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Keyhole. The Hubble Heritage Project Bridging Science and Aesthetics by Lisa Frattare and Keith Noll Hubble Heritage Team Space Telescope Science Institute. 1. Hubble Space Telescope (HST).     Deployed April 25, 1990

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Keyhole The Hubble Heritage Project Bridging Science and Aesthetics byLisa Frattare andKeith NollHubble Heritage TeamSpace Telescope Science Institute 1

  2. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Deployed April 25, 1990 Designed to last 15 yrs Diameter of Mirror: 8 feet Focal Length: 189 feet (57.6 m) Length of Tube: 43.5 feet Speed: 17,500 mph (5 mps) Altitude: 380 miles (600 km)  Full Earth Orbit: 97 minutes Earth Occultation every 45 minutes Processor Speed: 386/486 >>> >>> 2

  3. Size of Hubble’s Orbit 600 km above surface Size of Earth 6400 km 100 km above surface Size of Earth’s Atmosphere 3

  4. HST: World-Class Science Instrument Cycle 18 (2010-2011) showed the highest over-subscription rate (9:1) in the history of Hubble observations. 1051 proposals were submitted for 23,000 orbits Total Available Orbits: 2,600 Awarded: 1,700 orbits for Small Proposals (under 40 orbits) 300 orbits for Medium Proposals (40-99 orbits) 600 orbits for Large/Treasury Proposal (i.e. M31) ??? orbits for Director’s Discretionary ToO: Target of Opportunity (SNe, comets) Hubble Heritage Outreach Project (15 orbits) >>> 4

  5. I V B Broad-band Image Compositing 5

  6. I Red V Green B Blue Broad-band Image Compositing 6

  7. I Red V Green B Blue Broad-band Image Compositing 7

  8. [S II] Narrow-band Imaging H-alpha [O III] 8

  9. Two-Color Image Compositing 9

  10. (L) HST/ACS: H-alpha+[N II](RGB) CTIO: [S II], H-alpha, [O III] Single Filter (LRGB) 10

  11. M51 11

  12. Ground-based data to fill in corners M51 Hubble Data 12 Ground-based data to fill in corners

  13. 13

  14. Dumbbell 2 • STScI-PRC99-01 14

  15. Saturn 15

  16. Horsehead 16

  17. Mosaic outlines NGC 2207 17

  18. Composite 18

  19. 19

  20. Some PI Science can be aesthetic, but not main driver 20

  21. Events are aesthetic 21

  22. Some aesthetic images capture unexpected science Mars Dust Storm 22

  23. 23

  24. “Time Lapse” Observations Saturn 24

  25. 25

  26. 26

  27. Hubble Heritage Project NGC 4414 http://heritage.stsci.edu • Releasing an image a month since 1998 • Drive is aesthetics in addition to science • Small allotment of orbits yearly • Also augment archival data 27

  28. Ring Nebula M57 • STScI-PRC99-01 28

  29. 29

  30. 30

  31. Sombrero Galaxy M104 Globular Cluster Mapping of Sombrero 31

  32. Mz 3 • STScI-PRC01-05 32

  33. 33

  34. 34

  35. 35

  36. 36

  37. 37

  38. 38

  39. 39

  40. 40

  41. Introduction 41

  42. 42

  43. 43

  44. HH 901 44

  45. Keyhole 45

  46. 46

  47. Hubble’s 20th Anniversary Image - April 2010 47

  48. 48

  49. 49

  50. 50

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