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Learn about USC's resources for the NSF Broader Impacts section, including the Viterbi School of Engineering, JEP, and USC Neighborhood Academic Initiative. Explore examples and a template for success.
Introductions Name? Department? Research Area? Experience with NSF? Plans to apply to NSF?
OVERVIEW: 1) What is the Broader Impacts section and what are the criteria used by NSF? 2) Resources at USC a ) Viterbi School of Engineering -Specific b) JEP c) USC Neighborhood Academic Initiative d) All other 3) Examples 4) Template for success 5) Go over workshop participant ideas
OVERVIEW: 1) What is the Broader Impacts section and what are the criteria used by NSF? 2) Resources at USC a ) Viterbi School of Engineering -Specific b) JEP c) USC Neighborhood Academic Initiative d) All other 3) Examples 4) Template for success 5) Go over workshop participant ideas
NSF BROADER IMPACTS • Absolutely essential section of NSF proposals • Appears as 1/3rd of the Project Summary page as well as between ½ -2 pages in the Project Description • Without this section, your proposal will be tossed out without review. • Ask for money if you need it! Asking for money shows the reviewers you are serious about your plan and they understand that many types of outreach are not FREE.
BROADER IMPACTS The Broader Impacts criterion encompasses the potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes. PAPPG NSF 18-1
POINTS REVIEWERS ARE CHECKING: What is the potential for the proposed activity to: Benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes (BI)? PAPPG NSF 18-1
POINTS REVIEWERS ARE CHECKING (CONT) 2. To what extent do the proposed activities suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts? 3. Is the plan to carry out the activities well-reasoned, well- organized, and based on a sound rationale? Does the plan incorporate a mechanism to assess success? PAPPG NSF 18-1
POINTS REVIEWERS ARE CHECKING (CONT) 4. How well qualified is the individual, team, or organization to conduct the proposed activities? 5. Are there adequate resources available to the PI to carry out the proposed activities? PAPPG NSF 18-1
BROADER IMPACTS May be accomplished through: The research itself Activities directly related to specific research project Activities supported by, but complementary to the project PAPPG NSF 18-1
WHY THE EMPHASIS ON BROADER IMPACTS? Eliminate the barriers between science and the public, initially. What about BI is important to you? What sorts of BI have made an impact on your academic career?
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ENGAGE? -Historical Perspective "The criterion was established to get scientists out of their ivory towers and connect them to society," http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100526/full/465416a.html
BROADER IMPACTS GOALS Full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in STEM Improved STEM education and educator development at any level Increased public scientific literacy and public engagement with science and technology Improved well-being of individuals in society PAPPG NSF 18-1
BROADER IMPACTS GOALS Development of a diverse, globally competitive STEM workforce Increased partnerships between academia, industry, and others Improved national security Increased economic competitiveness of the United States Enhanced infrastructure for research and education
METRICS AND ANALYTICS All of these need metrics and analytics. REWIND and think about how to measure impact.
WHAT IF YOUR BROADER IMPACTS ARE NOT OBVIOUS? If you don’t have obvious broader impacts, you need to create something or use something you are already doing. There are numerous resources at USC already in place to help with Broader Impacts.
WHAT IS NOT CONSIDERED BI? -Activities that are considered part of your job like teaching, dissemination of your work, and mentorship of grad students and postdocs -If you include ANY of these you must go above and beyond the normal expectations
OVERVIEW: 1) What is the Broader Impacts section and what are the criteria used by NSF? 2) Resources at USC a ) Viterbi School of Engineering -Specific b) JEP c) USC Neighborhood Academic Initiative d) All other 3) Examples 4) Template for success 5) Go over workshop participant ideas
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • the research-based component of USC Viterbi’s STEM outreach • experiential learning opportunities in engineering research • focused on under-represented minorities and under-resourced schools • enables students to understand how research benefits society • uses evidence based practices to encourage 21st Century stem skills • shares the broader impacts of faculty work • enhances the connections between research and education https://viterbipk12.usc.edu/broader-impacts/
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Summer High School Intensive in Next-Generation Engineering (SHINE) • Building Opportunities with Teachers in Schools (BOTS) • Southern California Regional Partner of Code.org • STEM Spotlight Series • Robotics Open House • Advisory Boards of Linked Learning Schools & Chamber of Commerce https://viterbipk12.usc.edu/broader-impacts/
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: https://viterbipk12.usc.edu/broader-impacts/
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: https://viterbipk12.usc.edu/broader-impacts/
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Create a BI Track Record • good quality photos, articles • add an outreach tab to your website • Create a specific partnership (< July!) • higher impact • more LOC • Connect to research! • Does partnership evolve over 5 years? • Budget! • Assessment! • Distribution of your BI https://viterbipk12.usc.edu/broader-impacts/
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Create a BI Track Record • good quality photos, articles • add an outreach tab to your website • Create a specific partnership (< July!) • higher impact • more LOC • Connect to research! • Does partnership evolve over 5 years? • Budget! • Assessment! • Distribution of your BI Thankful to Dr. Stacey Finley, USC Viterbi Biomedical Engineering, NSF CAREER Award 2016 http://csbl.usc.edu/ https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1552065
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Create a BI Track Record • good quality photos, articles • add an outreach tab to your website • Create a specific partnership (< July!) • higher impact • more LOC • Connect to research! • Does partnership evolve over 5 years? • Budget! • Assessment! • Distribution of your BI July 19 : CISE July 20: Eng
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Create a BI Track Record • good quality photos, articles • add an outreach tab to your website • Create a specific partnership (< July!) • higher impact • more LOC • Connect to research! • Does partnership evolve over 5 years? • Budget! • Assessment! • Distribution of your BI Prof. Eun Ji Chung https://chunglaboratory.com/nanopeek/ Lab visits, school visit Teacher externship & develop lesson plan Social media, challenge on campus Joint grants
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Create a BI Track Record • good quality photos, articles • add an outreach tab to your website • Create a specific partnership (< July!) • higher impact • more LOC • Connect to research! • Does partnership evolve over 5 years? • Budget! • Assessment! • Distribution of your BI Credit: Prof. Stacey Finley More info on Logic Models: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/programdevelopment/logic-models/
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Create a BI Track Record • good quality photos, articles • add an outreach tab to your website • Create a specific partnership (< July!) • higher impact • more LOC • Connect to research! • Does partnership evolve over 5 years? • Budget! • Assessment! • Distribution of your BI Credit: Prof. Stacey Finley
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Create a BI Track Record • good quality photos, articles • add an outreach tab to your website • Create a specific partnership (< July!) • higher impact • more LOC • Connect to research! • Does partnership evolve over 5 years? • Budget! • Assessment! • Distribution of your BI Credit: Prof. Stacey Finley
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Create a BI Track Record • good quality photos, articles • add an outreach tab to your website • Create a specific partnership (< July!) • higher impact • more LOC • Connect to research! • Does partnership evolve over 5 years? • Budget! • Assessment! • Distribution of your BI https://www.nsf.gov/attachments/108143/public/IM_BI_Handouts.pdf http://www.informalscience.org/evaluation/developing-evaluation-plan https://uoeee.asu.edu/sites/default/files/docs/Plan%20Handbook%202018.pdf https://oerl.sri.com/ http://www.evalu-ate.org/category/webinars/
EXAMPLES OF ENGINEERING BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS: • Create a BI Track Record • good quality photos, articles • add an outreach tab to your website • Create a specific partnership (< July!) • higher impact • more LOC • Connect to research! • Does partnership evolve over 5 years? • Budget! • Assessment! • Distribution of your BI
Joint Educational Project Program Descriptions • Faculty Coursework Partnerships • Young Scientists Program • Wonderkids • Cancer Education Partnership Award Demographics: in %
JEP USC Young Scientists Program • After-school workshops with elementary students based on your research • Teacher Professional development Sessions based on translations of your research into curricular activities • ex. Evolutionary Biology with Dr. Suzanne Edmands →
JEP Wonderkids- STEM Career program focused on specific fields and main concepts of those fields. • BI includes working collaboratively with educators to translate work into curricular activities based in your discipline • execute with undergraduate teaching staff at local schools • For example: • Microscopy, Dermatology, Sustainability, Biomedical Engineering, and so many more since the the fields of STEM are limitless
NAI • Program Description: 6-12th grade all encompassing college prep program for low income youth • Broader Impacts Opportunities: • STEM Saturday Academy • Summer Research Methods Course
National Alliance for Broader Impacts (NABI) broaderimpacts.net
Local and USC-specific Resource List for Broader Impacts: • Communication Science Course (Dr. Parr) • Informal STEM Institutions (Aquarium of the Pacific, Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, Kidspace, California Science Center, Natural History Museum, ADD Art Museum) • Science Cafes and Nerd Nights • Podcasts, TV and Radio • Social Media (Twitter, Youtube, Facebook…)
OVERVIEW: 1) What is the Broader Impacts section and what are the criteria used by NSF? 2) Resources at USC a ) Viterbi School of Engineering -Specific b) JEP c) USC Neighborhood Academic Initiative d) All other 3) Examples 4) Template for success 5) Go over workshop participant ideas
EXAMPLES OF BROADER IMPACTS: • Clean water access in Uganda-coloring and activity book for local village children focusing on research findings • Materials Science-pairing with Women in Science and Engineering to develop K-12 classroom content and learning modules
EXAMPLES OF BROADER IMPACTS: • Biochemist and Fluorophores • Evolutionary Biologist and Early Childhood Education • Development of Museum Exhibits and educational outreach activities to complement exhibit.
OVERVIEW: 1) What is the Broader Impacts section and what are the criteria used by NSF? 2) Resources at USC a ) Viterbi School of Engineering -Specific b) JEP c) USC Neighborhood Academic Initiative d) All other 3) Examples 4) Template for success 5) Go over workshop participant ideas
Template for Success -Put yourself in the place of the reviewers -Reviewer bias is especially strong in the Broader Impacts Section. -Reviewers tend to like BI similar to their own -Try to have three areas of Broader Impact to have something for everyone
OVERVIEW: 1) What is the Broader Impacts section and what are the criteria used by NSF? 2) Resources at USC a ) Viterbi School of Engineering -Specific b) JEP c) USC Neighborhood Academic Initiative d) All other 3) Examples 4) Template for success 5) Go over workshop participant ideas
Participant Ideas -What are you BI plans for your next NSF proposal? -What do you care about? -How will you measure participation and success? -Who is your target audience?
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME Reach out for help early and often! Heidi Smith Parker hkparker@usc.edu DJ Kast dkast@usc.edu Katie Mills kmills@usc.edu