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Data Governance 2.0: The Journey Towards Data Citizenship

Explore the evolution of data governance from management to citizenship, and its applications for improving effectiveness. Learn the importance of data valuation, its relation to governance, and future trends.

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Data Governance 2.0: The Journey Towards Data Citizenship

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  1. WEBINARData Governance 2.0: The Journey Toward Data Citizenship Henry Peyret, Principal Analyst April 28, 2016. Call in at 12:55 p.m. Eastern time

  2. Agenda Data governance is not data management. Improving data governance efficiency Toward data citizenship in a changing world Data governance applications to improve effectiveness

  3. Data governance (DG) is confused with data management • Most data management (DQ, MDM, security, and life cycle) are embedding DG functionalities. • DG compromises/decisions were delegated too much to the CIO staff. • DG valuation is too much about costs avoidance.

  4. What is not governance? • So it is not (or should not be): • Management. • The search for consensus. • A trial where multiple sides are trying to argue for their own objectives, and finally a judge decides.

  5. What is governance? • This is the means to decide on a compromise between opposite objectives: • Between at least two antagonist objectives • . . . or objectives not achievable at the same pace • . . . or not with the same priorities • Example: • 100% data quality costs too much.

  6. Governance is also a means to manage the direction across an individual decision • Each individual decision should be seen as participating in a broader compromise. • Example IT governance: • The consolidation budget and workload of each individual project require you to establish a compromise to get the right quality level.

  7. Data and DG valuation are the means to factually help decisions • Quality: efficiency in processes • Uniqueness: efficiency in processes • Life cycle: costs savings in storage • Compliance: risk avoidance and regulation trust • Security: risk avoidance and customer trust • Privacy: risk avoidance and customer trust

  8. There is no data valuation without DG • Data governance is the corollary to data valuation and vice versa. • So this is a different and evolving DG: • Risks versus rewards • Caring about data usage . . . and not just collection • Managing policies within ecosystems

  9. Data valuation: internal data usage • Usual: • For efficiency by process mapping • Unusual: • For money-making by revenue mapping • For strategic support by objectives mapping • For nontangible benefits by . . . • For customer values by values mapping • Futuristic: • Building data context from metadata

  10. Agenda Data governance is not data management. Improving data governance efficiency Toward data citizenship in a changing world Data governance applications to improve effectiveness

  11. Is current data governance effective? It’s right for compliance with process and procedures! “How effective is your organization with the following data governance activities?” Note: “Don't know,” “don't do,” and “somewhat effective” are not shown. N = 159. Source: Forrester’s Q4 2014 Global Data Quality And Trust Online Survey

  12. Is current data governance effective? Not for data definitions! “How effective is your organization with the following data governance activities?” Note: “Don't know,” “don't do,” and “somewhat effective” are not shown. N = 159. Source: Forrester’s Q4 2014 Global Data Quality And Trust Online Survey

  13. Is current data governance effective? Not for aligning with business strategies! “How effective is your organization with the following data governance activities?” Note: “Don't know,” “don't do,” and “somewhat effective” are not shown. N = 159. Source: Forrester’s Q4 2014 Global Data Quality And Trust Online Survey

  14. Is current data governance effective? Not for measuring and reporting DG contribution to the business! “How effective is your organization with the following data governance activities?” Note: “Don't know,” “don't do,” and “somewhat effective” are not shown. N = 159. Source: Forrester’s Q4 2014 Global Data Quality And Trust Online Survey

  15. Is current data governance effective? Not for data policies and stewardship management! “How effective is your organization with the following data governance activities?” Note: “Don't know,” “don't do,” and “somewhat effective” are not shown. N = 159. Source: Forrester’s Q4 2014 Global Data Quality And Trust Online Survey

  16. Agenda Data governance is not data management. Improving data governance efficiency Toward data citizenship in a changing world Data governance applications to improve effectiveness

  17. Data business drivers • Data economy • OpenData • Selling data to aggregators (Acxiomand others) • API economy • Selling data to everybody • Selling services usingyour data

  18. Data governance archetypes that match business outcomes and data types Source: “Data Governance Archetypes Shape The Focus And Fate Of Your Business” Forrester report

  19. Data citizenship • Data citizenship is the way to offer to everyone concerned with data the opportunity to transparently decide rules/policies about data collection, aggregation, and usage.

  20. How many inquiries has Forrester fielded on data governance over the past five years? Source: 384 inquiries on data governance from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2015

  21. What best represents the inquiry themes by industry? Challenges slowly driving to DG 2 Subjects requiring DG journey Subjects representing an unseen threat Source: 430 inquiries on “data governance,” “information governance,” and “information life-cycle management” from March 7, 2011 to March 7, 2016

  22. What best represents the inquiry themes by industry? Challenges slowly driving to DG 2 Subjects requiring DG journey Source: 430 inquiries on “data governance,” “information governance,” and “information life-cycle management” from March 7, 2011 to March 7, 2016

  23. What best represents the inquiry themes by industry? Challenges slowly driving to DG 2 Subjects requiring DG journey Source: 430 inquiries on “data governance,” “information governance,” and “information life-cycle management” from March 7, 2011 to March 7, 2016

  24. Data governance differs across industries Source: “Brief: What Customers Look For In Data Governance Stewardship Applications” Forrester report

  25. So organization is a top concern for DG “What best represents the inquiry themes (up to three tags/inquiry)?” Challenges slowly driving to DG 2 Source: 430 inquiries on “data governance,” “information governance,” and “information life-cycle management” from March 7, 2011 to March 7, 2016

  26. Data governance organization false pre-requisites Without at least COO involvement, the DG cannot be successful. Without a strong commitment from a top exec, DG will fail.

  27. What about the place of the chief data officer? Source: “Top Performers Appoint Chief Data Officers” Forrester report

  28. CDO responsibilities and focus areas Source: “Top Performers Appoint Chief Data Officers” Forrester report

  29. CDO reporting structures vary according to primary data drivers Source: “Top Performers Appoint Chief Data Officers” Forrester report

  30. Agenda Data governance is not data management. Improving data governance efficiency Toward data citizenship in a changing world Data governance applications to improve effectiveness

  31. DG stewardship application reference architecture Integration Templates framework method Data valuation Policy mgmt Steward-ship mgmt Project and mgmt method support Collaboration Admin, security, and consumption Dashboardingand metrics reporting The semantic repository is voluntarily missing here . . .

  32. New vendors are joining: • Alex • ASG • SAP Information Steward Source: “The Forrester Wave™: Data Governance Stewardship Applications, Q1 2016” Forrester report

  33. DG stewardship application vendors are creating an emerging market

  34. Recommendations: DG is a journey • Design your road map for data quality and governance strategies based on business outcomes. • Establish your own DG journey toward stewardship (stop asking for benchmarks and what others are doing). • Your DG will accompany your business differentiation/personalization while lowering risks (privacy and big data). • Learn and plan your DG journey in the short term as you go (no need for a long-term plan).

  35. Henry Peyret +33 684 829 551 hpeyret@forrester.com Twitter: @hpeyret

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