transfer: Quality of information delivery • - Reliability: Failure probability • - Availability: Probability of system being active • - Survivability: Capability to provide service in abnormal conditions • - Security: Information and systems protection level • - Qualitative: Intelligibility, audibility, visualization ... of information content as derived from user perception (MOS) ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  19. Network Architectures and NGNTraffic flow types for QoS based dimensioning • T1) QoS constant stream: bandwidth transmission at a constant speed with a specified delivery and jitter (ie: video distribution) • T2) QoS variable stream : bandwidth transmission at a variable speed derived from a user information and coding algorithm which requires guaranteed quality and specified jitter (ie: VoIP, Video streaming, audio streaming, etc.) • T3) QoS elastic: bandwidth transmission at a variable speed without jitter restrictions and asynchronous delivery (ie: browsing, file transfer, mail, UMS, etc.) ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  20. Proposal of NGN units in multiservice networks/interfaces for demand/dimensioning/costing : Network Architectures and NGNTraffic units for aggregated flows • Equivalent Sustained Bit Rate (ESBR) or aggregated equivalent rates for same QoS category flows efficiently carried in a common reference busy period (ie. 5 minutes) • Computed as weighted average for the services at QoS category (i) and customer classes (j) at each network element: ∑i ∑j ESBRij ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  21. NMC SCP IN SS7 Mob LEX/TEX NAS Data ATM/IP TDM LEX PCM RSU MUX/DSLAM POTS ISDN HDSL/XDSL Network Architecture and NGN Existing networks and architecture • 5 different network types to handle telecom services • TDM for fixed and mobile networks working in circuit mode with end to end reserved paths • SS7 and IN network working with message switching mode • Data network working with leased lines and packet mode with different and conventional IP protocols ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  22. TRANSIT NETWORK NATIONAL LAYER REGIONAL LAYER LEX LAYER RU LAYER customers LAYER Network Architecture and NGN Existing networks and architecture • Hierarchical topology with 4 to 5 layers, connectivity to the upper next layer and within each layer as a function of economical optimization • Number of nodes as a function of O/D traffic and nodes capacity • Service handling for media, signaling and control at all exchange nodes • Carrier grade quality with well defined QoS criteria and standardized engineering rules ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  23. Network Architecture and NGNArchitecture migration: Topology NMC SCP OSS Services IN SS7 Softswitch Mob Control Distributed Switching Transport/Media LEX/TEX NAS Data ATM/IP Trunkgateway Accessgateway Packet Network IP/MPLS/CAC TDM Other Networks LEX Accessgateway Accessgateway PCM RSU DLC MUX/DSLAM Wirelessgateway DSL POTS ISDN HDSL/XDSL What changes from current scenario towards target network ? ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  24. Concept: Application of 3GPP’s IMS architecture and protocol extensions for fixed networks Key actors: Operators ETSI, TISPAN, VASA, ITU-T Equipment vendors Timeline: ETSI NGN Globalisation Group, with potential launch mid 2004 Rational for mobile networks Deliver person-to-person real-time IP-based multimedia communications Person-to-person, person-to-machine Fully integrate real-time with non-real-time multimedia communications. i.e., live streaming and chat Enable different services and applications to interact Easy user setup of multiple services in a single session, or multiple synchronized sessions Operators have better control of service value chain End-to-end QoS Network Architectures and NGNUnified IMS/TISPAN Model for Mobile and Fixed What is IMS? Why IMS ? ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  25. MRF HSS OSP OMP GGSN SGSN I-BGF AGW MGF A-BGF 3G/2.5G PSTN (C4) PLMN BB Access (SIP) PSTN (C5) Other IP/SIP Network Architectures and NGNSimplified IMS/TISPAN Architecture Third Party Applications Application Server Application Layer Call & Session Control Control Layer Serving-CSCF & PSTN Emulation Proxy-CSCF IBCF AGCF MGCF Media Layer Transport & Access Layer ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  26. Network Architectures and NGNEvolution towards NGN IN SSP RSP RCP Internatinal Core PSTN Class 4 Core DS Data Mux PSTN Class 5 Edge Subscriber unit Multiservice Node Access Customers Smooth migration to NGN Smooth migration to NGN Current end to end architecture ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  27. Network Architectures and NGN: Evolution towards NGN Softswitch Optical NGCR NGER International Core AGW Core Associated TK GW MM Edge Multiservice node Subscriber unit Access Customers Target end to end architecture for NGN ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  28. Network Architecture towards NGNArchitecture Evolution: Topology • Topological changes impact on infrastructure and are slower to implement than technology substitution • Less network nodes and links due to the higher capacity of systems (one order of magnitude). • Same capillarity at access level due to identical customer location • Topological connectivity higher for high capacity nodes and paths for security • High protection level and diversity paths/sources in all high capacity systems, both at functional and physical levels ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  29. Network Architectures and NGN: Cost drivers and trends • Network physical infrastructure as a function of location and density (costs proportion around 70% in the access segment) • Volume of customers per category • Bandwidth demand per origin/destination • Packet processing rates for control related functions • Variety of applications/services and related platforms • Content storage and location within the network • Leasing of physical or communication resources Fundamental importance of economies of scale by volume and convergence at network resources, service platforms and OSS ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  30. Network Architectures and NGN: Cost drivers and trends Cost trends for NGN • Cost reduction in CAPEX due to technological economy of scale by larger capacities • Similar values for costs in the physical civil infrastructure • OPEX in NGN trends to be lower due to the integrated operation and maintenance • Plan higher investments in security/survivability with diversity paths and protection for large capacity systems Check and validate correct cost modelling with fixed and variable components as a function of economy of scale ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

  31. Network Architectures and NGNSummary Remarks • Multiservice flows impose a set of requirements on models and tools for NGN and 3G. • Interoperability and interconnection require special effort to players and planners to ensure end-to-end performance • High number of new technologies and capabilities reinforce the need of solution mapping for each country scenario • Complexity of converged networks require the use of high quality support tools ITU/BDT Network Architectures and NGN - O.G.S.

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