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Z 556 Systems Analysis & Design

Learn the main processes of project management, including decision-making, communication, coordination, and controlling performance, scope, time, and cost.

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Z 556 Systems Analysis & Design

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  1. Z556 Systems Analysis & Design LIS Z556 Session 4

  2. Need Your Input • ILS Orientation LIS Z556

  3. Project Management Basics LIS Z556

  4. PM Main Processes • Decision-making • Communication • Coordination • …all support controlling the: Performance (quality) LIS Z556 Scope Time (schedule) Cost

  5. All Team Members Have Project + Project Management Duties • Project activities focus on producing the deliverable(s) • Project managementactivities focus on control of project: • Decision-making, communication, coordinating, planning, monitoring, assessing, controlling, changing LIS Z556

  6. Project Management Areas http://www.pmi.org/ LIS Z556

  7. Comparison of PM Models’ Phases LIS Z556

  8. PM Phases and Activities • Start (set up) • Define project goals: deliverables, due dates, quality • Plan project: roles & responsibilities, schedules, norms • Do (middle) • Project tasks: interview, analyze, write report, etc • PM tasks: monitor, assess, change • Close out (finish) • Project tasks: deliver report & presentation • Project management tasks: “lessons learned” LIS Z556

  9. PMI Model (2013) LIS Z556 Project Management Institute (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge.

  10. Project Management Process (Performance Knowledge Inc.) People Planning and Proposal Project Evaluation And Wrap-Up Plan Execute Financial Management Work Management LIS Z556 Client Relations Update Measure Communicate Lead Build Team Negotiate Manage Conflict

  11. Project Management Tips • Spend more time (LOTS of time) on defining and planning in the beginning • Spend a lot of time on team process aspects (expectations, rules of behavior, conflict mgt processes, etc.) in the beginning • Do not let problems build up—deal with them • Set a schedule and stick to it • Plan on ending all project activities before final due date • Communicate with the instructor about problems LIS Z556

  12. Scheduling: Network Diagram (Information Gathering Plan/Scheduling) Identify members’ expertise Decide a project Write up the information Gathering plan Identify informants LIS Z556 Interview the client Produce Gant chart or Network diagram Identify observation occasions Estimate timeline Identify documents

  13. Scheduling: Network Diagram (Sales Promotion Tracking System) User documentation Installation Screen design 5 8 2 Requirements collection Database design 4 LIS Z556 1 6 7 3 Programming Testing Report design

  14. Scheduling: Sequence of Activities (Sales Promotion Tracking System) LIS Z556

  15. Scheduling: Gantt Chart(Sales Promotion Tracking System) LIS Z556

  16. Getting the Data LIS Z556

  17. Agile Software Development (Williams, 2012) • Original 12 principles were developed in 2001 • Surveys conducted in 2010 (326 + 93 respondents) • overwhelming support for the original principles • Suggested revisions • Importance of face-to-face communication LIS Z556

  18. 10 Key Principles of Agile (Waters, 2007) 20 Active user involvement is imperative The team must be empowered to make decisions Requirements evolve but the timescale is fixed Capture requirements at a high level; lightweight & visual Develop small, incremental releases and iterate Focus on frequent delivery of products Complete each feature before moving on to the next Apply the 80/20 rule Testing is integrated throughout the project lifecycle—test early and often A collaborative & cooperative approach between all stakeholders is essential http://www.allaboutagile.com/what-is-agile-10-key-principles/

  19. Determining System Requirements (Valacich, et al., 2012) LIS Z556

  20. Determining System Requirements (Valacich, et al., 2012) LIS Z556

  21. Traditional Methods of Collecting System Requirements (Table 5-2, p. 126, Valacich, et al., 2012) • Interviews with individuals • Observations of workers • Document reviews • Your own experience (see Block, Ch13) • [Questionnaires] LIS Z556

  22. Interviews • May want to use an interview guide: • Figure 5-2, p. 128, Valacich, et al., 2012 • Use an interview as a joint learning event • Be personal (contextualized) –it’s helpful to conduct observations first LIS Z556 General specific

  23. Interviews (cont.) • Guidelines for effective interviewing (Table 5-3, p. 127, Valacich, et al., 2012) • Type your notes within 48 hours 24 hours • May want to send the notes back to the interviewee (member checking) • Thank the person • Obtain a variety of perspectives LIS Z556

  24. Interviews—Layers • Level 1: What is the technical or business problem that you are experiencing? • Level 2: What are other individuals in the org doing to either cause or maintain this problem? • Level 3: What is your role in the problem? LIS Z556

  25. Questionnaires • Choosing questionnaire respondents • Convenient sampling • Random sampling • Purposeful sampling • Stratified sampling • Designing questionnaires • Reduce ambiguity (c.f., example on the Q about backup) LIS Z556

  26. Interviews & Questionnaires Fill out the chart below LIS Z556

  27. Observation • Remember “Contextual Inquiry?” • 4 Principles of Contextual Inquiry: • Context • Partnership • Interpretation • Focus LIS Z556

  28. Document Reviews • Useful documents: • A written work procedure (a ka. Job Aid) • May find needs for reorganization • A formal system vs. an information system (c.f., work-to-order strike in France) • A business form (c.f., artifact model) • A report generated by current systems • Documents that describe the current information systems LIS Z556

  29. Modern Methods for Determining System Requirements • JAD: Join Application Design (see Figure 5-6, p. 138, Valacich, et al., 2009) • What’s the pros and cons of JAD? • Prototyping • Business process reengineering (BPR) LIS Z556

  30. Project Team Formation • You have three chances to choose a project • Rules: • You can stay in the same project for all the three times, if you’d like • The person who wrote the project will clarify questions about the project • The third time is the final round (i.e., your group) • Discuss everyone’s schedule LIS Z556

  31. Topics to Discuss as a Group • Process • Regular meeting schedule • Group norms • Conflict resolution • Project • Project objectives (Team assignment: Info gathering plan & scheduling due next week) • Deliverables • Constrains • Boundaries/scope • Milestones • Schedule LIS Z556

  32. Tools for Group Work • Oncourse • Group Spaces; discussion forum • Project wiki page • E.g., http://pbworks.com/ • Box @ IU (https://kb.iu.edu/d/bccq) • Team Project Assignment Draft #1 due in the next week – project scheduling/info gathering • MS Project(Wells Library IC, https://iuanyware.iu.edu/vpn/index.html ) • Open Project (https://www.openproject.org/) • Tom’s planner (https://www.tomsplanner.com/) • Gantt Project (http://www.ganttproject.biz/) • MS Excel LIS Z556

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