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Discovering the Heart of God Part 12 Creator. Introduction. Last week we looked at God’s holiness. He is uniquely pure and there is no other like Him. This week we want to look at Him as Creator. He alone has the power and wisdom to create and sustain the universe. Creator of the Universe.
Discovering the Heart of God Part 12 Creator
Introduction Last week we looked at God’s holiness. He is uniquely pure and there is no other like Him. This week we want to look at Him as Creator. He alone has the power and wisdom to create and sustain the universe.
Creator of the Universe Genesis 1:1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Scripture begins by telling us that there is a God and that He created the heavens and the earth. Scripture does not begin by arguing for the existence of God, but that He exists, and all that we can see is the result of His Creative work.
Creator of the Universe Genesis 1:2The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1 goes on to tell us about the Creation Week. God could have created the universe perfect on the first day. Yet He chose to create time, energy, and matter that was without form.
Creator of the Universe Genesis 1:27So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God created us in His own image. There is a great difference between God and man, but He made us to be His representatives in creation, and to be able to fellowship with Him.
Creator of the Universe Genesis 1:27So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God made us in His image so we can do many of the things that He does. He can think, plan and is intelligent. God is also creative. Look at the universe that He molded into existence. We also are creative beings. Adam was called to tend and expand the Garden of Eden. God expected Him to be creative.
Creator of the Universe Genesis 1:27So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God wants man to be creative. Look at the things that God has allowed us to make and do. We have walked on the moon, built giant buildings and beautiful parks. We should seek how to creatively impact our world for Him.
Creator of the Narrative Hebrews 12:2looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. God is writing a narrative story through the essence of human history. Rev 13:8 tells us that Jesus was the lamb slain from before the foundations of this world. God’s story declares His holiness, power, wisdom to all who hear it.
Creator of the Narrative God’s story is recorded for us in Scripture, in Creation, and in each of our lives. The hero of God’s story is Jesus Christ. He is the one who rescues His chosen bride from death and brings her to his heavenly home. This theme is the basis of many “fairy tales”, but this one is real.
Creator of the Narrative We also have been given the ability to write narrative. Our libraries are filled with books telling stories. Some of those stories are historical while others are pure fiction. The greatest story we can write is our own lives. We can “coauthor” our future narrative with God Himself. We also have the privilege of coming along side others and writing our story into their lives. We write our stories in the context of God’s greater narrative.
Creator of the Narrative A word of warning and reflection needs to be added here. The stories we write are not always positive. Think of Sandusky and the story of pain and selfishness he has written into the lives of his victims. The tragic nature of his narrative will leave wounds and scars in their lives that will last a lifetime. We can rejoice knowing that God’s narrative is more powerful than man’s. God’s narrative can write healing and restoration into the lives of those that turn to Him. What kind of narrative are you writing into the your own life and in the lives of others?
Creator of Salvation Hebrews 12:2looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. God knew that man would fail and created a way of restoration. God is Holy. Last week we saw how God was compared to light, and that no darkness can dwell in His presence. Our sin had to be dealt with and God created our deliverance before He created the world.
Creator of Salvation Salvation is not the creation of man. All sin is against God and only He has the right and ability to forgive it. It is not our place to try to reconfigure who or how God will allow into His presence. We need to study and accept what God has declared about Himself and His plan of redemption. His plan was so creative, that Satan did not realize that he was condemning himself when he incited the masses to crucify Jesus upon the cross.
Creator of Salvation Man, however does have a role to play in the salvation process. We need to be creative in how we declare the good news of God’s offer of forgiveness and redemption. Evangelism is not a one size fits all program. Each person is unique and we need to pray for creative ways to share God’s truth with them. We can rest knowing that God is the one writing His story into their lives and we are just a part of that narrative.
God is Creative We have seen God’s creativity in His speaking (narrative) this universe into existence. That creativity is seen in all that He has made and it declares His power and authority (Romans 1). God is writing a narrative in and through human history and is concerned with the smallest details of our lives. God created a way for us to reconnect with Him.
God is Creative God created us to be creative beings also. We have the ability to write our story into His. How will you creatively impact your sphere of influence this week for Christ?