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…et la diversification ?. Difficile de définir « la diversification ». Je vais le faire dans le talk. Achille Stocchi. With the discovery of the Higgs boson, all the « expected » particles have been found a nd The SM with Higgs is a theory valid up to very high scale.
…et la diversification ? Difficile de définir « la diversification ». Je vais le faire dans le talk. Achille Stocchi
With the discovery of the Higgs boson, all the « expected » particles have been found and The SM withHiggsis a theoryvalid up to very high scale 1) Higgs seems to be SM one. 2) No indication of New Physics (“direct” and “indirect”). 2a) Exclusion of existence of new particles in different scenarios at about the TeV scale 2b) “Couplings” in fermionic sector (with CKM and CP violation measurements) of the NP seems to be obeying to some particular symetry…
The problem of particle physics today is : where is the NP scale L ~ 0.5, 1…1016TeV t t H H t H H t The quantum stabilization of the Electroweak Scale suggests that L~ 1TeV Those are arguments of fine tuning…if the NP scale is at 2-3..10 (100?) TeV …naturalness is not at loss yet… In Addition…we do not know which kind of NP we could find. We have many models to extend the SM
Two ways for searching for New Particles (Physics) “Quantum path” Crucial : Luminosity “Relativistic path” Look for discrepancywrt SM on many differentmeasurements Crucial : Center-of-mass energy Often not alwaysthismeans rare decays
The quantum path It is a game of couplings and scales 2 It workedquitewell in the past and at present. (and many important experiments do not evenappear in the previous plot) J’identifie donc « la diversification » avec le Quantum Path
Charm in ‘70 was NP Beauty in ‘70 was NP Z0 in ‘70 was NP Top in ‘90 was NP Higgs in ‘2010 was NP For «quantum path» we have many examples. Just few recent example : ~1973 DISCOVERY of the Neutral currents. ~1970 charm quark from FCNC and GIM-mechanism K0 mm ~1973 3rd generation from CP violation in kaon (eK) KM-mechanism ~1990 heavy top from B oscillations DmB ~ 1990-2000 top mass determination through the Electroweak Precison Tests ~ 1990-2000 Higgs through the Electroweak Precision Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 All those are “Discoveries” and where crucial in the construction of the SM Lagrangian OFTEN A « NOT DISCOVERY » IS VERY IMPORTANT
J’identifie pour ce talk donc « la diversification » avec le Quantum Path* * Bien sur au LHC et ILC on fait pleine de mesure « Quantum path »… On a toujours fait « de la diversification… » La question est plutôt pourquoi aujourd’hui on l’appelle « de la diversification… » J’espère que ce glissement sémantique ne nous poussera pas a l’appeler bientôt « de la diversion… » « Se divertir » a la même étymologie
Whyshoulditwork in the future It is a game of couplings and scales 2 • if NP particles are discovered at LHC we have to be able to study the flavour structure of the NP • (“reconstructing” the NP Lagrangian) • to have the capability to explore NP scalebeyond • the LHC reach/direct searches I try to be a bit more quantitative in a stillreductiveway
Which NP will be ?? Which NP will be ?? Which NP will be ?? Which NP will be ?? Which NP will be ?? Which NP will be ?? Which NP will be ?? Which NP will be ?? Which NP will be ?? The actors in the next decade The actors in the next decade The actors in the next decade The actors in the next decade The actors in the next decade The actors in the next decade The actors in the next decade The actors in the next decade The actors in the next decade Br (Bs mm) Br (Bs mm) Br (Bs mm) Br (Bs mm) Br (Bs mm) Br (Bs mm) Br (Bs mm) Br (Bs mm) Br (Bs mm) Br,ACP(B Xs l l) Br,ACP (B Xs l l) Br,ACP (B Xs l l) Br,ACP (B Xs l l) Br,ACP (B Xs l l) Br,ACP (B Xs l l) Br,ACP (B Xs l l) Br,ACP (B Xs l l) Br,ACP (B Xs l l) Br (B Xsg) Br (B Xsg) Br (B Xsg) Br (B Xsg) Br (B Xsg) Br (B Xsg) Br (B Xsg) Br (B Xsg) Br (B Xsg) NMFV (1-3) NMFV (1-3) NMFV (1-3) NMFV (1-3) NMFV (1-3) NMFV (1-3) NMFV (1-3) NMFV (1-3) NMFV (1-3) MFV MFV MFV MFV MFV MFV MFV MFV MFV Br (K0 p0nn) Br (K0 p0nn) Br (K0 p0nn) Br (K0 p0nn) Br (K0 p0nn) Br (K0 p0nn) Br (K0 p0nn) Br (K0 p0nn) Br (K0 p0nn) b b b b b b b b b MFV-GUT MFV-GUT MFV-GUT MFV-GUT MFV-GUT MFV-GUT MFV-GUT MFV-GUT MFV-GUT Br (m e g) Br (m e g) Br (m e g) Br (m e g) Br (m e g) Br (m e g) Br (m e g) Br (m e g) Br (m e g) Br (B tn , mu) Br (B tn , mu) Br (B tn , mu) Br (B tn , mu) Br (B tn , mu) Br (B tn , mu) Br (B tn , mu) Br (B tn , mu) Br (B tn , mu) RH-currents RH-currents RH-currents RH-currents RH-currents RH-currents RH-currents RH-currents RH-currents NMFV (2-3) NMFV (2-3) NMFV (2-3) NMFV (2-3) NMFV (2-3) NMFV (2-3) NMFV (2-3) NMFV (2-3) NMFV (2-3) (g - 2)m (g - 2)m (g - 2)m (g - 2)m (g - 2)m (g - 2)m (g - 2)m (g - 2)m (g - 2)m Br (K+ p+nn) Br (K+ p+nn) Br (K+ p+nn) Br (K+ p+nn) Br (K+ p+nn) Br (K+ p+nn) Br (K+ p+nn) Br (K+ p+nn) Br (K+ p+nn) H+ - high tanb H+ - high tanb H+ - high tanb H+ - high tanb H+ - high tanb H+ - high tanb H+ - high tanb H+ - high tanb H+ - high tanb Br (t mmm) Br (t mmm) Br (t mmm) Br (t mmm) Br (t mmm) Br (t mmm) Br (t mmm) Br (t mmm) Br (t mmm) Br (B K nn) Br (B K nn) Br (B K nn) Br (B K nn) Br (B K nn) Br (B K nn) Br (B K nn) Br (B K nn) Br (B K nn) ACP (B Xsg) ACP (B Xsg) ACP (B Xsg) ACP (B Xsg) ACP (B Xsg) ACP (B Xsg) ACP (B Xsg) ACP (B Xsg) ACP (B Xsg) Z penguins Z penguins Z penguins Z penguins Z penguins Z penguins Z penguins Z penguins Z penguins LHT Models LHT Models LHT Models LHT Models LHT Models LHT Models LHT Models LHT Models LHT Models Br (B KSp0g) Br (B KSp0g) Br (B KSp0g) Br (B KSp0g) Br (B KSp0g) Br (B KSp0g) Br (B KSp0g) Br (B KSp0g) Br (B KSp0g) Br (t mg) Br (t mg) Br (t mg) Br (t mg) Br (t mg) Br (t mg) Br (t mg) Br (t mg) Br (t mg) ACP(BsJ/ y f) ACP(BsJ/ y f) ACP(BsJ/ y f) ACP(BsJ/ y f) ACP(BsJ/ y f) ACP(BsJ/ y f) ACP(BsJ/ y f) ACP(BsJ/ y f) ACP(BsJ/ y f) I realised once the animiation I wasfinishedthat I could have added BK*ee, somecharmdecayand/or CP, BD* t n
We are present For measuring all thesechannelsyouneed : LCHb and upgrade (2015-2025) Super Belle (2017-2025) + participation to the machine NA62 (K+ p+nn) ( 2020) – still possible to join(also ORKA at FNAL but not recommanded in P5) Experiments on K0 p0nnKOTO at J-PARC [Br from 10-810-11Possible to joint( 2020) Phi-Factory (KLOE-small update) no future « really » foreseen Tau-charm (BES III) no future « really » foreseen (g-2)m(but…FNAL E989 and JPARC 2017/2018 ) [0.1ppm level and would move BNL 3σ to 7.5σ] EDMs from muons, protons (ex: JEDI), neutron (nEDM), deutons (ex:JEDI), atoms…** cLFV: MEG (m->e g) (actually running at PSI. Upgrade foreseen 2017-2025) cLFVbeyond 10-13 (SINDRUM II) COMET (J-PARC) , Mu2e (FNAL) and plans for 10-16 We have to Really a pitythat… Interesting In this « spirit » we should also add FCC (ILC) for ultimate study of some rare decays.
Some final remarks for discussion Experiments devoted to flavour physics in quark sector and to other rare hadron and leptons decays will allow to probe the existence of NP beyond the reach of direct experiment and if NP is hopefully discovered at LHC to study it. French particle physics community is actually participating largely to LHCb-upgrade and to one nEDM experiment. • The participation to other programs (as in other countries) is really interesting because • it could imply participation to machine,detector and physics • few physicist and engineers will have a strong impact and visibility for the labs and the institute (often entering program starting in relatively short time scale.) • In my opinion this will not really affect the LHC (ATLAS, CMS) community • I also think that it will allow to attract more young people. • I think the financial impact is “quite small” In addition I reallythinkthatthese programs are alsonecessary if wewant to move from LHC the next(s) bigproject. Point de réflexion : Isn’t it time to work in more than one experiment at the same time ?
Two classes of measurement Deviation from precisely known SM value Magnetic Dipole Moment / “g-2” ~ 0.002 but predicted in SM to 0.42ppm Present experimental uncertainty : Δ(aμ) = 63x10-11 (0.54 ppm) Measure non zero value where SM value ~ 0 Electric Dipole Moment / EDM : present limit (10-19 )is poor compared to other EDMs. SM value ~ 10-36 Lepton flavour violating interactions. Present limits 10-11-12. SM ~ 10-50
**Table of EDM experiments Suite…