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The State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus and other authorized authorities ensure the observance of technical regulations and standards in various sectors. This includes surveillance over efficient energy use, construction requirements, mandatory conformity attestation, and license conditions. Learn more about the legislative framework and key provisions of surveillance activities in Belarus.
STRUCTURE of the STATE COMMITTEE for STANDARDIZATION of the REPUBLIC OF BELARUS (in the sphere of governmental supervision) Central office Department forEnergy Efficiency Department for Construction Inspection and Surveillance RegionalCSMCs 15 Departments of Energy Surveillance Inspections of Governmental Construction Surveillance 7 Belarusian State Institute for Metrology (BelGIM) 8
Spheres of Governmental Supervision • The Gosstandart bodies of governmental supervisionrealize: • 1. governmental supervisionoverobservance of technical regulations and standards requirements; • 2. governmentalmetrological supervision; • 3. governmental supervisionoverefficient use of fuels, electricity and heat energy; • 4. surveillanceover observance of the requirements of technical normative legal acts in construction; • 5. supervisionoverobservance of the requirements of technical normative legal acts in the field of mandatory conformity attestation; • 6. surveillanceover compliance with license terms and conditions in production of alcohol and tobacco products.
Governmental Supervision over Observance of Technical Regulations and Standards Requirements
LEGISLATIVE BASE Laws of the Republic of Belarus «On technical regulation and standardization» of 5 January 2004 No.262-3 Article 13. Governmental surveillance over observance of technical regulations Governmental surpervision over observance of technical regulations is realized by the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus and by other republican authorities authorized to perform governmental surveillance inthe Republic of Belarus.
LEGAL FRAMEWORK Laws of the Republic of Belarus «On assessment of conformity to the requirements of technical normative legal acts (TNLA ) within technical regulation and standardization» of January 5, 2004 No. 269-3(amendments of 31.1.2010) Article 18. Surveillance (Supervision) in conformity assessment Surveillance (Supervision) in conformity assessment (except for measuresrelative to accreditation proceduresand measures relative to certification procedures) in the spheres of surveillance (supervision) activities specified by the President of the Republic of Belarus is carried out by the bodies for state supervision of compliance with the requirements of TNLA and standardsin the order stated by the President of the Republic of Belarus.
LEGAL FRAMEWORK Decree of the President of The Republic of Belarus «On improvement of surveillance (supervision) activity in the Republic of Belarus» of October 16, No. 510 Approved: Provision on procedure of organization and conduction of inspections; List of surveillance (supervision) bodies and spheres of their surveillance (supervision)activity; Criteria of assignment of the entities under inspection to at-risks groups for allocation of sheduled inspections;
Legislation Acts • Decree No.2 of the President of the Republic of Belarus of January 14, 2005 • « On improvement of work with the public” • 2.7. Surveillance bodies, prosecution agencies, licensing bodies, bodies, carrying out state supervision of compliance with technical regulationsare obliged to supervise compliance with the requirements of this Decree during the conduction of inspections of organizations and individual entrepreneurs activities;
Legislation acts • The Directive No. 4 of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 31, 2010 • "On Development of Entrepreneurship Initiative and Stimulation of Business Activity in the Republic of Belarus"
Key provisions of Directive No.4 of 31.12.2010 "On Development of Entrepreneurship Initiative and Stimulation of Business Activity in the Republic of Belarus” • To switch to predominant declaring of conformity of goods with mandatory safety and quality requirements directly by manufacturer and seller with full assignment of responsibility for safety and quality of goods to them. • To recognize conformance certificates and other documents attesting the conformity of products with mandatory requirements issued in the member-states of the Customs Union and states which are a party to the relevant international agreements with the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Belarus.
The main provisions of Directive No.4 from 31.12.2010 "On Development of Entrepreneurship Initiative and Stimulation of Business Activity in the Republic of Belarus” • To change the nature of surveillance (supervision) activities by making them preventive; to switch to using predominantly preventive measures aimed at preventing law violations in business activities. • Supervision(surveillance) bodies are forbidden to use authorities granted to these bodies to conduct the inspections during the monitoring and conduction of other similar measures which are not inspections in relation to business entities.
The main provisions of the Directive No 4 of 31.12.2010 “On the development of entrepreneurship and stimulating of business activity in Belarus” • Scheduled inspections of business entities that conscientiously fulfill their obligations to the budget and have no facts of violation of legislation shall be conducted no more frequently than once every five years.
The main provisions of the Directive No 4 of 31.12.2010 “On the development of entrepreneurship and stimulating of business activity in Belarus” • To review the current system of administrative and criminal responsibility for violations in the field of entrepreneurship, ensuring the proportionality of liability to the nature of offence and the extent of the caused damage. • To provide reduction of the minimum and maximum amount of penalty for committing administrative violationsin the field of entrepreneurship.
The main provisions of the Directive No 4 of 31.12.2010 “On the development of entrepreneurship and stimulating of business activity in Belarus” • Any suspension of activity can be carried out only in cases determined by legislative acts by specifically authorized surveillance (supervision) body or the court, entirely for the purpose of ensuring national security, protection of life and health of citizens, environmental protection and shall be extended only by the decision of the court.
Information on the typical violations detected during inspections shall be placed on the websites of surveillance bodies and the conditions for free access and familiarization with normative documents the compliance with which is monitored should be created Information on violations
16 In 2010 with double reduction of number of inspections the percentage of violations is increased in comparison with 2008, the delivery of non-standard products to the amount of 17 billion 574 rubles has been prevented
17 Distribution of inspections on the main stages of the life cycle of products or rendered services in 2010
WEBSITE of Gosstandart http://www.gosstandart.gov.by E-mail: nadzor_belst@anitex.by