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Explore the strategic framework, mission, and projects of the Hydrogen Implementing Agreement for a sustainable energy future. Task 19 focuses on safety methodologies and collaborative testing programs to ensure reliable implementation. Learn about key events and participating countries.
H Y D R O G E N I M P L E M E N T I N G A G R E E M E N T International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement Task 19 – Hydrogen Safety Pisa - September 10, 2005 William Hoagland AN IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY
Structure of the IEA International Energy Agency (IEA) Autonomous body within the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), founded in 1974 to carry out energy cooperation among member countries IEA Implementing Agreement (IA) A collaborative research and development (R&D) program Annex / Task Basic unitof organization; Next level is sub-task; Operating Agent manages Annex; Experts do work Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) Created in 1977 on a task-shared, “bottom-up” basis
Norway Ms Line Amlund Hagen Canada Mr Nick Beck (Chairman) Australia Dr John Wright Spain Dr Antonio Garcia-Conde European Commission Dr Stathis Peteves Sweden Dr Lars Vallander Japan Dr Yoshiteru Sato HIA Member Countries Switzerland Dr Gerhard Schriber Italy Dr Agostino Iacobazzi United Kingdom Dr Ray Eaton Iceland Mr Agust Vatfells United States Mr Patrick Davis Lithuania Dr Jurgis Vilemas Denmark Mr Jan Jensen The Netherlands Dr Henk Barten New Zealand Dr Ralph Sims Finland Dr Heikki Kotila France Dr Paul Lucchese
Strategic Framework Vision A hydrogen future based on a clean sustainable energy supply of global proportions that plays a key role in all sectors of the economy Mission To accelerate hydrogen implementation and widespread utilization Strategy To facilitate, coordinate and maintain innovative research, development and demonstration (RD&D) activities through international cooperation and information exchange
HIA Annexes Since 1977 Thermochemical Production High-Temperature Reactors Potential Future Markets Electrolytic Production Solid Oxide Water Electrolysis Photocatalytic Water Electrolysis Storage, Conversion and Safety Techno-Economic Assessment Hydrogen Production Photoproduction of Hydrogen Integrated Systems Metal-Hydrides for H2 Storage Design and Optimization of Integrated Systems Photoelectrolytic Production Current Photobiological Production H2 from Carbon-Containing Materials Solid & Liquid State Storage Materials Integrated Systems - II Safety Hydrogen from Waterphotolysis Biohydrogen (new)
Task 19: Hydrogen Safety October 2004 – January 2008 • Survey of Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) methodologies and testing methodologies • Establishment of testing methodologies to evaluate the effects of equipment, product and/or system failures under a range of real-life scenarios, environments or mitigation measures • Development of targeted information packages for stakeholder groups OA: William Hoagland (W. Hoagland & Associates, USA)
Evolved from Task 15 Will include several components: Hydrogendark fermentations Photobiological hydrogenproduction In-vitro and biomimeticsystems Techno-economic analysis process integration OA: Dr. Jun Miyake Task 21: BioHydrogen
Tasks Now in Definition • Hydrogen production from low temperature processes with a focus on wind energy • Hydrogen production from high temperature processes (HTP), with an emphasis on materials development, membrane and separation processes, benchmarking and integration of HTP in industrial processes and hydrogen chain
To develop predictive methods, data and other information that will facilitate the accelerated adoption of hydrogen systems. Specific objectives: Characterize risks and hazards; Conduct collaborative testing program to validate the results of numerous models that have been developed and to use the data for further refinement of those tools for use in real-life scenarios; and Document and convey the results and data in ways that support the development and implementation of codes and standards. Task 19 Goals and Objectives
February 24th – Preliminary Proposal Drafted April 1st – ExCo Approval to enter PDP (Vienna) June 2nd – 1st Experts Meeting (Washington) August 25th – Draft Annex Completed September 28th – 2nd Experts Meeting (Madrid) October 13th – Approval February 15th - Work Plan Draft March 7-8, 2005 3rd Experts Meeting (Paris) September 6-7, 2005 Experts Meeting (Pisa) October 4-6, 2005 ExCo Meeting (Singapore) Key Events (2004-2005)
Canada European Commission Finland France Italy Japan The Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States Participating Countries
A. Risk Management: QRA and test methodology development around which a collaborative testing program can be conducted Testing program: Evaluate the nature and consequences of safety-related events under a range of real-life scenarios, environments and mitigation measures Information Dissemination: Develop targeted information packages for stakeholder groups Task Organization
A1:Survey existing methodologies/case studies Selection/definition of systems for inclusion A2:Comparative RA of hydrogen stations with existing systems using conventional fuels A3:Probabilistic risk and consequence analysis Hazard identification/analysis and accident progress analysis Modeling of component failures Subtask A – Risk Management
Survey of RA Methodologies for Relevant Studies (examples provided by participating countries) International and National RA Standards (national standards information and analysis provided by participating countries) International Best Practices Recommendations A.1: Survey Existing RA Methodologies
National Studies (description, findings) Recommendations A.2: Comparative RA Studies of H2 vs. HC Stations
Survey of Databases on Component Failures Hazard Identification Methods Accident Progression Analysis Modeling of Component Failures Recommend Scenarios for Test Program A.3: Probabilistic and Deterministic Risk and Consequence Analysis
Survey of Databases on Component Failures (input from participating countries) Hazard Identification Methods Hazard Control Methods Accident Progression Analysis A.3.1: Hazard Identification and Accident Progression Analysis
Understanding of Hydrogen Properties H2 releases, dispersion and results of ignition, turbulence, overpressure and thermal effects Enhance Consequence Analysis Assist On-going C&S Development Clearance distances (concentrations and / or consequences) Hazardous locations Subactivity A3.2: Modeling of Component Failures
Core Team: Core team has been formed from experts from Canada, Norway, Netherlands and France. Core team will prepare “straw men” for review, comments, discussion and input from the rest of Subtask A participants. Subtask A Recent Progress
Simulate and characterize: System component failures Accidents Human error “Acts of God” Terrorism To impact: Validation models Codes Design standards Electrical classification Permitting authorities Public perceptions/market acceptance Subtask B: Testing program
Destructive and non-destructive testing of hydrogen components and systems Testing program to validate current codes and standards (e.g. electrical classification) Testing program to develop data for design standards for hydrogen storage systems Activities Suggested by Experts
Permitting officials Insurance providers System developers Equipment manufacturers Early adopters of technology Consumers and end-users Subtask C:Targeted information packages for stakeholder groups
International Requirements for siting hydrogen technology installations (US, Canada, Japan, UK, Australia) Development of an Intelligent Virtual Fueling Station Development of comprehensive information documents for specific stakeholder groups Suggested Activities
Under development Both Public and Private Areas Database Capability Documents (Annex, Work Plan, Reports, Proceedings) Forum for Experts’ Use Linked to Related IEA/HIA Sites New Task 19 Web Site www.ieahydrogensafety.com www.ieah2safety.com
C.1 Int’l Requirements for Siting H2 Techs C.2 Develop Intelligent Virtual H2 Station C.3 Develop Comprehensive Info Docs Additional Ideas Resource Directory Glossary of Terms ER Training Subtask C: Development of Targeted Information Packages
NREL is compiling a matrix of technical requirements for siting fueling stations and hydrogen fuel cell for telecommunication apps that incorporate graphical user interface. NREL developed a siting template for the U.S., but which is going to be tested at various IEA country locations. Glossary – Definition of Incidents and Near-Misses ER Training – Draft Awareness-Level / Operations-Level Curriculum Developed Related Activities (U.S.)
Subtask A, Risk Management – Andrei Tchouvelev Subtask B, Testing – Nico Versloot Subtask C, (Several) Bob Hay (Canada) Bruce Kinzey (US) Task Management
International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement . . . Thank you! www.iea.org www.ieahia.org www.ieah2safety.com