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Future Ready Schools: Crafting Your Vision

Discover the process and tools for creating a future-ready school. Unleash collaborative leadership, personalized student learning, and transform your school. Join a movement towards education innovation.

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Future Ready Schools: Crafting Your Vision

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  1. Future Ready Schools: Creating Your Vision, Crafting Your Plan FETC Concurrent SessionJanuary 26, 20173:20 PM to 4:00 PMOrange County Convention CenterSouth 330E WiFi: OfficialFETC2017PW: education Presented by Ann McMullan @Ann_McMullan @fetc #FETC @FutureReady #FutureReady

  2. Sept. 2013

  3. Learning Strategies for Today’s Session: Listen Think Share Inspire

  4. Sometimes the smartest person in the room…is “THE ROOM”!! None of us is as smart as ALL of US.

  5. Focus for Today’s Session • Why & What of Future Ready • Future Ready Schools Process • Future Ready Schools Dashboard Overview • Leadership and the Seven Gears • Next Steps

  6. What does it mean to be “Future Ready”? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlPL-qb-0W8 Community Consolidated School District 59Arlington Heights, IL

  7. Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. Pablo Picasso A goal without a plan is just a wish. Antoine de Saint-Exupery Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.Japanese Proverb

  8. Nationwide, more than 2,100 school district superintendents have taken the Future Ready District Pledge—a promise to personalize learning for students through a systemic digital transformation

  9. The Future Ready Framework TARGET : Personalized Student Learning “Personalized pathways for student learning through active and collaborative learning activities, which are aligned with standards, chosen through ongoing assessment of students’ progress and preferences, and supported by the use and creation of rich content and robust tools”Characteristics of Future Ready Leadership A Research SynthesisUS Department of Education – Office of Educational Technology https://tech.ed.gov/

  10. The Future Ready Framework ONGOING CYCLE OF TRANSFORMATION : Vision Plan Implement Assess Refine

  11. The Future Ready Framework COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP: A Shared, Forward-Thinking Vision for Digital Learning A Culture of Collaboration, Innovation, Capacity Building, and Empowerment High Expectations for Evidence-Based Transformations to Digital Learning Transformative, Coherent Thinking, Planning, Policies, and Implementation

  12. The Future Ready Framework THE SEVEN GEARS Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Use of Space and Time Robust Infrastructure Data and Privacy Community Partnerships Personalized Professional Learning Budget and Resources

  13. THE FLOW OF THE FUTURE READY PROCESS Peruse the framework Take the digital learning readiness assessments as a leadership team Review the initial report and discuss plans to close any gaps Take the assessments by gear Explore the identified gaps Browse resources and consider the suggested strategies Set goals and build a customized Future Ready Implementation plan Assign responsibilities, meeting times and actions Share, iterate and celebrate!

  14. Getting Started

  15. Let’s Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVAhLJVKDQg

  16. Let’s Explore Together

  17. WiFi: OfficialFETC2017PW: education Let’s Explore Together If you already have an account, use it to log in. If you do not have an account use: UN: sample@Metiri.comPW: sample https://dashboard.futurereadyschools.org/

  18. WiFi: OfficialFETC2017PW: education Let’s Explore Together Select Framework & Resources https://dashboard.futurereadyschools.org/

  19. WiFi: OfficialFETC2017PW: education Let’s Explore Together WORK WITH A PARTNER OR ON YOUR OWN Click on one of the “7 Gears” Read the information Click on the link to the self-assessment for that gear. Make note of one or two “a-ha’s” Be ready to share with the whole group. https://dashboard.futurereadyschools.org/framework

  20. WiFi: OfficialFETC2017PW: education Let’s Explore Together SHARE WHAT YOU LEARNED. What did you learn or discover about the Future Ready Schools Framework? How do you see your school implementing any or all of the seven gears? Other thoughts or comments? https://dashboard.futurereadyschools.org/framework

  21. Beyond the Framework - Collaborating for Success:Future Ready Schools Summits & Workshops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oroq2pPkYRc

  22. ANNOUNCING: FUTURE READY LIBRARIANS As schools seek to become Future Ready, it is necessary to identify and cultivate leadership beyond district and building leaders. School librarians lead, teach and support the Future Ready goals of their school and district in a variety of ways through their professional practice, programs and spaces. If properly prepared and supported, school librarians are well-positioned to be at the leading edge of the digital transformation of learning.

  23. Future Ready Librarian: http://futureready.org/about-the-effort/librarians/

  24. REGISTER HERE http://all4ed.org/webinar-event/feb-14-2017/

  25. What’s next for you? Jot down 3 ideas that you will act on in 2017 to assure that your school or district is Future Ready!

  26. Life Lessons in Leadership: The Way of the WallabyFor Leaders Ages 8 to 88 By Ann McMullan & Michael Barrett www.lifelessonsinleadership.com

  27. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of help. Ann McMullanamcmullan@outlook.com www.annmcmullan.com

  28. WiFi: OfficialFETC2017PW: education Your reflections and feedback are appreciated. Submit your survey responses at www.fetc.orgEvent Showcase / Online Agenda FETC Concurrent Session #C504Future Ready Schools: Creating Your Vision, Crafting Your PlanJanuary 26, 20173:20 PM to 4:00 PMOrange County Convention CenterSouth 330E Presented by Ann McMullan

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