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THE VISION OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST):. To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice. . The Purpose of Disciples Women.
THE VISION OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST): To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice.
The Purpose of Disciples Women • As part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Disciples Women welcomes all to the table as Christ has welcomed us. The ministries of Disciples Women are part of the movement for wholeness in a fragmented world by: • Providing opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and creative ministries to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the church of Jesus Christ • Providing a channel through which women in the congregation and the regional Women’s Ministries in the United States and Canada may be joined in fellowship and find means for effective participation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but….. Backwards….and in high heels Do you ever feel like Ginger Rogers?
What does it mean to be a Disciples Woman? • General Assembly Stage Report • What’s your elevator speech? • WIRED being changed • How do we share information? • How can we do it better?
Disciples Women Ministries • Worship for spiritual growth and renewed discipleship; • Bible Study for greater knowledge, understanding and service; • Issue Study for action and advocacy; • Mission Study for knowledge, understanding and acceptance of others; • Service / Action for hands-on/personal involvement; • Fellowship / Networking for building the faith community with other women; • Leadership Training for service to God in the church, the community and the world; • Stewardship of time, talent and resources for the mission of the church.
2013 report not received at time of preparation Giving $954, 997 in 2012; $1,067,288 in 2011 Support Disciples ministry and mission through 33 regions, seven seminaries and foundation houses, 17 colleges and universities, ecumenical partnerships and unity connections, global ministries in 52 countries, home missions, stewardship and funding for the church, ministerial relief, communication, ministries of justice and compassion Giving is down and we may have to make more changes to what and how we do women’s ministries
Blessing Boxes Blessing boxes are a way of practicing the spiritual discipline of giving out of gratitude for God’s daily blessings $141,000 in 2013; $166,311 in 2012; $170, 089 in 2011 Half of Blessing Box giving goes to Disciples Mission Fund Half of Blessing Box giving supports Disciples Women’s Ministry
Just Women • Just Women magazine is a Disciples Women publication developed by and for Disciples women as a resource providing theme articles inspired by scripture, multi-generational conversations, reflections on healthy living and faith, ecumenical Bible study, group study guides, and more. • Just Women magazine is the official study resource to accompany the Woman-to-Woman Worldwide focus country. • Exciting news for 2014!!!
Disciples Women’s Endowment Fund • Disciples Women’s Endowment Fund was established in 1990 (as Women’s Endowment Fund) to provide an opportunity to contribute to a permanent fund that benefits the ministry of women in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). • With each new dollar, the DWEF value increases, so that the amount earned off the permanent fund increases to provide more financial grants in the present and future to encourage women to live out the gospel in creative and empowering ways. • The funds are invested through the Christian Church Foundation to keep pace with inflation and produce a steady stream of income. Only the interest on the investments is used to support grant requests, and first priority is given to ministry which benefits the entire women's network. • DWEF funds are a resource to assist women across the life of the church to begin a new and creative ministry that serves recognized needs in their own congregations and communities.
Leadership Training • The Leader Apprentice Program (LAP) focuses on equipping Disciples women of color to serve in their home congregations and in regional and general arenas of church life. • The annual Staff Fellowship meetings include Disciples Women staff persons from each region, Disciples Women presidents of regions without a staff person, and constituency group leaders to ensure the voices of all Disciples women are heard. These meetings provide opportunities for renewal, networking, professional development, enrichment and support of the members, updates on current resources and objectives, and an advisory and communication channel to share in advocacy for women. • Inter-Regional Leadership Training takes place within the quadrennium between Quadrennial Assemblies in each of the 5 Inter-regional groups. The training provides tools and information to strengthen established leaders while encouraging new leadership among newly involved women and young women.
Quadrennial Assembly • Quadrennial Assemblies began in 1957 and continue to bring together the women of the Christian Church for worship, study, training, advocacy, service, networking and fellowship. • Opportunity to build relationships with sisters in the United States and Canada as well as across the globe, gathering women of all ages, cultures, and countries. • QA provides space for leadership training and growth and often result in women taking on greater leadership roles across the life of the church.
Program Director – Merger Staff • We are currently in the midst of a search for Disciples Women’s Program Director using the Executive Search Model affirmed by the General Board last year. • Please share this information far and wide so we are sure to reach the person God is already preparing for this ministry. All the information is on the website including where resumes should be sent.
New in 2014 • Partnering with the Center for Public Witness to sponsor an additional Disciples Peace Fellowship intern • Still dreaming and brainstorming about what this will look like but an additional opportunity to help our youth learn early who Disciples Women really are • Advocacy, women, children, poverty • Networking women with camp youth • Discuss call at camp: call to ministry/passion for justice; different calls as Christians • Bring camp learning home • Youth Focused Action Web • Building a website to publish links to blogs written by Disciples Women: still being built but please send me names of blog writers that I can request be included on new website • Freight Software: Purchased a package of software that would more equitably calculate shipping costs when Bible studies, logo items, QA materials, etc. are ordered
Social Media Updates www.DisciplesWomen.org www.Facebook.com/discipleswomen www.Discipleswomen.wordpress.com • USA, Canada, UK, India, Indonesia, China, Norway, Australia, France, Chile, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Philippines, Viet Nam, South Africa, New Zealand, and more Twitter @DisciplesWomen www.Facebook.com/JustWomenDW www.Facebook.com/Quadrennial
Proposed Future Dates for meetings January 21-25, 2015 January 20-24, 2016 January 25-29, 2017 January 24-28, 2018
DWLC meetings • End of 4 years • Moving forward • DWLC has fewer regional staff than four years ago • Regions are changing shape and size • Funding is still diminishing • DWLC is the best vehicle we currently have for sharing the news about resources, networking, sharing best practices and two way communication • Recommend continuing annual meetings with either staff person or president depending upon each region’s position: IDWM contributes to cost but cannot afford to pay to support full cabinet. • Recommend continuing support for quadrennial inter-regional gatherings: reach larger group of leaders and potential leaders with information • For consideration • What do we do when regions combine? • Cannot afford to pay for multiple representatives but need to consider reaching a wide group of women • Should regions send more than one representative if they can afford to pay for a second? • Are there any challenges or concerns about a region having more representation than another if they are paying the expenses? • Is this a justice issue with greater voice from one region over another?
Inter-Regional Model • PURPOSE: To develop leadership skills for women serving on Regional Disciples Women Cabinets / Commissions/Constituencies and women identified with leadership potential to provide the knowledge and resources which will enable persons to enter into leadership and fulfill their responsibilities with increased effectiveness. • TIME AND PLACE: Held every four years over a Friday evening through Sunday noon. The staff of the interregional group determine which region will host the event.
Woman-to-Woman Worldwide • Life-transforming connection and learning experience. • WWW responds to the call for women of faith to experience solidarity with one another, to affirm the unity of the church in Jesus Christ and to join the common struggle for justice and peace in the world today. • Each year a delegation visits sisters in other countries to learn from them what it means to be a woman of faith in their context. • International, ecumenical and personal experiences encourage faithful women to see the world through new eyes and bring that perspective back to their congregation and community.
Social Action Emphasis • For four years we have been studying, advocating, and educating on the evil of Human Trafficking because in 2010 we decided together that it would be our social action emphasis • As we face the time in our four-year cycle when we determine what we will focus on, it’s appropriate to spend some time in reflection • What is the purpose of our social action emphasis? • What do you do with it? • How do you use it? • Is it important to you? If so, why? • Where do we stand on Human Trafficking? Do we feel we are ready to move on? Do we feel we are just getting started and want to continue? Is there another emphasis that we feel we should be embracing for the next quadrennium?