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Unlocking the Potential of Bioinformatics in Genetic Analysis

Discover how bioinformatics relies on gene sequences to determine biological function, leading to the prediction of protein structures and functions. Explore the history, methods, and applications of bioinformatics in genomics and proteomics.

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Unlocking the Potential of Bioinformatics in Genetic Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BIOINFORMATICS OVERVIEW Premise of Bioinformatics Gene sequences determine biological function genomic DNA  Amino Acid  Proteins  Function Similar composition  similar Function? DNA sequences Amino Acid sequences protein 3D structure Predicting protein function Designer drugs Personalized treatments Bioinformatics Determining protein function Hard way=biological/chemical analysis; 3D structure with xray crystallography, NMR Easy way=sequence protein/DNA  find clise match in DB; guess fctn; validate in lab Bioinformatics is imprecise (similar to Datamining) usually only suggests possible relationships must validate correlation  causation

  2. Computers and Bioinformatics Amt of biological info is rapidly increasing Computers and software are needed to organize and analyze data 1970s: DNA sequencing / alignment with Smith-Waterman (dynamic programming) 1980s: sequence DBs (EMBL, GenBank) / Alignment with FASTA (linklist, hashing) 1990s: Automatic DNA sequencing / alignment with BLAST (nbrd words, probabilities Now: Genomics, Proteomics Bioinformatics Topics: Sequence Alignments: (find similarity between DNA / protein (amino acid) sequences) Genome assembly: (combining genomic fragments to form whole genome) Gene ID and annotation: (ID and clssify genes on the genome) Microarray & gene expression analysis: (use DNA microarrays to measure mRNA Protein folding: (compute 3D protein structure  protein sequence) Phylogenetic analysis: (find genetic relationships between sequences / species

  3. Comp Gene

  4. Comp Gene

  5. Comp Gene

  6. Comp Gene

  7. Comp Gene

  8. Comp Gene

  9. Comp Gene

  10. Comp Gene

  11. Comp Gene

  12. Comp Gene

  13. Comp Gene

  14. Comp Gene

  15. Comp Gene

  16. Comp Gene

  17. Comp Gene

  18. Comp Gene

  19. Comp Gene

  20. Comp Gene

  21. Comp Gene

  22. Comp Gene

  23. Comp Gene

  24. Comp Gene

  25. Comp Gene

  26. Comp Gene

  27. Comp Gene

  28. Comp Gene

  29. Comp Gene

  30. Comp Gene

  31. Comp Gene

  32. Comp Gene

  33. Comp Gene

  34. Comp Gene

  35. Comp Gene

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