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Condor Administrator’s How-to

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Condor Administrator’s How-to

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  1. Condor Administrator’s How-to

  2. Where to Find the Online How-to Collection • Go to http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/ • Click on “Condor Admin How-to Recipes”Currently, that takes you here:http://nmi.cs.wisc.edu/node/1465 Dan, Condor Week 2008

  3. Brief OverviewofSelected Bits Dan, Condor Week 2008

  4. Question • How does Condor decide which job gets to run on an execute machine? Dan, Condor Week 2008

  5. condor_submit schedd (job queue) startd (Job Executor) The Life of a Condor Job central manager (collector + negotiator) central manager 2 central manager 3 (collector + negotiator) job ClassAd flocking machine ClassAd job runs Dan, Condor Week 2008

  6. First Stop: Authorization • User must be authorized to submit to scheddALLOW_WRITE = allow1, allow2, …DENY_WRITE = deny1, deny2, …user@uid_domain/network • By defualt, all authenticated users may submit jobs within trusted networkALLOW_WRITE = */networkHOSTALLOW_WRITE = network (old style) Dan, Condor Week 2008

  7. Next Stop: The Job Queue • MAX_JOBS_RUNNING = 200 • Job priority = integer • orders a user’s jobs • higher priority will run sooner Dan, Condor Week 2008

  8. Authorization of the Schedd to Join Pool • ALLOW_ADVERTISE_SCHEDDDENY_ADVERTISE_SCHEDD • Default: ALLOW/DENY_DAEMON • Default: ALLOW/DENY_WRITE • COLLECTOR_REQUIREMENTS • Default: true Dan, Condor Week 2008

  9. Next Stop: NegotiatorFair Share • User priority Inversely proportional to fair share • Example: two users, 60 batch slots • priority 50 - gets 40 slots • priority 100 - gets 20 slots Dan, Condor Week 2008

  10. Fair Share Dynamics • User priority changes over time • wants to be equal to number of slots in use • Example: • User steadily running 100 jobs: priority 100 • Stops running jobs: • 1 day later: priority 50 • 2 days later: priority 25 • Configure speed of adjustment:PRIORITY_HALFLIFE = 86400 Dan, Condor Week 2008

  11. Modified Fair Share • User Priority Factor • multiplies the “real user priority” • result is called “effective user priority” • Example: condor_userprio -setfactor atlas@hep.wisc.edu 4.0 condor_userprio -setfactor cms@hep.wisc.edu 1.0 • atlas steadily uses 10 slots - effective priority 40 • cms steadily uses 20 slots - effective priority 20 Dan, Condor Week 2008

  12. Reporting Condor Pool Usage % condor_userprio -usage -allusers Last Priority Update: 7/30 09:59 Accumulated Usage Last User Name Usage (hrs) Start Time Usage Time ------------------------------ ----------- ---------------- ---------------- … osg_usatlas1@hep.wisc.edu 599739.09 4/18/2006 14:37 7/30/2007 07:24 jherschleb@lmcg.wisc.edu 799300.91 4/03/2006 12:56 7/30/2007 09:59 szhou@lmcg.wisc.edu 1029384.68 4/03/2006 12:56 7/30/2007 09:59 osg_cmsprod@hep.wisc.edu 2013058.70 4/03/2006 16:54 7/30/2007 09:59 ------------------------------ ----------- ---------------- ---------------- Number of users: 271 8517482.95 4/03/2006 12:56 7/29/2007 10:00 • When upgrading Condor, preserve the central manager’s AccountantLog • Happens automatically if you follow general rule:preserve Condor’s LOCAL_DIR Dan, Condor Week 2008

  13. Matchmaking • Job requirements and machine requirements must both be met • Machine requirements are configured via the START expressionSTART = Owner == "appinstaller" Dan, Condor Week 2008

  14. Adding to Job Requirements APPEND_REQUIREMENTS = MY.Owner != "appinstaller" || TARGET.IsAppInstallerMachine =?= True Dan, Condor Week 2008

  15. Adding Attribute to Machine ClassAd IsAppInstallerMachine = True STARTD_ATTRS = $(STARTD_ATTRS) IsAppInstallerMachine Dan, Condor Week 2008

  16. Choosing Between Matching Machines • NEGOTIATOR_PRE_JOB_RANK • job rank expression • NEGOTIATOR_POST_JOB_RANK • PREEMPTION_RANK Dan, Condor Week 2008

  17. Example NEGOTIATOR_PRE_JOB_RANK = (IsDesktop =!= True && isUndefined(RemoteOwner)) + isUndefined(RemoteOwner) • Most desirable to least: • 2 unclaimed and not a desktop • 1 unclaimed and desktop • 0 claimed Dan, Condor Week 2008

  18. Authorizing Schedd to Claim Startd • ALLOW/DENY_WRITE • It is the schedd which is authorized by the startd, not the user. Dan, Condor Week 2008

  19. Preemption Dan, Condor Week 2008

  20. Machine Rank • Numerical expression: • higher number preempts lower number • user priority is secondary to rank, because higher rank job preempts claim to machine • Example: • CMS gets 1st prio, CDF gets 2nd, others 3rd RANK = 2*(User == “cms@hep.wisc.edu”) + 1*(User == “cdf@hep.wisc.edu”) Dan, Condor Week 2008

  21. Another Rank Example Rank = (Group =?= "LMCG") * (1000 + RushJob) Dan, Condor Week 2008

  22. Note on Scope of Condor Policies • pool-wide scope: example negotiator • user priorities, factors, etc. • preemption policy related to user priority • steering jobs via negotiator job rank • execute machine/slot scope: startd • machine rank, requirements • preemption/suspension policy • customized machine ClassAd values • submit machine scope • queue policy, automatic additions to job requirements, and insertion of arbitrary ClassAd attributes into job • personal scope • environmental configurations: _CONDOR_<config val>=value Dan, Condor Week 2008

  23. Preemption Policy • Should Condor jobs yield to non-condor activity on the machine? • Should some types of jobs never be interrupted? After 4 days? • Should some jobs immediately preempt others? After 30 minutes? • Is suspension more desirable than killing? • Can need for preemption be decreased by steering jobs towards the right machines? Dan, Condor Week 2008

  24. Example Preemption Policy When a claim is preempted, do not allow killing of jobs younger than 4 days old. MaxJobRetirementTime = 3600 * 24 * 4 • Applies to all forms of preemption: • user priority, machine rank, machine activity, graceful shutdown Dan, Condor Week 2008

  25. Another Preemption Policy • Expression can refer to attributes of batch slot and job, so can be highly customized. MaxJobRetirementTime = 3600 * 24 * 4 * (OSG_VO =?= “uscms”) Dan, Condor Week 2008

  26. More Preemption Controls • PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS • controls user-priority based preemption at the level of the negotiator • PREEMPT/SUSPEND • controls preemption by machine activity (e.g. keyboard or cpu activity) • RANK • allows preemption by more desirable jobs Dan, Condor Week 2008

  27. Preemption Policy Pitfall • If you disable all forms of preemption, you probably want to limit lifespan of claims: PREEMPTION_REQUIRMENTS = False PREEMPT = False RANK = 0 CLAIM_WORKLIFE = 3600 • Otherwise, reallocation of resources will not happen until a user runs out of matching jobs. Dan, Condor Week 2008

  28. What Happens to Preempted Jobs? • Back to idle in job queue • NumJobStarts >= 1 • job policy:periodic_hold, periodic_remove • admin policy:SYSTEM_PERIODIC_HOLDSYSTEM_PERIODIC_REMOVE Dan, Condor Week 2008

  29. Back to the Negotiator:Group Accounting Dan, Condor Week 2008

  30. Fair Sharing Between Groups • Useful when: • multiple user ids belong to same group • group’s share of pool is not tied to specific machines # Example group settings GROUP_NAMES = group_physics, group_chemistry GROUP_QUOTA_group_physics = 200 GROUP_QUOTA_group_chemistry = 100 GROUP_AUTOREGROUP = True GROUP_PRIO_FACTOR_group_physics = 10 GROUP_PRIO_FACTOR_group_chemistry = 10 DEFAULT_PRIO_FACTOR = 100 Dan, Condor Week 2008

  31. Setting Group Identity • The job advertises its own group identity: +AccountingGroup = “group_physics.dan” group name group user • Anyone can declare any identity. • This is not the unix/windows identity the job runs as. • It is solely for accounting and prioritization purposes. Dan, Condor Week 2008

  32. Monitoring Usage % condor_userprio -usage -allusers Last Priority Update: 7/30 09:59 Accumulated Usage Last User Name Usage (hrs) Start Time Usage Time ------------------------------ ----------- ---------------- ---------------- … group_physics.atlas@hep.wisc.edu 599739.09 4/18/2006 14:37 7/30/2007 07:24 group_physics.cms@hep.wisc.edu 799300.91 4/03/2006 12:56 7/30/2007 09:59 group_chemistry.han@che.wisc.edu 1029384.68 4/03/2006 12:56 7/30/2007 09:59 group_chemistry.ben@che.wisc.edu 2013058.70 4/03/2006 16:54 7/30/2007 09:59 ------------------------------ ----------- ---------------- ---------------- Number of users: 271 8517482.95 4/03/2006 12:56 7/29/2007 10:00 % condor_userprio -all -allusers Dan, Condor Week 2008

  33. How do groups compete? • Group using least share of its quota gets top priority in matchmaking. Dan, Condor Week 2008

  34. How do user’s within group compete? • Each group user has its own user priority • Fair share between group members determined by the usual user priority mechanism Dan, Condor Week 2008

  35. May Group Exceed its Quota? • Yes, but only ifGROUP_AUTOREGROUP = TrueOR, if undefinedGROUP_AUTOREGROUP_<groupname> = True Dan, Condor Week 2008

  36. When Exceeding Quota, How do Users Compete? • All non-group users plus group users trying to exceed their quota compete for remaining machines. • The user priority of the group user (e.g. “group_physics.dan”) is used to determine fair share. • Can set default priority factor for all members of group:GROUP_PRIO_FACTOR_<groupname> = 10 Dan, Condor Week 2008

  37. The End of the Story Dan, Condor Week 2008

  38. condor_submit schedd (job queue) startd (Job Executor) The Life of a Condor Job central manager (collector + negotiator) central manager 2 central manager 3 (collector + negotiator) job ClassAd flocking machine ClassAd job runs Dan, Condor Week 2008

  39. Extending the Reach • FLOCK_TO = <remote collector> • requires bi-directional connectivity • in Linux, can use GCB to connect private networks • Grid Universe: Globus, Condor-C • condor_glidein • JobRouter Dan, Condor Week 2008

  40. Trivia • What’s the difference?IsHighPrioUser = Owner == “dan” • RANK = IsHighPrioUser • RANK = $(IsHighPrioUser) • case 1 needs:STARTD_ATTRS = IsHighPrioUser Dan, Condor Week 2008

  41. Where to Find the Online How-to Collection • Go to http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/ • Click on “Condor Admin How-to Recipes”Currently, that takes you here:http://nmi.cs.wisc.edu/node/1465 Dan, Condor Week 2008

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