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COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. LBC No. 99. Implementation of the 4 th tranche salary schedule for local government personnel which took effect on January 1, 2013. If funds are sufficient and sustainable – full implementation.
LBC No. 99 • Implementation of the 4th tranche salary schedule for local government personnel which took effect on January 1, 2013. If funds are sufficient and sustainable – full implementation. If funds are insufficient – Sanggunian may formulate a modified salary schedule with lower rates than, but uniform percentage of the salaries in the schedule corresponding to the LGU level and income class in Annexes provided therein. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
LBC No. 99 (cont.) If implementation is later than January 1, 2013, it shall apply the same rules for the salary/honoraria adjustments and the procedural guidelines the uniform percentage of the salaries applies, and modified as to the affectivity date. • Honoraria Adjustments for Barangay Officials and Employees The maximum honoraria rates under LBC No. 63 may be adjusted based on the salary schedule adopted by the municipality or city where the barangay belongs. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
LBC No. 99 (cont.) • Honoraria Adjustments for Barangay Officials and Employees (cont.) • If barangay funds are insufficient and sustainable, Sanggunian Barangay may adopt and implement honoraria adjustments at lower rates but at a uniform percentage for all barangay officials and employees. • Salaries of Public Health Workers (PHWs) Shall be determined by the Sanggunian in relation to the provisions on JR No. 4, s. 2009, RA Nos. 7160 and 7305. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
LBC No. 99 (cont.) • Salaries of Public Health Workers (PHWs) (cont.) The sanggunian may adopt the following options: - Implement the salary rates in annex “A1” for PHWs - If funds are insufficient, formulate and implement a modified salary schedule with lower rates than the salaries in Annex “A1” but with uniform percentage. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
Representation and Transportation Allowances (RATA) • RATA, is primarily granted by law to cover expenses incidental to and in connection with the actual performance of the functions of local government officials. • It is attached to the performance of duties and responsibilities of the incumbents of positions and not to the positions as viewed and implemented before. • The salary grades of positions do not automatically entitle the incumbents thereof to RATA. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
RATA (cont.) • RATA schedule • The sanggunian has the discretion to determine whether an organizational unit may be considered a department/division which may entitle the head thereof to RATA. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
RATA (cont.) • RATA While on Concurrent Capacity, Full-Time Detail, or Re-Assignment The Local Chief Executive has the authority to certify if an incumbent officials who are duly designated by competent authority to perform the full-time duties and responsibilities, whether or not in concurrent capacity, re-assignment within the same agency or to special project as Officers-In-charge, who may be authorized to receive/continue to collect RATA when the duties and responsibilities they perform are akin with those positions/of their regular positions.
RATA (cont.) • Members of the Local Sanggunian The Civil Service Commission hasclarified that 100% work attendance is equivalent to at least four (4) sessions. If an elective official was able to attend 4 sessions in a month he/she is entitled for a 100% RATA for a month. However, if an elective official is on approved leave, this does not necessitate an automatic grant of RATA.
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices (LDRRMO) • Legal Bases: Sec. 12 of RA 10121 – (a) LDRRMO shall be established in every province, city, and municipality. A Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC) shall be established in every barangay - (b) LDRRMO shall be under the Office of the Provincinal Governor/City Mayor/Municipal Mayor or under the Punong Barangay, as in the case of BDRRMO. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYESS
LDRRMO (cont.) • Organization and Composition of the LDRRMO and BDRRMC The LDRRMO shall be initially composed of a Local DRRM Officer to be assisted by three (3) staff responsible for: (1) administration and training; (2) research and planning; and (3) operations warning. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
LDRRMO (cont.) • The Head of the LDRRMO shall have the following position titles: COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
LDRRMO (cont.) • The Head of the LDRRMO shall have as his/her staff, lower level positions, as appropriate, using the following series of Local DRRM Officer positions: • If an LGU is financially capable and has not exceeded the PS limitation, the local sanggunian, may elevate the organization and staffing of the LDRRMO. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
LDRRMO (cont.) • Standards on the position titles and salary grades of Department Heads, Assistant Department Heads (ADHs), and the highest positions below the ADHs : COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
LDRRMO (cont.) • The BDRRMC shall be a regular committee of the existing Barangay Development council (BDC) and shll be subject thereto. • The Punong Barangay shall facilitate and ensure the participation of at least two (2) CSO representatives from existing and active community-based people’s organizations representing the most vulnerable and marginalized groups. • Members of BDRRMC shall be respnsible for: (1) administration and training; (2) research and planning; and (3) operations warning. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
LDRRMO (cont.) • The budgetary requirements for PS, MOOE, and Capital outlay of the LDRRMO shall be sourced from the General Fund of the LGU, subject to Sec. 76 of RA 7160. • The enforcement of Secs. 325(a) and 331(b) shall be waived to enable LGUs to fund the initial year requirements for the creation of the minimum four (4) mandatory positions at the LDRRMO. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
LDRRMO (cont.) • Maintenance and other operating expenses, and other capital outlay requirements of the LDRRMO and BDRRMC in the implementation of DRRM programs shall be charged to the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund(LDRRMF) or the NDRRMC-DBM-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 dated March 25, 2013 of the “Allocation and Utilization of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF) COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI) • Rules on the grant of PEI - For an employee to receive PEI, (1) he/she must be in service as of October 31, 2013, and (2) has rendered at least a total or an aggregate of nine (9) months of at least satisfactory service for the year, including leaves of absence with pay. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
PEI (cont.) • The “still in the service as of October 31, 2013” clause refers only to one of the conditions - to be entitled to PEI. However, Sub-item 5.2.1 must be read separately from Sub-item 5.2.2. • The “at least a total or an aggregate of nine (9) months of at least satisfactory service for the year” rule is to be determined from January to December 31, 2013 regardless of whether or not the payment is made on or after the set date pursuant to said Budget Circular.
PEI (cont.) • COA’s position on the grant of PEI:limited to only up to P5,000 • DBM’s position The ceiling of P5,000 covers only government personnel in NGAs, GOCCs, and government financial institutions. • There is no limit as to the amount of PEI to be given to LGU personnel. However, same is restrained based on the financial capability of LGUs and compliance with the PS cap under Section 325(a) and 331(b) of the Local Government Code. • Due to opposition from the COA, DBM has sought the position from the Office of the President to prevent disallowance of PEI of LGUs in the post-audit. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
Year-End Bonus and Cash Gift • Rules on the Grant of Year-end Bonus and Cash Gift: 1.) Personnel has rendered at least an aggregate of 4 months of services from January 1 to October 31 of the year; and 2.) still in service as of October 31. • The amounts due for the Year-End Bonus correspond to the monthly honorarium as of October 31 of the year, and Cash Gift at P5,000. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES
Thank You and Good Day! Lecturette by: EDGARDO M. MACARANAS OIC-Assistant Director Organization, Position Classification and Compensation Bureau