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The Keys to Academic Success @ John Jay!. Presented by : The Academic Advisement Center. College Resources. Tutoring Services http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/academics/725.php Degree Works (access through CUNY Portal) http://www.cuny.edu/home/index.html Counseling Center
The Keys to Academic Success @ John Jay! Presented by: The Academic Advisement Center
College Resources Tutoring Services http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/academics/725.php Degree Works (access through CUNY Portal) http://www.cuny.edu/home/index.html Counseling Center http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/counseling/x.asp First Year Experience http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/academics/2366.php J STOP http://jstop.jjay.cuny.edu/ Financial Aid http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/234.php
Good Academic Standing Students who fall below the minimum overall GPA listed above are placed on academic probation.
Academic Policies and Procedures Incompletes (INC) F Grade Policy (#F) Withdrawals (W) WA Grade WN Grade Unofficial Withdrawals (WU) Repeat Grades (R) GPA Calculation
Incompletes - INC This grade indicates that the objectives of a course have not been completed for good reasons and there is reasonable expectation that the student can, in fact, successfully complete the requirements A grade of INC does not impact a student’s GPA Students should not register again for the course in which the INC grade was received while it is still outstanding It is the student’s responsibility to contact the professor who awarded the INC to make arrangements to fulfill course requirements INC designation will be replaced by grade earned once requirements are completed
Incompletes - INC Students have until the last day of classes at the end of the following semester to fulfill most outstanding coursework. However, if they need to make up a final exam they must submit an application by the deadline listed in the Academic Calendar and take the test on the designated date. Note: The application deadline and make up exam date occur very early in the term! If unfinished work is not completed by the deadline, the INC grade turns into an F.
F Grade Policy - #F Students can retake a course that was previously failed (F or WU) and if a grade of C- or better is obtained the original F or WU will remain on transcript but will no longer be calculated into their overall GPA. #F will appear on transcript once F policy has been applied to course Each student is allowed a total of 16 academic credits in F Policy for their entire CUNY career This policy does NOT apply if a student retakes a failed John Jay course at another college
Official Withdrawal (W) A W is given when a course is dropped prior to the 10th week of classes A W does not impact a student’s GPA, but appears permanently on transcript The official withdrawal period for Fall 2009 ends Thursday, November 5, 2009 – This information is also available on John Jay’s Academic Calendar Students must go to ONE STOP or the Registrar’s Office to complete an Application for Resignation (withdrawal form). It is wise to consult with an academic advisor as well! A signature from an advisor will be needed for total withdrawals only. Since a W may impact financial aid, students should consult the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from a course
WA Grade Assigned when a student fails to comply with the Proof of Immunization Policy of the College. The grade is not computed in the grade point average. WA grades may affect student eligibility for financial aid. WN Grade Assigned by the instructor when a student is registered for a course but fails to attend. The grade is computed as a failure (0.0) in the grade point average.
Unofficial Withdrawal (WU) WU is given when a student has stopped attending class before the 10th week of the semester without submitting an official Application for Resignation form to the Registrar’s Office or ONE STOP WU is calculated in GPA as an F. Therefore, never simply stop attending a course without submitting the official form! May result in adjustment of student’s financial aid.
Repeat - R An R may be given in courses designed as developmental and remedial: EAP courses ENGW100 MAT100 MAT103 COM101, COM102 SPE101 Students earn no credit for an R and it is not computed in the GPA Students who receive an R must repeat the course in the very next semester of attendance Two Rs for the same course may result in dismissal
GPA Calculation A GPA is calculated by dividing the total value of grades by the total number of credits. Determine an individual course’s total value by multiplying its credits by the numerical value of the letter grade you received (see previous slide). EXAMPLE Credits Grades Value Total Value ENG101 3 B+ 3.3 9.9 MAT108 3 A 4.0 12.0 SPE113 3 C+ 2.3 6.9 ETH125 3 A- 3.7 11.1 12 39.9 39.9 divided by 12 = 3.3 semester GPA
Graduation Requirements Pass all CUNY reading, writing & math skills assessment exams (or be exempt) If exams are not passed, students must take and pass any appropriate developmental courses and re-take exams Complete all required courses in: General Ed Major Electives Minor (if you choose to have one) Pass the CUNY Proficiency Exam (CPE) Can be taken any time after students complete 45 credits, are Basic Skills Certified & have a 2.0 overall GPA Students are given 3 opportunities to pass the CPE Complete all required credits: minimum 60 for AS degrees minimum 120 for BA & BS degrees Maintain 2.00 overall GPA Some departments also require that students maintain a GPA of 2.0 within their major Clear all Financial Accounts with the college
Tips for Success • Be honest with yourself about the demands of your various commitments (school, work, family, etc.) and plan accordingly • Attend class regularly and actively participate • Communicate with your professors • Improves understanding of course content and clarifies expectations of assignments • Lets you know exactly how you’re doing in class • Helps you feel more comfortable asking questions when confused • Listen closely in class and take notes that highlight major points (not every word!) • When reading for class, don’t try to memorize everything; focus on key issues and concepts • Address any difficulties early so they don’t grow into big problems • If you’re having difficulty, ask for help (professors, advisors, tutors, counseling department, etc.) • Be aware of academic deadlines • Don’t just stop attending class!!! • Learn from your mistakes and move forward!! • One Final Tip….
Use Your John Jay E-Mail Account • All students are given access to a free John Jay e-mail account • This account allows you to: • Communicate easily with professors and all John Jay departments • Receive timely and important information about academic deadlines, financial aid, course registration, class room changes, etc. • Print from student computer labs • Access campus-wide wireless internet
Thank you for attending!! Come Visit Us: Academic Advisement Center Westport Bldg. Room 008 212-237-8120 OR Advising Satellite Office North Hall. Room 1119 646-557-4817 E-mail Us at: freshmenadvising@jjay.cuny.edu