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The School of the Cell

The School of the Cell. BY KARINA PEREZ. The School of the Cell. The Principal at a school is like a Nucleus in a Cell. They both are in charge of their internal environment. Does not work with people. They both have a bunch of activities that they need to monitor.

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The School of the Cell

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  1. The School of the Cell BY KARINA PEREZ

  2. The School of the Cell The Principal at a school is like a Nucleus in a Cell They both are in charge of their internal environment Does not work with people They both have a bunch of activities that they need to monitor. Only works inside the cell They tell the support what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by It can divide in half Works with people Can change if things are not working correctly Can not adapt to changes in its environment They are responsible for success Work inside and outside the school walls Can motivate others to excel Plans for the future

  3. The Schol of the Cell The building at a school is like a cell wall Their all different size Different kinds of walls Walls protect the school and the cell wall Cell wall is a though flexible and sometmes fairly rigid layers It makes up the schooll Protects the school Most of the walls from century are made of cement Located outside the cell membrane Provdes cells with stuctural support and protection

  4. The School of the Cell The Janitor at a school is like a Lysosome Waste products Garbage disposal Trash componets no longer needed l Lysosome break down cellular waste products,fats and carbohydrates. Othermacromolecules into simple compounds Janitor picks up the trash from school Maintain are school clean

  5. The Schol of the Cell The Cafeteria at a school is like a Vacuole Tonoplast vacuole Responsible for maintaing the shape and stucture of the cell. Vacuole is a large vesicle which is also used to store nutrients. Vacuole is large vesicle store metabolites and waste products. Their both big. Both are responsible. Both of them waste products. Responsible for making food for Century students. Waste the food that’s not good anymore. Responsible for doing the food on time for both lunches and breakfast.

  6. The Schol of the Cell The Cheerleaders at a school is like a Mitochindria Both have a lot of energy. Both function . Encourage students to cheer. Encourage their team mates to win. Bring energy to the crod. Mitochondria are the energy factories of the cells. The ATP is produced in the mitochondria using energy stored in food..

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