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Enabling the IIHS Vision, Part 2

Explore the vision of Interactive Education content development, linking curriculum with activities & student interaction. Collaboration, assessment, and course delivery enabled. Licensed under Creative Commons. Contact: mura@mit.edu

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Enabling the IIHS Vision, Part 2

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  1. Enabling the IIHS Vision, Part 2 Brandon Muramatsu (with special thanks to Kavita’s GPRS modem) January 2010 1 Unless otherwise specified this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/)

  2. 2 Demos For January 2010 • SpokenMedia • Video/audio transcription, enabling translation • Process and tools • “Access to high-quality learning must be open to all” • Open IIHS Experience • Course/activity design; student interaction • “Make curriculum openly available”

  3. “Goal 3. Work plan to delivery the curriculum by September 2010.”…getting from curriculum and courses to activities and the learner… – Aromar Revi5 January 2010

  4. Our Goals with this Demo • Demonstrate linking content with the curriculum • Provide a vision of how students might interact with content

  5. Open IIHS Interactive Education Content Development and Authoring Content Discovery and Re-use Open IIHS Curricular Activities Collaboration Assessment Open IIHS is a realization of the WHOLE educational infrastructure

  6. Lifecycle Curriculum Course Activity Delivery/Use Assessment

  7. VUE-Contemporary India

  8. Select Sources VUE-Search for content Search Possible Resources

  9. Look at content

  10. Look for recommender resources

  11. VUE-Add Content

  12. VUE-Content added

  13. Magic Occurs……transition from content linked to concept map to a student view…

  14. Process

  15. Student Experience

  16. Student Experience-Add Places

  17. Student Experience-Add Timeline, Context

  18. Annotation and Collaboration

  19. …a possible vision • Engaged with Peer-to-Peer University developing a platform to test the collaboration • Beta platform – January 15 • Course use – February 1, 3.003 at MIT and P2PU courses • Starting a consortium, the Campus Project • Universidad Oberta de Catlunya • Universite de Lyon

  20. Thank You! Brandon Muramatsu, mura@mit.edu ° 20 Unless otherwise specified this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/)

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