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David Alfro Siqueiros

David Alfro Siqueiros. Por Saidge Sanderson Ryan Johansen Kolton Yager Viridiana Batalla Isaac M. El A rbol F amilia P or los S iquieros. Siete filos (El Abuelo ). Teresa Siqueiros + Cipriano Alfaro (los padres). Chucho. Siqueiros. Luz. La Biographía Artístico.

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David Alfro Siqueiros

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Presentation Transcript

  1. David Alfro Siqueiros Por SaidgeSanderson Ryan Johansen KoltonYager ViridianaBatalla Isaac M

  2. El ArbolFamiliaPor los Siquieros • Sietefilos (El Abuelo) Teresa Siqueiros + Cipriano Alfaro (los padres) Chucho Siqueiros Luz

  3. La BiographíaArtístico • Siqueiros creepolítica y arte esigual. • Su arte esinspirado de experienciasy vidadesafíos. • El mixtoclásico arte con moderno arte. • Queríasu arte paradestacar. • En 1921 el escribesu manifesto. • En 1922 el trabajadocomo un muralista en Mexico para la revolucionariogobierno de Alvaro Obegón. • El trabajado con Rivera y Orozco duranteestetiempo a pintarmurales.

  4. La Biographía • El era nacido en Chiwawa Ciudad de la 29 de Deciembre en 1896. • En 1908 el fui a Mexico Ciudad a estudia arte y agricultura en Franco-EnglesColegio. • En 1910 La Revolucionde Mexico comenzó y el unidoestudiantehuelgas • En 1914 el unido la Mexicanorevolucionejército. • En la sexto de enero de 1974 Siqueiros muerió.

  5. La Revolucion

  6. Análisis • La artistautilizóintensocoloresa Mostrar la importancia de la revolucion. • El humor es a inciten la publica contra el gobierno.

  7. Critiquear • En la mural la genteeslunchando el gobierno. • los combatientes son campesinos y gente pobre.

  8. Interpretar • El audiencia es promedio gente, a levantan a la acción. • La artista es tratando a incite los combatientes.

  9. Despues De La Gran Tormenta

  10. Análisis • Mucha linias fuerte y linias muy fluidas • Colores fuertes

  11. Interpretar • Mucho colores caliente • Parese enojado opoderoso con • mucha enerjia • Sientes la struggle. • Enseña mucho conflecto. • Usacolores

  12. Critiquear • Echo pue pintado en 1966 • Se llama despues de la greratstorm • Mexico es tubo la gera.muyfuertas. • Es una pisa. • Me hace enojado.

  13. David Alfaro Siqueiros

  14. Análisis • Este es un dibujo de Siquerio. No tiene una historia solo es un retrato de el. • Es un Oilpainting. • Es los colores que usaron son oscuros.

  15. Critiquear • David Alfaro Siquerio. • Es un senor viejo con muchas arrugas • El senor esta cansado y muy viejo se ve que trabajo mucho. Se ve muy triste. • Yo creo que los ojos lo hacen ver triste y te causa emotion.

  16. Interpretar • Este arte me hace sentir triste porque se ve • triste y desgastado. Creo que siquerioqueria que vieran que el trabaja mucho

  17. Siqueiros

  18. Análisis • Destinado a ser visto por los admiradores de Siqueiros. • El estilo is muralismo. • Los materiales utilizados fueron un lienzo y la pintura de aceite.

  19. Critiquear • El nombre de arte estaAutorretrato de Siqueiros. Creado in 1945. • Siqueiros defender lo quecree. • Estado de ánimofeliz. • Estadetallada y fresco.

  20. Interpretar • Que él fuerte y lucha por sus creencias. • Me hace sentir feliz. • Me hace sentir como Siqueiros era un hombre fuerte.

  21. Portrait of the Bourgeois

  22. Análisis • This work was painted on the walls of an Electricians union in Mexico in 1939. It is a very powerful and unique piece that presents vivid and disturbing imagery. Like many of his works this features many of the same revolutionary deep red colors. This is mainly seen in the many fires occurring in various places around the mural. Though all provided images of the mural are not taken from the proper perspectives to make analyzing them easy, you can still tell that there are many separate details both large and small. From a distance the overall essence of the painting is of revolutionary struggle against a totalitarian state straight out of a nightmare. The focal point of the mural depicts a metal construct that is ejecting fire powerfully into the ground. On top it spews golden coins left and right, and on top sits a hawk built out of metal and with spikes extruding from many places. Further above that we see an industrial building with drab colored machinery and a huge steel tower flying a red flag. At this point

  23. Análisis (seguido) • the work is powerful and impressive but the message is not clear. One of this mural's greatest accomplishments is that you really have to look closely and connect all the themes from various parts of it to understand the message. Continuing on we see that behind the coin fountain stand a number of sinister figures wearing gas masks. On the left these figures wear suites and look at the coin fountain, the right however is waring military uniforms and brandishing weapons. Their gaze is forward and the gives a sense that they are blind followers. Next if we look even farther back we see many more of these soldier figures walking in a very strict group towards and open metal gate. Observing their march are two black robed figures who are not wearing mask and look almost terrified or disgusted at what they watch. Finally and perhaps most importantly is the small view of what occurs underneath the ground that the rest are standing on. We see the coin fountain blasting flames into this space. At first it

  24. Análisis (seguido) • seems nonsensical but upon closer examination faces can be seen behind the flames as they are engulfed. They all appear tortured and distraught, likely an image of the people this totalitarian state oppresses. Then as we observe the right side of the image we see the same people leaving the scene underneath a similar styled man holding a rifle and facing the masked scene underneath a rebellious looking flag. It seems to symbolize that a rebellion is saving the people from the totalitarian rulers. Then on the other side of the mural you see a similar scene with the rebellion burning a governmental building as more people stand in tightly organized attention. The most interesting part is the rebel who's head is that of an eagle. I think this is meant to represent the true heart of the state in contrast to the metal eagle sitting upon the center statue. Overall this mural paints a fantastic image of the image and nature of rebellion.

  25. Fin

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