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Is Mormonism Christian? Unmasking the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Dr . Tal Davis Email : josephtaldavis @ gmail.com MarketFaith Ministries www.marketfaith.org. LDS World Church Statistics. Total Membership (2012) 14,782,473 Converts Baptized (2012) 2 72,330.
Is Mormonism Christian? Unmasking the Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints Dr. Tal Davis Email: josephtaldavis@ gmail.com MarketFaith Ministries www.marketfaith.org
LDS World Church Statistics • Total Membership (2012) 14,782,473 • Converts Baptized (2012) 272,330
LDS World Church Statistics • Congregations: (2012) 29,014
LDS World Church Statistics • Full-time Missionaries (2012): 58,990 Missions: 347
LDS World Church Statistics Temples (2012): 141
Church Statistics (2012) United States: Members: 6,321,416 Congregations: 13,742Temples: 68 Missions: 103
Joseph Smith, Jr. Born December 23, 1805 Grew Up In Palmyra, NY
1823- Sept. 21- Joseph’s “Second Vision” of Angel Moroni
1823-Sept 23- Joseph shown Golden Plates at Hill Cumorah 1827- Sept. 22- Smith obtained plates & began translation of The Book of Mormon
June 1829- Book of Mormon translation completed • March 1830-First edition published in Palmyra NY
1830- April 6- “Church of Christ” restored with six members in Fayette NY
1831- Mormons migrated to Kirtland, Ohio & Independence, Missouri 1838-“Mormon War” in Missouri
1846-47- • Brigham Young leads westward trek to Utah • Founded settlement in Salt Lake City, Utah
Sept. 1890- Pres. Wilford Woodruff proclaimed “Manifesto” suspending Plural Marriage • 1978- Pres. Spencer W. Kimball announced revelation allowing black males to receive LDS priesthoods
The Four Standard Works • King James Bible • “As far as it is translated correctly”
The Book Of Mormon • Claims to be “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” • Smith claimed to translate from golden plates in “Reformed Egyptian”
Two Additional Mormon Scriptures • The Doctrine and Covenants • The Pearl of Great Price
President Thomas S. Monson • Living Prophet, Seer, and Revelator.
LDS Beliefs About God • An exalted man of flesh and bone • Has a physical body • Has a wife (or wives) • Heavenly Father did not create world from nothing but organized earth out of pre-existent matter
There Are Countless Other Gods In The Universe • Our Heavenly Father Has A Father, Grandfather, etc.
LDS Beliefs about God • Men may become gods • Men are “Gods in embryo” • Women May Become wives Of Gods
Beliefs about the Holy Ghost “The Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.” [Doctrine and Covenants 130:22]
LDS Beliefs about Jesus • “Jehovah” in the Pre-mortal Estate • The “Firstborn Son of God” • “Only-begotten” in the flesh
The Mormon Plan of SalvationUnconditional or “General” Redemption • Jesus “Atoned” for Adam’s “Necessary Fall” in Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross • Jesus raised from the dead to restore immortality lost in the fall for all humanity
The Mormon Plan of SalvationConditional or “Individual” Redemption
Steps to Exaltation • 1. Faith
3. Baptism By Immersion in the LDS Church by Aaronic Priesthood
4. Laying On Of Hands by a Member of the Melchizedek Priesthood in Order to Receive the Holy Ghost
5. Ordination as a Aaronic Priest and Melchizedek Priest (Men only)
6. Receiving the Temple Endowments (Men & Women)
8. Temple Works (Baptism and ordinances for the dead)
Life After Death • Paradise for baptized Mormons • Spirit Prison for all others where missionaries preach Mormon gospel
Three Kingdoms Of Glory 1. Celestial Kingdom (Worthy Mormons) 2. Terrestrial Kingdom (Honorable people) 3. Telestial Kingdom (The ungodly, wicked, and filthy) Perdition (Hell) (For Satan, his angels and apostates)