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Stage One: Registrant, (N.M.C., 2006). Student Handout. (May, 2008). Overview of Lesson. Introduction. Review Learning Outcomes. What qualities and skills make an ‘effective’ mentor: Student Nurses perspective / N.M.C.
Stage One: Registrant, (N.M.C., 2006). Student Handout. (May, 2008).
Overview of Lesson. • Introduction. • Review Learning Outcomes. • What qualities and skills make an ‘effective’ mentor: Student Nurses perspective / N.M.C. • N.M.C. (2006) ‘Standards to support learning and assessment in practice’. • Roles and responsibilities of the Registrant within the developmental framework. • Summary / Questions and Answers.
Qualities and Skills of an ‘effective’ Mentor: Activity. • Reflect on your experience of mentorship. • What qualities and skills do you think make an ‘effective’ mentor? • Make a list and feedback to the group.
What are the qualities and skills of an ‘effective’ mentor? • These include:
Stage One: Registrant. • Standards to support learning and assessment in practice: NMC standards for mentors, practice teachers and teachers, • (N.M.C., 2006).
N.M.C. (2006, p.2) ‘The Standards’ • The NMC has developed standards to support learning and assessment in practice that have outcomes for mentors, practice teachers and teachers. • The standards take the form of a developmental framework. • The outcomes for each role are identified as different stages within the framework. • The NMC has agreed mandatory requirements for each part of the register.
Four Stages of Mentors: 2007. • Stage 1: Registrant. • Stage 2: Mentor. • Stage 3: Practice Teacher. • Stage 4: Teacher.
There are eight domains in the framework: • The domains are: • Establishing effective working relationships. • Facilitation of learning. • Assessment and accountability. • Evaluation of learning. • Creating an environment for learning. • Context of practice. • Evidence-based practice. • Leadership.
The Framework. • The framework has been designed for application within the context of interprofessional learning and working in modern healthcare. • The developmental framework takes account of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework, (D.H., 2004) and standards set by other health and social care regulators for supporting learning and assessment in practice, (Health Professions Council, 2007). • The H.P.C. currently regulates 13 Health Professions
The developmental framework. • The developmental framework gives service and education providers opportunities to develop other roles that meet local requirements – • Practice Educators, • Lecturer Practitioners.
The Four Stages: Stage One. • Reflects the requirements of The NMC code of professional conduct: standards for conduct, performance and ethics, (N.M.C., 2004). • “You have a duty to facilitate students of nursing and midwifery and others to develop their competence”, (clause 6.4). • 8 Domains, 14 Outcomes.
The Four Stages: Stage One. • Also highlighted in The Code Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives, (N.M.C., 2008, p.5): • “Share information with your colleagues: • You must facilitate students and others to develop their competence”. • The ‘Buddy System’ is a preparation for the role of being a Stage One: Registrant.
The Four Stages: Stage Two. • Identifies the standards for mentors = • 8 Domains, 26 Outcomes. • Registrants can become a mentor when they have successfully achieved all the outcomes of this stage. • The qualification is recorded on the local register held by placement providers.
The Four Stages: Stage Three. • Identifies the standard for practice teacher for nursing or specialist community public health nursing, registrants can become a practice teacher when they have successfully achieved all of the outcomes of this stage: • 8 Domains, 26 Outcomes. • This qualification is recorded on the local register held by placement providers.
The Four Stages: Stage Four. • Identifies the standard for a teacher of nurses, midwives or specialist community public health nurses: 8 Domains, 40 Outcomes. • Registrants can become a teacher when they have successfully achieved all the outcomes of this stage. This qualification may be recorded on the register on application to the NMC and payment of the relevant fee.
Stage 1: Registrant Mentor – Activity. • Divide into 4 – 8 groups. • Each group examine and discuss between • 1 (if 8 groups) or 2 (if 4 groups) Domains / and the associated Registrant Outcomes. • Task: • Highlight how you would try to achieve the N.M.C. (2006) requirements following your registration. • Each group feedback to the main group.
Domain 1: Establishing effective working relationships – Registrant Outcomes. • Work as a member of the multi-professional team, contributing effectively to team working. • Support those who are new to the team in integrating into the practice learning environment. • Act as a role model for safe and effective practice. • Develop effective working relationships based on mutual trust and respect.
Domain 2: Facilitating of learning – Registrant Outcomes. • Co-operate with those who have defined support roles contributing towards the provision of effective learning experiences. • Share own knowledge and skills to enable others to learn in practice settings.
Domain 3: Assessment and Accountability – Registrant Outcomes. • Work to the NMC code of professional conduct in maintaining own knowledge and proficiency for safe and effective practice. • Provide feedback to others in learning situations and to those who are supporting them so that learning is effectively assessed.
Domain 4: Evaluation of learning – Registrant Outcomes. • Contribute information related to those learning in practice, and about the nature of learning experiences, to enable those supporting students to make judgements on the quality of the learning environment.
Domain 5: Creating an environment for learning – Registrant Outcomes. • Demonstrate a commitment to continuing professional development to enhance own knowledge and proficiency. • Provide peer support to others to facilitate their learning.
Domain 6: Context of practice – Registrant Outcomes. • Whilst enhancing their own practice and proficiency, as a registered nurse or midwife, act as a role model to others to enable them to learn their unique professional role.
Domain 7: Evidence-based practice – Registrant Outcomes. • Further develop their evidence base for practice to support their own personal and professional development and to contribute to the development of others.
Domain 8: Leadership – Registrant Outcomes. • Use communication skills effectively to ensure that those in learning experience understand their contribution and limitations to care delivery.
NMC Mentor Standard. • “An NMC mentor is a registrant who, following successful completion of an NMC approved mentor preparation programme – or comparable preparation that has been accredited by an AEI as meeting the NMC mentor requirements – has achieved the knowledge, skills and competence to meet the defined outcomes”, (N.M.C., 2006, p.16). • (AEI = Approved Educational Institution).
Mentors are responsible and accountable for: • Organising and co-ordinating student learning activities in practice. • Supervising students in learning situations and providing them with constructive feedback on their achievements. • Setting and monitoring achievements of realistic learning objectives. • Assessing total performance – including skills, attitudes and behaviours.
Mentors are responsible and accountable for: • Providing evidence as required by programme providers of student achievement and lack of achievement. • Liaising with others (mentors, sign-off mentors, practice facilitators, practice teachers, personal tutors, programme leaders) to provide feedback, identify any concerns about the student’s performance and agree action as appropriate. • Types: Mentor, Associate Mentor, Co-mentor.
Mentors are responsible and accountable for: • Providing evidence for, or acting as, sign-off mentors with regards to making decisions about achievement of proficiency at the end of a programme.
Roles to support learning and assessment in practice. • Students on NMC approved pre-registration education programmes, leading to registration on the nurses’ part of the register, must be supported by mentors. • From September 2007, a sign-off mentor, who has met additional criteria, must make the final assessment of practice and confirm to the NMC that the required proficiencies have been achieved.
Stage 2: Registered Mentor Preparation: B71 / B73 SPL = Supporting Practice Learning Module. • The S.P.L. Module is delivered in each of the 5 Centres throughout the School of Nursing. • 10 day programme: • Days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 – School based. • Days 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 – Work Based Learning activities to complete the Mentor Portfolio. • Focus: 8 Domains and 26 Outcomes. • Preparation: to facilitate learning, • assess learning and • explore if the environment is conducive for learning.