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Dive deep into Acts 2:1-40 to explore the significance of the Holy Ghost baptism for believers. Discover the power, transformation, and supernatural manifestations that come with this experience, essential for victorious Christian living and impactful service.

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  1. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES LESSON 648: THE BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY GHOST MEMORY VERSE “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, if any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” John 7: 37 TEXT: Acts 2: 1 – 40

  2. STUDY SUMMARY • Previous study focused on “Comfort for Suffering Believers” • The chapter addresses some questions regarding Paul’s calling and ministry. • It highlights our responsibilities to hurting and suffering saints. • It is edifying when ministers and members of the church serve as agents comfort to suffering believers in need of encouragement. • In our study today, we understand that the baptism with the Holy Ghost is a definite Christian experience subsequent to sanctification. • The believer is anointed with the power of God and energized for service. • This experience plays a vital role in the spiritual life and service of every believer. • Filled with power from on high, the feeble believer becomes dynamic, the lukewarm becomes aggressive in evangelism and ordinary believers becomes a mighty instrument in the hand of God.


  4. QUESTION #1  Why is the baptism with the Holy Ghost important? Acts 1: 8

  5. QUESTION #2 Who is the Holy Ghost? And what work does He do in believers? Matthew 28: 19 John 14: 26; John 16: 8, 13; Acts 1: 8; Acts 8: 26 – 29

  6. QUESTION #3 What difference did the Holy Ghost baptism make in the life of the early disciples? Acts 4: 19 – 20; Acts 2: 37; Acts 5: 15 - 16

  7. QUESTION #4 Mention pitfalls to be avoided when seeking to be baptized in the Holy Ghost? Acts 8: 17 – 20

  8. QUESTION #5 Explain the difference between Holy Spirit baptism salvation and Sanctification Acts 1: 8; Romans 10: 9; John 17:17

  9. QUESTION #6 What important Christian experiences must you possess before seeking Holy Ghost baptism? Acts 8: 37; John 17: 15 – 17

  10. CONCLUSION • The baptism with Holy Ghost baptism is a definite Christian experience after Sanctification. • This experience is vital and central to victorious Christian living and effective Christian service. • Baptism with the Holy Ghost comes with accompanying supernatural manifestation of power, with the initial evidence of speaking in a previously unlearned tongue. • The believer must thirst for this experience. “For the promise is unto you and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call” Acts 2: 39

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