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PCS Champions Olympians of Change

Delve into the demanding routines of Olympic athletes with insights on a swimmer and WIC counselor. Witness the dedication, discipline, and aspirations that drive them towards excellence. Explore their daily regimens, challenges, and triumphs, and discover the transformative power of small decisions along the way.

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PCS Champions Olympians of Change

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PCS ChampionsOlympians of Change

  2. Let’s Dive Into the Games

  3. The Swimmer • The average Olympic Swimmer trains 5 hours per day and 6 days per week.AM-Usually 30 minutes stretching/weight lifting, followed by 2-3 hour swim practice.PM-Usually 30 minutes dry land followed by 2-3 hour swim practice.

  4. The wic counselor • The average WIC Olympic superstar trains 8 hours per day for 5 days a week. AM-Usually 30 minutes stretching/report running, followed by 3-4 hours of knee to knee. PM-Usually 30 minutes to refuel, followed by 3-4 hours more intense counseling and feelings.

  5. 3 4 1 2 8 6 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

  6. A walk in the park

  7. “Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever”

  8. 8.5

  9. TGIF

  10. EZ TGIF Template EZ-TGIF 1)      = T Used _________ tool. 2)      = G Family/Mom will__________ 3)      = I Discussed ____________.     Assigned Codes_________due to___________    *PG: Pregnancy #_______BF Feelings:_________    *Infants: # of feedings per day_______oz formula/day________  *Food Package Changes (IPN Tailoring)_________Because___________ 4)      = F Ask about_____ Next appointment remember to:_________

  11. Case Study

  12. Stephanie was referred to WIC by her doctor. She is 10 weeks pregnant and this is her first pregnancy, she is feeling a little more tired than usual but over all she says she is good. You decide to use the hopes and dreams doors, Stephanie responds to you that she just wants a healthy pregnancy and to deliver naturally. She tells you that her doctor wants to follow her pregnancy closely due to diabetes, but she has always checked her sugars and ate appropriately, and uses an insulin pump so she feels it is just precautionary measures. Stephanie does tell you she has read that some diabetics have larger babies and she is concerned about a cesarean delivery. Stephanie is taking her prenatal vitamin most days and is continuing to exercise regularly. T.G.I.F.

  13. TGIF T: Hopes and Dreams doors; Stephanie expressed concerns about a healthy pregnancy and avoidance of a cesarean delivery. G: To maintain a healthy pregnancy I: Assigned WIC code 343. Mom is 10 weeks, in her first pregnancy. She currently is taking insulin therapy, PNV and exercises regularly. F: Referred to RD for next appt. F/U with mom about BF benefits for diabetics during 2nd trimester HC.

  14. Following Up

  15. WWYD? • T: wand • G: eating better • I: no medical hx, child is eating 3 meals a day. • F: on eating better

  16. Weight Times

  17. Spring into conversations

  18. Challenges?

  19. What has been surprisingly easy? Speed walking

  20. Medals

  21. How do you feel? 1 2 3 4 5

  22. To help keep on track we can…

  23. I am building a fire, and everyday I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match. –Mia Hamm

  24. Keep the Olympic Flame Lit

  25. Questions?

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