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Toorak Primary School Parent Information Session 2014

Toorak Primary School Parent Information Session 2014. The Foundation Teaching Team 2014. Ms Kerry Merriman Miss Jen White Ms Cindy Smith . Content . Welcome TPS Strategic Plan Reading Program and Reading Homework Parent Helpers Writer’s Notebook and Mathletics

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Toorak Primary School Parent Information Session 2014

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  1. Toorak Primary SchoolParent Information Session2014

  2. The Foundation Teaching Team 2014 • Ms Kerry Merriman • Miss Jen White • Ms Cindy Smith

  3. Content • Welcome • TPS Strategic Plan • Reading Program and Reading Homework • Parent Helpers • Writer’s Notebook and Mathletics • Independence & Resilience • Assessment and Reporting • Inquiries in Prep • Assessment and Reporting • Allergies, Anaphylaxis, Nude Food, Healthy Eating and Lunch Orders • Classroom Parent Representatives • Parking • Question Time

  4. TPS Strategic Plan – 2014 Goals • Improving student data– more As and Bs • Explicit teaching model - John Munroe • Peer observation to improve teacher capacity • Consultants

  5. M100W Words • First 200 words in reading • We test the students once a week • Say the word instantly, if successful they go up to the next level • Please leave in their reader bags LEARNING IDEAS • Playing Bingo, Snap or Memory

  6. Beginning Readers You will receive a reader each night and this yellow reading log to fill in. You write the date and title of the book your child is reading. Discuss the pictures in the whole story; Ask - What words can you read on this page? You point to the words and read (model), then your child will copy you.

  7. Next Step … • Discuss the picture before reading the page. • Your child will read independently – pointing to each word as they read. • If they are stuck on a word – ask them to look at the starting sound in the word and then re-read the sentence - BEST GUESS! • Ask - Does that make sense? Does that look right? • ALWAYS PRAISE! Important for confidence!

  8. Reading Eggs • Reading Eggs is a game-based computer program which will support your child in their reading. You will receive a laminated card with your child’s login and password. KEEP THIS ON YOUR FRIDGE OR IN A SAFE SPOT. • Go to http://readingeggs.com.au and log in. • Please look out for the diary sheet, which is put into your child’s reader bag each Friday. It outlines everything that is on for the following week!

  9. Parent Volunteers • If you wish to volunteer to help in the classroom, you will need to complete a Parent Volunteer course. Choose a date for a course : Wednesday 26th February at 8:15am Thursday 20th March at 2:40pm • You will also need a Working with Children’s Certificate – forms are available online • A reminder that you will also need a Working with Children’s Certificate to help with swimming, excursions and our P.M.P. program every week which will begin in Term 2.

  10. Writer’s Notebook Contains ideas to inspire future writing, eg. photos, phrases, pictures and words. Is personalised to each student’s interests and reflects their personality. Is sent home for updating occasionally – usually with a title eg My Family, My Favourite Things, Things that Scare Me – include pictures and labels. Is used as an impetus during free choice writing – helps with writer’s block.

  11. Mathletics • An online resource to help your child with maths – optional homework. • Each child will receive an individual logon id and password, similar to that for Reading Eggs. (www.mathletics.com) • Mathletics gives feedback on performance and records an individual student’s progress. • Tell the teacher if your child finishes a level –we can put your child up to the next level.

  12. Assessment and Reporting at TPS • You will receive: • Two comprehensive written reports , at the end of Term 2 and 4, summarising: • What your child can do now • What your child needs to do to further improve • What the school will do to support growth • What you can do to support growth • At the end of Term 2, there is a 3- way interview. Your child will demonstrate some literacy and numeracy skills and you can discuss progress with teacher.

  13. Independence – Arrival and Dismissal To foster independence, we would like students to: • line up at door • bring their school bag in and hang it on the peg themselves Parents please don’t enter the classroom! • remember to bring their take-home folder to school every day • be able to open food containers independently • On dismissal, please notify teachers in writing if you wish anyone other than you, the parents, to collect your child

  14. Resilience • Many children in Prep are initially unsure of what to say, what to do, who to tell and how to deal with issues when they arise • If hurt – go straight to yard duty teacher. • We are teaching basic conflict resolution strategies /assertiveness skills BE COOL, CALM KIDS • Look at the person • Stand tall • Speak clearly • Don’t use mean words

  15. Three Step Strategy to Resolve Conflict • “Stop it, I don’t like it.” • “Stop it now or I’m telling the teacher.” • “I’m going to tell the teacher.”

  16. Prep Inquiries 2014 Term 1 • Marvellous Me – Our family backgrounds, differences and similarities Term 2 • Staying Alive – Exploring the survival needs of living things • Weather in Our World – How weather changes affect our lives Term 3 • Things that Move – Investigating movements including push and pull forces • What is it Made of? – The properties of objects dictate their use – e.g. flexible, waterproof Term 4 • How My Family Celebrates – differences and similarities in what and how our families celebrate

  17. Anaphylaxis and Allergies in Prep 2014 • Anaphylaxis is a severe, rapidly progressive allergic reaction that is potentially life threatening. • There are students in Prep who are allergic to varying degrees to NUTS AND SEAFOOD.Parents are encouraged to promote a nut-free and seafood-food free zone in Prep, although these foods are not banned across the whole school. • We have recently been advised that it is OK to bring eggs after all. • Students at TPS are not allowed to share food. • On special days eg. special events where parents are invited or birthdays etc. please provide a list of ingredients with the food you provide for sharing.

  18. Healthy Eating, Nude food and Birthdays Healthy eating has a long-lasting and positive impact on a child's growth, development and health. Please encourage students to bring healthy snacks and lunches as well as clearly named water bottles. Nude food For birthdays, please only send cup-cakes. Always provide a list of ingredients to cater for all students and to minimise disruption to routines.

  19. School Canteen/Tuck Shop Every fortnight on a Wednesday To avoid waste, choose onemain item eg. hot dog, cheese roll orsushi onesnack eg. Popcorn orOvalteenies and possibly a drink Seal any money sent to school in an envelope with your child’s name on it, better still use payschool.com.au and pay online – deadline for payschool is midnight the Sunday before lunch order day Late orders can not be accepted

  20. Classroom Representatives • One or two parents act as representatives for each classroom. • Responsibilities include: • Organisinga class or year level social event • each term • Occasional administrative jobs for teachers • Thank you to the classroom representatives for • Prep A Still to be confirmed – volunteers welcome • Prep B Cleo Seaman (Allegra) • Prep C Janet Handbury (Daisy) and Tracey Stratton(Hugo)

  21. Parking around the school • Walk, ride or use public transport where possible • Allow extra time • Remain patient • Consider the neighbours, safety issues and respect street parking signs • Refer to Parking Map in Prep Pack or on TPS website

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