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Homosexuality and Teens. Part One. Four Lies Familiar to Teens Today. First, “Homosexuality is normal and healthy.”. Conforming to the standard or common type Approximately average in any psychological trait Dictionary.reference.com Typical, usual, average
Homosexuality and Teens Part One
Four Lies Familiar to Teens Today • First, “Homosexuality is normal and healthy.” • Conforming to the standard or common type • Approximately average in any psychological trait • Dictionary.reference.com • Typical, usual, average • Functioning or occurring in a natural way • Thefreedictionary.com • Conforming to a social norm • Being approximately average • Websters-online-dictionary.org NORMAL?
Four Lies Familiar to Teens Today • First, “Homosexuality is normal and healthy.” How So? • Statistically normal? …NOT average or typical • only 1-2% of population • Biologically normal? …Because animals do it? • Also eat their young, ambush and kill • Vomit up food for their young • Eat their own placentas and feces • Evolutionarily normal? (…If one rejects creation) • Does not produce offspring • Does produce a susceptibility to disease NORMAL?
Four Lies Familiar to Teens Today • First, “Homosexuality is normal and healthy.” • Some questions about what is average or typical but there is empirical data to decide whether a behavior is healthy • Emotional health • Psychological health • Physical health Healthy?
Is homosexuality healthy emotionally? Studies Reveal… • Only 12% of h. affairs last 5 years or more • Among 100 “couples” 0 had been monogamous • Average h. has 20-106 partners per year • 43% admit to 500 or more in a lifetime • 79% say half their partners are total strangers • 50% of suicides can be attributed to h. • 50% of hotline reports of “queer bashing” involved domestic violence, i.e. h. beating up h. • 33% h. ADMIT to having sex with minors and commit more than 33% of all child molestations
Is homosexuality healthy psychologically? Studies Reveal… • 75% of 2ooo lesbians pursued counseling for long term depression or sadness • H. are 25xs more likely to commit suicide • 25-33% are alcoholics • 30,000 sexually abused children in L.A. were victims of h., Capt. William Riddle, L.A. Police • 37% of h. engage in S&M, accounting for many accidental deaths • 73% of Psychiatrists say h. are less happy • 70% of above state NOT due to social stigmatization
Is homosexuality healthy physically? Studies Reveal… while making up 1-2% of pop. … • H. account for half of the murders in large cities • 100xs more likely to be murdered • Many h. disconnect knowledge and lifestyle warnings from their behavior • 78% are affected with STDs • Account for bulk of syphilis, gonorrhea, hep. B, gay bowel syndrome, & intestinal parasites • Median death age for gay man is 42, vs. 75 norm • Median death age for lesbian is 45, vs. 79 norm • Die at rate of 534xs higher than similar age heter.
Four Lies Familiar to Teens Today • First, “Homosexuality is normal and healthy.” • Lie #2: “If you’re attracted to someone of the same sex, that means you’re gay or lesbian.”
“If you’re attracted to someone of the same sex, that means you’re gay or lesbian.” Not so. It CAN mean that there are God-given needs for love and attention that were supposed to be met earlier in life that were sidetracked by… • Unusual sexual experience • Homosexual experience • Family abnormality • Cultural influences
“If you’re attracted to someone of the same sex, that means you’re gay or lesbian.” Not so. It IS a normal part of adolescent emotional transition from child to adult, to be attracted to others of the same sex. • It is emotional, non-sexual, & involuntary, SSA • It is how one learns to form deep adult relationships • Gender insecurity sometimes results from • A lack of affirmation by parents and/or peers • Feeling out of place / led by name calling, bullying • Feeling out of place / wanting to belong to a “group” • Girls start with friendships that become “needy”
Four Lies Familiar to Teens Today • First, “Homosexuality is normal and healthy.” • Lie #2: “If you’re attracted to someone of the same sex, that means you’re gay or lesbian.” • Lie #3: “Embrace and celebrate your gay identity, because gay life is cool.”
“Embrace and celebrate your gay identity, because gay life is cool.” ????????? • Incredibly hurtful psychologically • Increased drug/alcohol use, violence, suicide, child abuse • Incredibly hurtful emotionally • Unhappiness, multiple partners, high domestic abuse • Incredible susceptibility to disease & death • HIV, STDs, hepatitus, etc., etc., ad nauseum • Incredibly immature to make decisions affecting the rest of your life based in adolescent feelings and misunderstanding
Four Lies Familiar to Teens Today • First, “Homosexuality is normal and healthy.” • Lie #2: “If you’re attracted to someone of the same sex, that means you’re gay or lesbian.” • Lie #3: “Embrace and celebrate your gay identity, because gay life is cool.” • Lie #4: “Since you were born that way, you can’t change.”
“Since you were born that way, you can’t change.” ???????? Says Who? What causes one to live the homosexual lifestyle? • Three answers seem possible • Homosexual behavior is a result of choice, influence, and/or experiences • Homosexual behavior is symptomatic of arrested development as a consequence of trauma or poor familial relations • Homosexual behavior is genetic and/or hormonal as much as skin or hair color
The fact that homosexual behavior is a learned behavior is supported by the evidence • No biologic or genetic difference has been found between homosexuals and heterosexuals • Two large studies (almost 3,000 ind.) said that h.’s tend to believe their sexual desires/practices are learned, (pre-pc) • Many homosexuals were approached when young • Early sexual experiences influences adult behavior • Sexual conduct is influenced by cultural factors, including religious conviction, teachers, counselors, and association • Many do change their sexual preferences, 6 of 7 regularly! • There are many, many ex-homosexuals (est, 2% of pop.) - Dr. Paul Cameron, Ph.D, Family Research Institute
How to Deal with Teens and Homosexuality Four Lies Familiar to Teens Today • Don’t address head on. People “discover” this, they usually don’t “choose.” Ask questions that search for the underlying problems. • Don’t slap labels on. SSA is natural and labels “bully”. • Be compassionate and a “safe place” to express. • Be respectful. Appreciate the struggle to not be “fake” may be laid in misunderstanding. • Lie #1: “Homosexuality is normal and healthy.” • Lie #2: “If you’re attracted to someone of the same sex, that means you’re gay or lesbian.” • Lie #3: “Embrace and celebrate your gay identity, because gay life is cool.” • Lie #4: “Since you were born that way, you can’t change.”
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23 ESV) The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. (2 Peter 3:9 ESV)
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ESV) John 3:16