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A Model for When Disclosure Helps Security

This article presents a model for understanding when disclosure of vulnerabilities can help improve security. It discusses the paradox of open source software and the importance of secrecy in certain contexts. The effects of disclosure on defenders and attackers are examined, with examples from physical and cyber security. The conclusion highlights the need for a comprehensive framework when deciding whether to disclose vulnerabilities.

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A Model for When Disclosure Helps Security

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  1. A Model for When Disclosure Helps Security Peter P. Swire Ohio State University Stanford Cybersecurity Conference November 22, 2003

  2. The Paradox • Open Source mantra: “No Security Through Obscurity” • Secrecy does not work • Military base and the location of the defensive machine guns • Secrecy as essential • I am working on a book on “What Should Still Be Secret” – basic model today

  3. Open Source & DisclosureHelps Defenders • Presume that attackers will easily/quickly learn of flaws • Disclosure does not help attackers (much) • Writers of software learn of flaws and fix • Users of software learn of patch and fix • Disclosure does help the defenders • [I am not taking a position on proprietary v. Open Source – focus on when disclosure can improve security]

  4. Military Base & Disclosure Helps Attackers • It is hard for attackers to get close enough to learn the physical defenses • Disclosure thus helps attackers • The defenders likely get little benefit from outside/peer review broadcast to all • Disclosure provides little help to defenders

  5. Effects of Disclosure Help Defenders Low High

  6. Physical & Cyber Security • Defend the buried pipeline • Hard for attackers to learn the key vulnerable point • Expensive to rebuild pipeline once in place • Vulnerabilities often unique • Change the software • Easy for attackers to do remote attacks & tell others of vulnerability (warez & hacker sites) • Relatively inexpensive to patch & update • Vulnerabilities often large scale/mass market

  7. Effects of Disclosure Help Defenders Low High

  8. Conclusion • I am proposing a simple model for when disclosure helps security • Disclosure helps defenders? Attackers? • Explains reasons for less disclosure of vulnerabilities for military, intel, & physical • Explains reasons for greater disclosure for many software and computer system settings • Other reasons to consider disclosure or not • FOIA/accountability • Privacy/confidentiality • Have an intellectual framework for proceeding

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