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Discover the true cost of meat consumption, from deforestation to greenhouse gas emissions. Explore how meat production affects our land, climate, energy, food, water, environment, animals, and health. Learn about the alarming statistics related to livestock farming, global resource consumption, and the impact on world hunger. Join the movement towards a sustainable future through mindful dietary choices. Let's care for the planet, animals, and ourselves by making informed decisions about what we eat.
It is not about religion - it is about caring for the environment, about loving yourself, your children and animals.
Once you know the real cost of meat, would you still have the same appetite for it?
Our Forests Rainforests are burned to make room for cattle grazing and growing crops for animal feed.
Rainforests are vital to all lives on Earth, however… • 70 % of Amazon forests have been turned over to grazing land or to grow soybeans to feed to cattle and chicken.1 • An area of rainforest the size of 7 football fieldsis destroyed EVERY MINUTEto make room for grazing cattle.2 • 100 species become extinct every daydue to tropical deforestation.3
Our Land • The Livestock sector occupies 30% of the land surface.2 • 80% of the agricultural land in the US are usedto raise animals for food4, only 7%are used for growing plant foodsfor humans.5 • In the same time span, the same amount of land can produce6: • 1 kg of meat • 160 kg of potatoes • 200 kg of tomatoes
Our Climate • Livestock generates 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, more than all forms of transportation combined (13.5%). It is the NUMBER ONE source of human-caused methane (37%), nitrous oxide (65%)2. Global warming causes rising sea levels, serious natural disasters, food shortage, etc. • 64% of ammonia emissions originate in livestock production2 and contribute to AIR, SOIL AND WATER POLLUTION, ACID RAIN and damage to the OZONE LAYER.
Ammonia contributes significantly to acid rain, which can cause a mass killing to trees, aquatic animals, and has significant impacts on freshwaters, soils and human health.
Our Energy • Fruits, vegetables and grains require 95% lessraw materials to produce and can provide a complete, nutritious diet7. • The same amounts of fuel can produce 1 hamburger or 27 soy burgers.8 • In 2002, more than 1/3 of all fossil fuels produced in the U.S. are used to raise animals for food.9
Our Food • More than 70% of the cereal crop produced in developed countries is fed to animals raised for food.10 • At least 80% of the world’s soybean crop and more than 50% of all corn go to global livestock.10 • It takes 13 kg of grain to produce only 1 kg of beef.11
Our Lives • 820 million hungry people in developing countries go to bed hungry every night.13 • Every 5 seconds a child dies of starvation.13 • In the U.S., food eaten by livestock could feed 1.3 billion people.14 In the UK, food for livestock can feed 250 million people.15 • If Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10%, it would free 12,000,000 tons of grain - enough to feed 60,000,000 people.14
Our Water The agriculture sector use nearly 70% of world’s precious freshwater12, within which the heaviest water use is by the animalswe raise for meat.5 To produce
Our Environment • Globally, livestock and poultry industry continually produce billions of tons of manure, which contain a considerable amount of nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium), drug residues, heavy metals and pathogens.17 • Animal waste often seep from lagoons and spray fields into groundwater or accumulate in the soil, pose serious threats to human health and the environment.
Our Animals • During the past 50 years, worldwide meat production has increased fivefold.1 • 56 billion land animals are slaughtered globally for human consumption per year, and it is expected to double by 2050.10 • In the U.S. alone, more than 9 billions chickensare raised for flesh every year, a million killed each hour. 18
Our Ocean Ecosystems • 90% of large fish populations have been exterminated in the past 50 years.20 • Modern fishing method, such as “bottom trawling” is destroying our ocean floor and emptying our ocean. • THE WORLD WILL RUN OUT OF SEAFOOD BY 2048 if steep declines in marine species continue at current rates.21
Our Health • The meat, dairy products, fish, and eggs in the market today are loaded with bacteria, antibiotics, dioxins, hormones, and other toxinsthat can cause serious health problems in humans. • A meat-based diet is the main source of many diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, strokes, obesity, bird flu, mad cow disease, pig's disease, shellfish poisoning, osteoporosis, etc.
Our Conscience We, as loving and intelligent human beings, forget and ignorethatwhenever we eat a piece of meat, an lovable and sensitive being had suffered the fear of being slaughtered and ceased to breathe, because of us.
Alec BaldwinHollywood actor & award-winning producer; environmentalist & animal-right’s activist “Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for animals. Do it for the environment. And do it for your health.”
Links recommended: • Supreme Master Television The most loving, constructive and noble TV channel on Earth http://www.suprememastertv.com/ • Go Veg.com A website with a lot of information on vegetarianism http://www.goveg.com/index.aspx • Vegetarian recipes Beautiful recipes with pictures http://al.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/recipe/menu.htm
Sources: 1. http://www.ciwf.org.uk/publications/reports/Global_benefits_summary.pdf\ 2. http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=20772&Cr=global&Cr1=environment 3. http://www.rainforestweb.org/Rainforest_Information/Species_Extinction/ 4. http://www.goveg.com/environment.asp 5. http://www.worldwatch.org/system/files/EP174A.pdf 6. http://www.vegetarismus.ch/video/vsuk_skripte.htm 7. Al Gore’s book An Inconvenient Truth 8. http://www.ciwf.org/publications/reports/The_Global_Benefits_of_Eating_Less_Meat.pdf 9. http://wwcpd.org/2008/wasted-resources/ 10. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2367646 11. http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/full/78/3/660S#R30 12. http://www.climate.org/topics/water.html 13. http://www.bread.org/learn/hunger-basics/hunger-facts-international.html 14. John Robbins, "Diet for a New America" 15. http://www.flex.com/~jai/articles/101.html 16. http://www.climate.org/topics/water.html 17. ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/010/a0701e/a0701e00.pdf 18. http://www.goveg.com/factoryFarming_chickens.asp 19. http://www.suprememastertv.com/ 20. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/05/0515_030515_fishdecline.html 21. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/11/02/AR2006110200913.html