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Toward A User-Centered I2-Enabled Collaborative Learning and Teaching Environment: The Cal Poly Scandinavian Style Participatory Design Project. Overview. Welcome and Introductions Franz - Philadelphia Participatory Design for Teaching and Learning Anita, Marita - Luleå

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Toward A User-Centered I2-Enabled Collaborative Learning and Teaching Environment: The Cal Poly Scandinavian Style Participatory Design Project

  2. Overview • Welcome and Introductions • Franz - Philadelphia • Participatory Design for Teaching and Learning • Anita, Marita - Luleå • Student Design Project • Markus, Peter, Robert, and Seppo - Luleå • Socio-technical Requirements for I2-enabled Learning • Mary Somerville - Cal Poly SLO • ITS-Library Learning Commons • Helen Chu - Cal Poly SLO • Student Visions for the Learning Commons • Franz Kurfess - Philadelphia • ITS Perspective on Learning Commons • Craig Schultz - Cal Poly SLO • Towards Virtual Learning Spaces • David Gillette - Cal Poly SLO • Conclusions and Wrap-Up • Franz Kurfess - Philadelphia

  3. Welcome and Introductions • Internet2-enabled Learning Commons (LC) • partnership between Information Technology Services and the University Library at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo • participatory user-driven design • include student and faculty users in collaboratively applying Scandinavian style co-design methodologies for physical and virtual learning and teaching environments • collaboration • Luleå University of Technology: Social Informatics • San Jose State University: Information Science, Library Studies

  4. Internet2 Champions and Mini-Grants • promotion and funding of Internet2-related activities • faculty representatives from each college, ITS, library • ‘seed grant’ funding program for promising research and development (R&D) projects that require I2 bandwidth and processing capabilities • focus on activities funded through two of these mini-grants • interactive evaluation methodology for identifying socio-technical aspects of user-centered physical learning places and virtual learning spaces • design of a virtual environment to facilitate interaction

  5. Participatory Design for Teaching and Learning • Anita, Marita - Luleå • 10 min

  6. Student Design Project • Markus, Peter, Robert, and Seppo - Luleå • 15 min presentation • 5 min Q&A

  7. Socio-technical Requirements for I2-enabled Learning • Mary Somerville - Cal Poly SLO • 5 min

  8. ITS-Library Learning Commons • Helen Chu - Cal Poly SLO • 5 min

  9. Student Visions for the Learning Commons • Franz Kurfess - Philadelphia • 5 min

  10. CSC 484 User Interaction Design

  11. Multimedia Café - Initial Design

  12. Prototype – Layout & Group Tables

  13. Prototype – Lounge & Internet Bar

  14. Prototype – Individual Workstations & Bathrooms

  15. Prototype – Café Bar

  16. Brainstorming Room

  17. CSC 581 Knowledge Management

  18. Crossfire Firefox Plugin • “Smart” Search of Blogs • principle also applies to other reasonably well structured document collections • relies on ontologies for the categorization of documents • Firefox Already Supports RSS. • RSS Feeds as Live Bookmarks. • Crossfire Sidebar for RSS Search. • Go Button Triggers Web Spider. • Displays a List of RSS Items. • Context: Current Page or Entire Web • Blog Editor and Category WatchLists

  19. MP3D • Planetary model for navigating large knowledge spaces • MP3 collections as example • Children objects orbit parent objects • Children objects are smaller than parent objects • Recursive relationship • Top level is a cluster of objects – “galaxy”

  20. ITS Perspective on Learning Commons • Craig Schultz - Cal Poly SLO • 5 min

  21. Towards Virtual Learning Spaces • David Gillette - Cal Poly SLO • 13 min video • 5 min Q&A

  22. Conclusions and Wrap-Up • Learning Commons as focal point • re-design of under-utilized space in the library • Internet2-enabled learning and teaching approaches • collaboration, access to remote resources • participatory interaction, evaluation, and dialogue • involvement of various user groups early on • ‘learning by doing’ • students work on practical projects in class

  23. Acknowledgements • The interactive design approach at Cal Poly was tested from January to June 2005 with funding from a U.S. Office of Naval Research Internet2 MiniGrant subcontract award. • We appreciate the support of the funding agency, of Cal Poly’s Office of Research and Graduate Programs, and of Cal Poly’s ITS department.

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