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Explore updates and advancements in PWG4 analysis, including Jet and High pT Tasks, Physics Selection, and Train Setup. Learn about train setups, AOD analyses, and Memory Leak fixes for efficient data processing.
PWG4 Status Gustavo Conesa Balbastre PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Outline • PWG4 Mini Train - Christian Klein-Bösing • Analysis code updates PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PWG4 Mini train (Christian Klein-Bösing) • Run all PWG4 Jet and High pT Tasks centrally on the grid • Started out as small grid exercise for a few jet task • Tasks and Config in svn • Data sets • First physics MC production (LHC09d10/LHC10a12/LHC10a14) • LHC09d: 900 GeV real data (ITS, TPC, TRD) (+ runs without central tracking (emconly) • Analysis output merged on run basis: Run dependent systematic studies possible • Almost daily runs at the beginning now at least 1/week for fast turnaround • Depends on: • Changes in the data (new MC, improved calibration) • Changes in the code (user tasks, framework updates i.e. event selection) • Operation since 07.12.09, 62 train rides • /alice/cern.ch/user/k/kleinb/analysisESD/LHC{09,10}*/output_pwg4train PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PWG4 Mini train: Wagons (Christian Klein-Bösing) • Services • Physics Selection task • ESD Filter (+kine filter) • JETAN • Jet Finders on charged tracks • UA1, anti-kT, kT, SISCone, Deterministic annealing, CDF • In total 9 different configurations • In case of MC also run over kinematics information (all and only charged) • Dijets • KMeans cluster • kT cluster • prod/acrcaf/qa_pp/AliAnalyisTaskQASym • No par file, compile task alone • PWG4/JetTasks • Jet Spectrum • Underlying Event • Jet Services • High pT QA and spectrum • Three Jets • PWG4/PartCorr • For PHOS and EMCAL • Omega3Pi • Calorimeter QA • PWG4/GammaConv • "-run-on-train -run-jet -run-neutralmeson -run-cf" PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PWG4 Mini train: Technicalities(Christian Klein-Bösing) • Train setup • root + par files (from aliroot trunk) • immediate debugging, testing and fixes BEFORE an analysis tag on the grid • Job submission via alien plugin • PWG4/macros/AnalysisTrainPWG4Jets.C • Based on official train macro • Split on run basis (also merged on run basis, crucial for run dependence • ESD based analyses: Directly access the input • AOD based analyses: • AOD populated by the ESD filter (+kine filter) • But not written • aodHandler->SetFillAODforRun(kFALSE); • Provides some flexibility in the addition of cuts, jets etc. • Access AOD output for given event • Almost the same functionality as a pure AOD analysis (no event mixing/TaskME) • All tasks write to a common output file • 55 Tasks/Folders • Merged size for all 900 GeV data ≈ 30 MB • Recently user tasks profiled for memory leaks (also spotted by the grid watchdog) • valgrind: already an improvement by a factor of 10 after most obvious fixes PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PWG4 Mini Train Summary and Outlook(Christian Klein-Bösing) • Started out as small grid exercise • Now contains 20 different tasks, with various settings (55 running tasks) • Usage of trunk allows rather flexible running schedule • Immediately after important changes, bug fixes • At the cost of a less stable environment • But can provide immediate feed back to users and framework developers • Usage of on-the-fly AOD • Same analysis as for produced AOD • Cross checks ESD vs. AOD still possible • Usage of AliPhysicsSelection task functionality task while accessing AOD • Fast turnaround for new production • Needs only little disk space (CPU drive) • Want to maintain train also for incoming data • Basically for testing and debugging of User Tasks • Clearly not an option for larger data sets, so at some point will use sub-sets of data • Many tasks in PWG4 mini train already on global ALICE train • Jet finder, Part Corr, Gamma conv … • PWG4 Mini Train a sandbox for a multi task environment within PWG4 PWG4 analysis - Offline week
New Module: JetCorrel • Responsible: Paul Constantin • 2 particle (charged hadrons) correlation analysis • Own mixing not done with AliAnalysisTaskME. • It was agreed to be moved this analysis to the PartCorr frame (particle correlations) as soon as I provide the tools for the mixing in the frame. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
GammaConv: AOD • Reminder: • Responsible: Ana Marin et al. • Reconstruction of photons with the central barrel converted in the material (ITS) via electron pairs combination. • Reconstructed photons stored in AODs of the type: PWG4/GammaConv/AliGammaConversionAODObject • This object will be moved to the AOD library in STEER. • This will allow the usage of it as input for other analysis, like in PartCorr. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Reminder • Responsible: Gustavo Conesa Balbastre • Particle identification (photons, pi0, eta, electrons …) and correlation (with jets, hadrons … ) package. • Subdivided in 2 directories Base and Dep: • PartCorrBase: Manager classes are here and common pieces of code to be used for for any kind of analysis • PartCorrDep: All classes doing the different analysis • It works with AODs and ESDs (ESDs filtered in the frame unless the official ESDfilter used). • Quite complete documentation can be found in the offline analysis pages: • http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/Activities/Analysis/PWGDocumentation/PWG4/PartCorr.html • Not up-to-date, changes listed in this presentation and in the last offline weeks presentation. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Frame changes • AOD classes : AliAODPWG4Particle and AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation • Avoid problem when reading AOD files that contained also the branches with these objects, created by the PartCorr classes analysis. • Delta AODs • Now by default the file “deltaAODPartCorr.root” is created. The possibility of storing in the standard AOD file still possible. • Most of all analysis in PartCorr need the creation or reading of delta AODs. • The only analysis that does not require delta AODs is AliAnaCalorimeterQA. • Few problems found for reading the delta AODs when they are the only input were solved. Need to test with a new production of delta AODs (previous productions had empty delta AODs) • Memory consumption • Thanks to Christian I am correcting memory leaks .. every day … PWG4 analysis - Offline week
AliAnaCalorimeterQA • Analysis to be used for the Performance train. Also executed in the PWG4 mini train and official trains. • Fill many many relatively simple histograms to do checks on the detectors performance. • Actually used to detect problems in EMCAL (some plots showed Monday), other plots can be found in the wikis: • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/EMCALQApp900GeV • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/EMCALQABadChannelspp900GeV • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/PHOSQApp900GeV • Modifications/additions constantly since data taking … (and also bugs, memory leaks …) • All calorimeter friends are welcome to try it. • Preliminary documentation • http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/Activities/Analysis/PWGDocumentation/PWG4/AliAnaCalorimeterQA.html PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: My to do List • PartCorr • Implement mixing (not embedding) analysis in PartCorr frame • Update documentation • How to connect GammaConv output with PartCorr analysis. • Remove some embedding functionalities already provided by the analysis frame. • Continue the correction of possible leaks. • … • Calorimeters calibration • Test calorimeters calibration analysis tasks with large MB production and Data. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Backup PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Particle identification/selection analysis • Photon identification (shower shape): AliAnaPhoton • Input: ESD CaloClusters • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects) and histograms • Pi0 identification via invariant mass: AliAnaPi0 • Input: aod (only AliPWG4Particle objects) from AliAnaPhoton • Output: histograms • Uses mixing event techniques. • Under study the implementation of the eta and omega identification cases. • Access to PHOS geometry possible when the PHOSutils library is loaded. • Pi0 identification on Event-by-Event basis: AliAnaPi0EbE, 3 cases: • Calorimeters invariant mass and other selections cuts • Input: aod from AliAnaPhoton • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects), histograms • Calorimeter + Gamma Conversion invariant mass and other selection cuts • Input: aod from AliAnaPhoton and aod from GammaConv package (when available) • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects) , histograms • Pi0 is a single cluster, decay photons overlap, shower shape identification of pi0 • Input: ESD CaloClusters • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects) and histograms • Charged Particles selection:new, not committed, AliAnaChargedParticles • Input: ESD Tracks • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects) and histograms PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Particle selection/correlation analysis • Particle Isolation: AliAnaParticleIsolation • Input : aod (AliPWG4ParticleCorrelation objects ) from AliAnaPhoton, AliAnaPi0EbE, AliAnaChargedParticles … • Output: histograms, modifies aod adding an isolation label and adding a list with references to tracks/caloclusters falling in isolation cone. • Particle correlation with hadrons: AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation • Hadrons in a wide angular window opposite to the trigger particle, and with a selected pt cut. • Input : aod (AliPWG4ParticleCorrelation objects ) from AliAnaPhoton, AliAnaPi0EbE, AliAnaChargedParticles … • Output: histograms, modifies aod adding a list with references to the selected hadrons. • Particle correlation with jets: • AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation: correlation with aod jet from JETAN • AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation: jet reconstruction algorithm depending on trigger particle. • Input : aod (AliPWG4ParticleCorrelation objects ) from AliAnaPhoton, AliAnaPi0EbE, AliAnaChargedParticles … and aod from JETAN (only for AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation) • Output: histograms, modifies aod adding a list with references to the jet hadrons and a reference to the aod jet. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
AliAODPWG4Particle: Derives from AliVParticle, suitable for particle identification studies, quite light object. Its data members are: Particle kinematics: TLorentzVector fMomentum: Monte Carlo: Int_t fLabel: Id of original MC particle Int_t fTag: Tag particle as Decay, Fragmentation, Prompt, Conversion … defined in class AliAnalysisMCUtils Connect with original ESD/AOD Id number, necessary for isolation studies. Int_t fTrackLabel[2]: if original particle is a track put here the index, if is reconstructed from 2 tracks (conversion gamma), put 2 indexes. Int_t fCaloLabel[2]:if original particle is a calocluster put here the index, if is reconstructed from 2 caloclusters (pi0), put 2 indexes. PID: Int_t fPdg: Assigned identification label after PID bits for PID selection of caloclusters in later stages of the analysis Int_t fTof: Time of Flight Int_t fDisp: Shower shape dispersion Int_t fCharged: cluster is charged. Quality of the cluster: Int_t fBadChannel: Distance to bad channel Detector of origin: TString fDetector : PHOS, EMCAL, CTS PartCorr: Output AOD objects PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Output AOD objects • AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation: Derives from AliAODPWG4Particle, suitable for correlation studies, data members are: • Isolation studies: • Bool_t fIsolated: Flag for Isolation • TRefArray* fRefIsolationTracks(Clusters): Reference array with tracks (caloclusters) found in the trigger particle isolation cone. • Trigger particle - Jet/Hadron correlation stdudies • TList *fListOfRefArrays: List of Reference arrays of correlated tracks (clusters) with the trigger particle for different porpouses. • TRef fRefJet: Reference to jet found with JETAN • TLorentzVector * fCorrJet(Bkg): Kinematics of jet (background) found with gamma-tagging techniques • TLorentzVector * fLeading: Kinematics of Jet core / leading particle PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: AliMCAnalysisUtils • Class devoted for analysis utils relative to information stored stack, headers, etc. • Two methods for the moment: • Int_t CheckOrigin(): Given a particle it assigns a label to know its origin, right now concentrated on photons: • enum mcTypes {kMCPrompt, kMCFragmentation, kMCISR, kMCPi0Decay, kMCEtaDecay, kMCOtherDecay, kMCPi0, kMCEta, kMCElectron, kMCConversion, kMCUnknown}; • Depends on the generator used, right now only works for PYTHIA and HERWIG, if needed other generators could be considered. • TList *GetJets(): Returns the lists of generated jets (TParticles) • Depends on the Generator, only 2 options • PYTHIA: Returns jets found with Pycell • HERWIG: Generated objects with PDG 94, (CMShowers), not real jets but close. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
GammaConv software • PWG4/GammaConv • Reconstruction of g from conversion electrons • Writes a delta AOD with g (under tests) • Correction framework included • More precise calculation of the conversion point • p0 and h meson analysis • g-hadron (jet) analysis • cC analysis • p0 Dalitz reconstruction (in preparation) • AddTaskGammaConversion.C/ ConfigGammaConversion.C PWG4 analysis - Offline week
GammaConv software • Documentation https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/PWG4GammaConversion • Optimization and further debugging ongoing • Running on AODs needs to be implemented • Signal extraction, systematic errors studies ongoing • Done in macros. Needs to be ported to the task • GammaConv software is in the Analysis Train according to the Web information PWG4 analysis - Offline week
GammaConv Wiki:https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE PWG4 analysis - Offline week
GammaConv Wiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/PWG4GammaConversion PWG4 analysis - Offline week