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East Craigs Primary School Curriculum Information Session

Join our session on 19th September 2018 to learn about our 2018-19 curriculum, Better Relationships Policy, Building Resilience program, Homework Policy, and more. Discover how our curriculum is designed and what your child will be learning each term. Engage with our curriculum framework and find out how we prepare learners for future careers. Explore the River of Life concept and empower resilience in navigating life's challenges.

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East Craigs Primary School Curriculum Information Session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. East Craigs Primary School Curriculum Information Session Wednesday 19th September, 2018

  2. Aims for the session • Overview of the curriculum for session 2018-19 • Introduce the Better Relationships, Better Behaviour, Better Learning Policy • Introduce the “Building Resilience” programme • Introduce the Homework Policy • Learning in Primary 1 • Opportunity to ask questions

  3. Our Curriculum – How was it designed? • Considered the importance of the progressive development of Core Skills in Literacy & English, Numeracy & Mathematics, Health & Wellbeing • Considered the demographic of the East Craigs context • Considered what topics work well at particular stages • We created a rationale for our new curriculum • A Curricular Framework for Inter-disciplinary learning (IDL) which ensures breadth, depth, progression, personalisation and choice, challenge and enjoyment, coherence, relevance • Discrete progressions for:- Literacy & English, Numeracy & Mathematics, Health & Wellbeing (includes Physical Education), Music, Science & 1+2 Modern Languages (N-P7 French, P5-7 German)

  4. Our Curricular Framework for Your Child’s Stage • Ensures appropriate coverage of Curriculum for Excellence Experiences & Outcomes • Allows opportunities for linear learning e.g. whole-school topics New Beginnings, Equalities, Financial Education, World of Work and Community Learning Teams • Allows for teachers’ response to external context e.g. Global events, pupils’ interests • More general topic headings e.g. Ancient Civilisations rather than “The Romans” • The curriculum is equitable but not uniform

  5. What Will My Child Be Learning Each Term?

  6. What next? • Part of our School Improvement work for this year includes a review of our curriculum • Staff will look at how to redesign the curriculum to ensure its fitness for purpose towards Developing the Young Workforce • Staff will embed the Careers Standard 3-18 into the curriculum • Staff will ensure that skills progressions are explicit and embedded in the curriculum • Staff will ensure that the curriculum provides learners with everything they need to prepare them for their future careers

  7. Better Relationships, Better Behaviour, Better Learning

  8. Class Charters and Weekly Targets

  9. Every day is a new day…keep track of your daily points Add them up at the end of the week and move your star up the mountain…

  10. Have something to aim for… Work together to reach that goal…

  11. What are we still doing? Maybury Team EC Nominees House Points Barnton Almond

  12. Launch of new CEC Health and Wellbeing Programme – “Building Resilience” • Developed by CEC Growing Confidence Team based on current pedagogy and practice in the successful promotion of emotional wellbeing • Already in use across many Edinburgh primary schools • Three year programme launching in line with our Better Relationships, Better Behaviour, Better Learning policy

  13. The River of Life Sometimes we can describe the ups and downs of life as being like a river. The river of life takes everyone on a different journey, each one full of expeditions and adventures.

  14. We can’t control what life throws at us Everyone will enjoy times in the calm waters Sometimes we will all find ourselves in difficult waters Do you know? This is a normal part of life

  15. Skipper is the captain of his boat sailing along the river of life. Just like you, Skipper experiences a range of ups and downs everyday. He is learning how to navigate his boat around the obstacles and has even got better at coping when his boat gets into difficulties. We are learning how to navigate the river of life I am resilient Hi, my name is Skipper

  16. We can all learn ways to cope better with the river of life Together we are going to learn about the things that Skipper uses to help him to navigate the river of life Do you know? These things will help you the next time you hit a difficult patch of water

  17. Skipper has found that these ten things help him to cope with the river of life

  18. Any Questions? • JASS – Silver Award • House Captain Nominations • Transition Days • PE – Mondays and Thursdays • SKY Academy Trip • Risk Factory • P1 Buddies

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