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Non-profit organization established in 1992, working to preserve and develop the personality of women, defend equal chances in all aspects of life, and protect women's basic rights and liberties. Engaged in various national and European projects and activities promoting gender equality.
WHO WE ARE • Non profit organization • Set up in 1992 • Two main offices in Bratislava and Zvolen • 47 Women´s clubs and 500 members located around all area of Slovakia
FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES • to preserve and develop personality of women, • to defend the equality of chances in familial, political, economical, social and cultural life, • to save basic human rights and libertiesof women,
MAIN ACTIVITIES • Our association participate in various national and European projects • Activities of Women´s clubs – lectures on health, well-balanced diet, family etc. • Nation-wide activities – membership in women organizations
PROJECTS project financed by European Social Fund and Community Initiative IS EQUAL “SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN WORKPLACE” • Main aim: to change public attitudes and eliminate the sexual harrasment • Activities: information campaign, gender awareness raising courses, legal and psychological consultancy • Partners: Consorcio Via Verde (Spain), CIPA.AT (Italy), Commission for Gender Equality in the Confederation of Trade Unions, Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Zvolen and Banska Stiavnica
PROJECTS project financed by European Social Fund and public budget “STIMULATION OF SOCIAL INCLUSION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES ON THE LABOUR MARKET” • Main aim: to eliminate equality barriers between men and women on the labour market in districts Detva, Hrinova and Zvolen • Activities: professional social consultancy, legal consultancy, computer courses • Partner: company Aris Ltd. (Slovakia)
PROJECTS project financed by Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of The Slovak Republic and European Social Fund “ACTIVATION ACTIVITIES” • Main aim:to support the maintenance of working habits of job seekers with attention on the long-term unemployed and those dependent on material need assistance • Activities: 80 job seekers perform free social services for senior citizens (accompaniment to medical examinations, shopping, cooking, household maintenance) • Partner: Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Zvolen
PROJECTS project Grundtvig “PLACE - PEOPLE LEARNING FOR ACTIVE CITIZENSHIPIN EUROPE“ • Main aim:to promote active citizenship through adult learning in a community based personal development project, dissemination of knowledge and good practise in the field of social inclusion • Activities:to help disabled persons participate in the community as active citizens through sessions with teachers • Partners: MDC – Napoli Vomero (Italy), Atlantide AssociazioneCulturale Onlus (Italy), Yalova City Education Management Office (Turkey), Ventnor Community Projects (UK), Directorate of Secondary Education and Training (Greece)
PROJECTS • Last year our association two times applied for a grant in a project „Advisory services, education and partnership for integration“ financed by European Refugee Fund • Currently we are waiting for decesion about project „Cognition of parental duties by a young gypsy mother“ which is financed by public budget
Združenie žien Slovenska Address of seat:Mail address: Šafárikovo námestie 4 Švermova 39 811 02 Bratislava 960 01 Zvolen Tel. +421/2 52 63 63 53 Tel. +421/45 53 26 990 zzszv@zoznam.sk zzs@zoznam.sk www.zzs.sk