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The PHENIX collaboration is a pioneering high-energy nuclear experiment aiming to study nuclear matter under extreme conditions using various probes. With international partners, it has produced a powerful detector and added new institutions. The collaboration includes scientists, postdocs, and students from multiple institutions working on diverse thesis topics.
PHENIX STATUS PHENIX STATUS W.A. Zajc W.A. Zajc Columbia University Columbia University for the PHENIX Collaboration for the PHENIX Collaboration
What is PHENIX? What is PHENIX? Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment Goals: Broadest possible study of A-A, p-A, p-p collisions to Study nuclear matter under extreme conditions Using a wide variety of probes sensitive to all timescales Study systematic variations with species and energy Measure spin structure of the nucleon These two programs have produced a detector with unparalleled capabilities 2
The Collaboration The Collaboration A strongly international venture: 11 nations Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Sweden, United States 51 institutions 3
Snapshot of Collaboration Snapshot of Collaboration Taken from our 1stpaper (that is, our Run-1 author list) 207 scientists from 45 institutions 88 graduate students from 26 institutions 39 declared thesis students from 19 institutions 69 postdocs from 29 institutions Note: This overcounts graduate students Includes many who participated in construction (only) Undercounts thesis students Does not include recent additions to collaboration New French and Korean institutes 4
Additions to Collaboration Additions to Collaboration Significant addition to PHENIX: French/South Korea groups LPC-Clermont, Univ. Clermont-Ferrand,CNRS-IN2P3, France. Kangnung National University, Kangnung 210-702, South Korea. SubaTech, EMN, Univ. de Nantes, CNRS-IN2P3, Nantes, France. IPN-Orsay, Univ. Paris Sud, CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France. LPNHE-Palaiseau, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS-IN2P3, Palaiseau, France. Dapnia, CEA, Saclay, France. Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. Cyclotron Application Laboratory, Seoul, South Korea Major responsibility for North Muon Arm front end electronics PHENIX CC-F (local computing center at Lyon) 5
Sample Sample of Thesis Topics of Thesis Topics Full Name Yann Cobigo Justin Frantz Mickey Chiu Chun Zhang Akitomo Enokizono Ryota Kohara Tsuchimoto Yuji MinJung Kweon Hisayuki Torii Junji Tojo Hiroki Sato David Silvermyr Paul Nilsson Henrik Tydesjo Rickard du Rietz Stefan Bathe Henner Buesching Andrew Hoover jiangyong jia Anuj Purwar Michael Issah Jason Newby Soichiro Kametani Nobuyuki Kamihara Akio Kiyomichi Dmitri Kotchetov M MUNIRuzzaman Tahsina Ferdousi Robert Francois Hobbs Alexander M.Milov Institution CEA Columbia Columbia Columbia Hiroshima Hiroshima Hiroshima Korea University Kyoto Kyoto Kyoto Lund Lund Lund Lund Muenster Muenster New Mexico State University Stony Brook Stony Brook Stony Brook Tennessee Tokyo Tokyo Inst. of Technology Tsukuba UC-Riverside UC-Riverside UC-Riverside University of New Mexico Weizmann Institute Adviser J. Gossett B. Cole J. Nagle J. Nagle T. Sugitate T. Sugitate T. Sugitate B. Hong K. Imai K. Imai K. Imai E. Stenlund A. Oskarsson A. Oskarsson H-A. Gustafsson R. Santo R. Santo S. Pate A. Drees T. Hemmick R. Lacey S. Sorensen H. Hamagaki T. Shibata Y. Miake R. Seto R. Seto R. Seto B. Bassalleck I. Tserruya Thesis Title Study of resonances in QGP research on PHENIX experiment TBD Photon angular correlations at high pT TBD Evolution of hadronic matter at RHIC energies in Au+Au collisions J/psi Suppression Mechanism Vector meson study J/Psi Production in Au+Au Collision at RHIC Centrality Dependence of High PT Pizero Production in sqrt(s_{NN})=200GeV Au+Au Collisions Hadronic spin-flip at 22-100GeV and RHIC polarimetry J/psi Production in p+p Collisions at RHIC Aspects of High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions at CERN SPS Experimental studies of particle production in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions TBD TBD Neutral Meson Spectra from Electromagnetic Calorimeter Measurements Azimuthal Gamma-Gamma Correlations in PHENIX and WA98 J/psi polarization in Au-Au collisions Charged High Pt spectra in Phenix + Angular Correlations TBD TBD J/Psi Production in Heavy Ions at RHIC using PHENIX muon arms Measurement of J/Psi suppression in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200GeV Study of Spin Structure of the Proton by the detection of single and double muons Chemical Equilibrium from Measurement of Particle Ratios in sqrt{s_{NN}} = 130 GeV Au+Au Collisions Study of identified hadrons with Time Expansion Chamber Study of phi decay in K^{+}K^{-} channel at PHENIX at RHIC Charged Particle Multiplicity Measurement with MVD at PHENIX at RHIC TBD Particle production in heavy ion collisions at RHIC energies 6
PHENIX at RHIC PHENIX at RHIC 2 central 2 central spectrometers spectrometers West 2 forward 2 forward spectrometers spectrometers South East North 3 global 3 global detectors detectors 7
Physics Physics Required Elements Available Year-1? PHENIX is designed to Measure as many potential QGP signatures as possible Specialize in “penetrating probes” (photons and di- leptons) Use the full luminosity of RHIC to explore rate physics This also leads to a superb detector for spin physics Physics reach: An extensive program addressing all collision timescales (This list not necessarily complete) Timescale Probe Hard Scattering Single "jet" via leading particle photon + "jet" High-Mass Vector Mesons J/Y , Y 'screening U (non)screening Initial Collision E or W E and W Yes Yes? Deconfinement N, S, E+W N,S Observation No Low-Mass Vector Mesons r, w, f mass, width f branching ratios Chiral Restoration E+W E+W Yes? Yes? QGP Thermalization Photons p0, h, h ' continuum direct; very soft E E Yes Yes QGP Thermalization Dileptons non-resonant: 1-3 GeV soft continuum, <1 GeV N,S,E+W E+W Yes? No QGP Thermalization Heavy Quark Production open charm open charm via single lepton (N or S) + E N,S,E No Yes Hadrons HBT Interferometry, p/K strangeness production: K, f spectra of identified hadrons Hadronization E E E Yes Yes Yes Global Variables ET, dN/dy Hydrodynamics 8 E, MVD Yes
Schedule Schedule 2 central 2 central spectrometers spectrometers 1999 2 forward 2 forward spectrometers spectrometers 2001 2000 2002 3 global 3 global detectors detectors 9
24 24- -Jul Jul- -97 97 10
10 10- -Jan Jan- -98 98 11
12 12- -Jan Jan- -99 99 12
23 23- -Dec Dec- -99 99 13
Run Run- -1Detector Roll 1Detector Roll- -In In 21 21- -Jan Jan- -00: The East Arm in its Run 00: The East Arm in its Run- -1 1 configuration rolls in configuration rolls in 14
Run Run- -1 Configuration 1 Configuration Two central arms Mechanically ~complete Roughly half of aperture instrumented Global detectors Zero-degree Calorimeters (ZDCs) Beam-Beam Counters (BBCs) Multiplicity and Vertex Detector (MVD, engineering run) 15
Run Run- -1 Accomplishments 1 Accomplishments First collisions:15-Jun-00 Last collisions: 04-Sep-00 During this period: Commissioned Zero-Degree Calorimeters Beam-Beam Counters Multiplicity and Vertex Counter Drift Chambers Pad Chambers Ring Imaging Cerenkov Counter Time Expansion Chamber Time-of-Flight Counters Electromagnetic Calorimeter Muon Identifier Minimum Bias Triggers Data Acquisition System Recorded ~5M minimum bias events 16
Run Run- -1 Results 1 Results This is a partial compilation 17
Run Run- -1 Publications 1 Publications Centrality Dependence of Charged Particle Multiplicity Centrality Dependence of Charged Particle Multiplicity in Au in Au- -Au Collisions at Au Collisions at s sNN Phys.Rev.Lett. 86, 3500 (2001) Phys.Rev.Lett. 86, 3500 (2001) Systematic study of particle production versus centrality, Systematic study of particle production versus centrality, demonstrates different quantitative trend than at lower demonstrates different quantitative trend than at lower energies energies NN= = 130 GeV, 130 GeV, Measurement of the Midrapidity Transverse Energy Measurement of the Midrapidity Transverse Energy Distribution from Distribution from s sNN 130 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC, RHIC, Phys.Rev.Lett. 87, 052301 (2001) Phys.Rev.Lett. 87, 052301 (2001) Extends study of centrality dependence to transverse energy, determination of <ET>/<Nch> Suppression of Hadrons with Large Transverse Suppression of Hadrons with Large Transverse Momentum in Central Au+Au Collisions at Momentum in Central Au+Au Collisions at s sNN GeV GeV, , Submitted today to Phys. Rev. Lett. Submitted today to Phys. Rev. Lett. Suppression (rather than enhancement) of large p Suppression (rather than enhancement) of large pT T hadron production in central collisions production in central collisions NN= = 130 GeV Au+Au Collisions at NN= = 130 130 hadron 18
(More) Run (More) Run- -1 Results 1 Results Identified particle spectra Paper in final collaboration review before submission Elliptic Flow Draft manuscript, to be reviewed by collaboration Fluctuations Two separate analyses in progress, near convergence Particle ratios Analysis completed, manuscript in preparation HBT Final analysis work being done, manuscript in preparation Single electron yields Final analysis work being done It is expected that all of these results will be finalized for presentation/publication by October-01 DNP/JPS meeting Other work: “Archival” manuscripts (Phys. Rev. C) detailing all analysis procedures and results from Run-1 19
Physics Impact Physics Impact 20
Run Run- -2 Improvements 2 Improvements Completion of Central Arms Significantly increased aperture Addition of new capabilities South Muon Arm Di-muon physics Inserted here Upgraded Triggers Data Acquisition The ~5M events recorded in Run-1 represent ~1 day of data-taking for RHIC+PHENIX in Run-2 21
Year Year- -2 Improvements 2 Improvements Essentially complete recovery of the “baseline” PHENIX detector PC2 and PC3 for West Arm Increase MVD coverage Remaining 4 sectors of EmCal electronics (RIKEN) Ersatz Level-1 EmCal trigger (RBRC) L1 RICH trigger, Data Collection Modules (US-J) Remaining 2 sectors of TEC electronics (UCR + DOE) Plus Installation of South Muon Magnet + Tracker Plans for bandwidth recovery DCM’s: DOE Medium Energy EvB : GSU Production of North Arm tracker mechanics Funding for North Arm tracker FEE (new French collaborators) 22
In Pictures In Pictures For 2001 Run: 23
PHENIX Central East Carriage Ring Imaging Cerenkov Drift Chamber Beam-Beam Counter Central Magnet West Carriage 24
Current Installation Current Installation 25
Run Run- -2 Goals 2 Goals Detector: Commissioning of New sub-systems Integration of same into the detector Calibration of detector Trigger studies Experiment: “Complete” what we started in Run-1 Characterize properties of matter created in highest energy Au-Au collisions on all time scales ~ “All” pTscales (as permitted by luminosity) Begin program of J/Y measurements Obtain comparison data for same in p-p collisions Begin spin program. 26
Run Run- -2 Assumptions 2 Assumptions 1. Au-Au running at Commission and calibrate Run-2 detector Accumulate 300 mb-1of Au-Au collisions sNN 200 GeV 2. Commissioning of p-p collisions at Polarized proton collisions s 200 GeV 3. A p-p comparison run at 200 GeV Longitudinal polarization (> 50%) Accumulate 3.5 pb-1 polarized-p on polarized p collisions 27
Physics from Run Physics from Run- -2 (?) 2 (?) Au-Au: 3M F K+K-decays 30K J/Y m+m-in South Arm 6K J/Y e+e-in Central Arms 15K (charm) e’s with pT> 2 GeV/c (central 10%) ~ 20 p0’s / GeV at pT= 25 GeV/c p-p comparison data: Measurement of same probes as in Au-Au with roughly half the statistical precision Polarized-p on Polarized-p: An essential start on understanding systematics in these measurements A first look at DG 28
To Date To Date Commissioned all installed detectors Implemented Level-2 algorithms Begun Level-2 physics studies Begun minimum bias physics program 14.7M events recorded ~ 3x Run-1 data set (with much upgraded detector) >40% of delivered luminosity 0.7% of our desired recorded event sample Run-2 rare physics requires significant improvement in luminosity 29
Run Run- -2 DAQ and Trigger 2 DAQ and Trigger High bandwidth + physics triggers Able to use full luminosity of machine 30
Run Run- -2 DAQ and Trigger 2 DAQ and Trigger High bandwidth + physics triggers Able to use full luminosity of machine To date: Implemented full set of Level-2 triggers Single muon J/Y m+m- J/Y e+e- f e+e-peripheral (40-100%) High pT Photon (2.5-3.0 GeV/c cut) Electron (2.5 GeV/c cut) Charged (cut TBD) e-m coincidence Coherent peripheral trigger DAQ Upgraded to ~30 Mb/s recording ~150 events/sec 31
Completion Completion Complete the central arms ( 2001) 4 additional sectors of EMCal readout 2 additional sectors of TEC readout Install Pad Chambers 2 and 3 in West Arm Prepare for muon physics ( 2001) Install South Muon Magnet with 3 stations of tracking Instrument South Muon Identifier panels Complete vertex detector ( 2001-2) Commission ( 2001-2) Appropriate triggers Additional DAQ bandwidth (NB: All detectors and front ends allow running at x10 Au-Au design luminosity) Complete North Muon Arm (2002-3) 32
Year Year- -3 and Beyond 3 and Beyond 33
Looking Ahead Looking Ahead Run-3: (Subject to the usual caveats about surprises and flexibility): Heavy Ions Fully operational muon arm + new triggers Full exploration of J/Y production versus “Nbinary” ~ A(b)*A(b) via A long run with Au-Au A series of shorter light ion runs p-A or d-A running Spin Continued running to accumulate 320 pb-1at 200 GeV g10binar y Species Number of J/Y's (0.6 R.Y. - AuAu, 0.1 R.Y. - others) 1.15E+05 1.44E+05 1.56E+05 1.73E+05 1.79E+05 OO SiSi CuCu II AuAu 34
Possible Possible Run Plan Run Plan (Treat it as existence proof or worked example) Run-2: Au+Au, crude p-p comparison run, initial look at d-A(?) First look at J/Y production, high pT Understand high pTproduction in cold nuclear matter Run-3: Initial look at d-A(?) High luminosity Au+Au (60%) of HI time High luminosity light ions (40%) of HI time Detailed examination of A*B scaling of J/Y yield Run-4: p-d/p-p comparisons Baseline data for rare processes Run-5: “Complete” p-A program with p-Au Energy scans Systematic mapping of parameter space 35
Enhancing Capabilities Enhancing Capabilities Planned and potential enhancements: Upgrade Time Expansion Chamber to a TRD Instrument all six planes (currently four) Install radiators Upgrade gas system (to recirculate Xe mixture) Improved e/p rejection at high momentum Upgrade RICH From current gas ( CO2) to Ethane Improved photon yields for better e/p rejection Upgrade muon spectrometers Instrument anode wires Improve pattern recognition at high multiplicities 36
Extending Physics Reach Extending Physics Reach Low-mass dileptons Requires better Dalitz rejection to measure pair for m(e+e-) < ~ r mass Goal: Improve S/B from ~1/10 to 10/1 Anticipated in original design of PHENIX (note “Hadron Blind Detector” from R = 50-200 cm) Direct detection of open charm Extraordinary requirement on vertexing capabilities May be combined with design of Dalitz rejector Extended proton-nucleus capabilities Detection of leading proton (Roman pots?) Characterization of nuclear break-up (multiplicity array at “forward” h) Extended photon detection capabilities High-resolution pre-shower detector Deploy in “massless gap” of West Arm Extended jet detection capabilities Full azimuthal tracking Benefits both spin and HI measurements 37
Upgrade Summary Upgrade Summary The physics addressed is a qualitative addition to the PHENIX (and RHIC) program low mass e-pairs enhanced production or medium effects, mee< mf thermal radiation, mf < mee< m J/y open charm, B, W production high pTleptons, precision vertexing extended direct photon, jet capability single g spectra down to pT< 1 GeV/c g, p0(g/jet) up to pT>> 20 GeV/c increased charged particle tracking acceptance low-x coverage for QCD in pA Some detector choices could provide enhanced capability of more than one kind (e.g., inner tracker) design optimization Some technologies need further development (e.g., HBD) R&D program (ongoing) The open geometry of PHENIX makes these and other upgrade paths possible. 46
Summary Summary PHENIX detector has provided outstanding data in first year of RHIC operations Measured Charged multiplicity Transverse energy Elliptic flow Identified particle spectra HBT parameters High pTspectra Inclusive electron spectrum (much more) Observed New trends in particle production New behavior in particle yields at high momentum Ideally positioned to dramatically extend these results in future RHIC running 47