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Mobility management

This presentation focuses on motivating small and midsize companies in sustainable mobility management. The government approach, targets, vouchers, and practical steps are outlined to encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices. The main goals include reducing car use during rush hours, improving city accessibility, and promoting cleaner modes of transport. Strategies include internet surveys, expert visits, and implementation assistance to help companies transition to sustainable transportation methods. The key objectives are to raise awareness, increase efficiency, and reduce environmental impact through innovative mobility management solutions.

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Mobility management

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  1. Mobility management Motivating small and midsize companies in sustainable mobility.

  2. Motivating small and midsize companies Presentations contents: The Governmental Approach: Hans van Hamersveld Working at the Pilot: Bas Hilckmann >> Focus on environment

  3. Motivating small and midsize companies Taskforce Mobility Management Dutch Approach Mobility Management Partners at the Government Main Goals Bridge between companies and Governments >> Focus on environment

  4. Motivating small and midsize companies Main Goals are to reach in July 2010: A reduction of a minimal 5% of care use during rush hours Better accessibility of cities and companies Cleaner use of modes of transport Clever transportation modes Better productivity at the companies Smart Traveling, using ICT solutions >> Focus on environment

  5. Motivating small and midsize companies Targets AgentschapNL for the Pilot project: Mobility scan for small enterprises Development of a voucher system After the scan, Visit of a mobility Expert Compatabille results, view of mangeable mobility solutions The most important part, helping with the implementation During the Pilot a steering group >> Focus on environment

  6. Motivating small and midsize companies Easely respond to a survey bij internet Receive directly a specific report The main oppertunities If there are possibilities, the company receivers a voucher Voucher has two approaches: * voucher 1 visit of a Mobility expert at the location of the compnay * voucher 2 helping with the implementation >> Focus on environment

  7. Motivating small and midsize companies Approach: Starting in two Regions Different buisinesses Scale at 50 – 250 employees Results based on severall buisinesse Full report befor launchcing the project >> Focus on environment

  8. Motivating small and midsize companies Recomandations: Starting with a good marketing review Strong communication plan Compateble results in a over-view Quality demands for the Mobility experts Starting July 2010 First results at December 2010 >> Focus on environment

  9. Motivating small and midsize companies >> Focus on environment

  10. Motivating small and midsize companies How to get small and midsize companies (till 250 employees) aware and being more active in mobilitymanagement? Communicate with them in terms of revenues ! The most important terms for this (we thought) were: Becoming a more attractive employer. Have healthier people on the workfloor. Reducing overall costs. Working on corporate social responsibility / carbon footprint. >> Focus on environment

  11. Motivating small and midsize companies Step by step: O Using an internet quickscan in 2 minutes time, when feasible > you can ask for voucher I (1.500,-) I Introducing an expertscan in approx. one day, (2 hours real work for the company) when feasible > you can ask for voucher II (4.500,-) II Offering help with implementing (sustainable) measures through an ‘expert’. >> Focus on environment

  12. Motivating small and midsize companies How the quickscan works: Looking at the potential ! company-objectives ? 3. individual vs. collective time- (in)dependency 2. flexibel vs. continious location- (in)dependency A B C - locationcriteria 1. infrastructure on the site company-characteristics >> Focus on environment

  13. Motivating small and midsize companies Experiences from the pilot: 200 adressed companies (cold acquisition) in 2 different regions. In 4 weeks time we recieved 32 internetscans. 16% early adopters there are 660.000 small-midsize companies with 2,8 million employees In 2 months time we did 14 expertscans. 44% using voucher I on a larger scale approx. 46.000 companies In another 2 months time 3 implementations, using voucher II. 22% using voucher II on a large scale approx. 10.250 companies >> Focus on environment

  14. Motivating small and midsize companies Experiences from this pilot: 17% of 70 feasibele measures are realistic on the short term. 11% of 70 feasibele measures are realistic on the long term. 39% of the 70 measures are not suitable. 33% of the 70 measures are already implemented. When going on a large scale: approx. 550.000 feasible measures on the short term… approx. 350.000 feasible measures on the long term… >> Focus on environment

  15. Motivating small and midsize companies Marketing and communicationitems out of this pilot: 48% companies can work time-independently. 52% companies can work location-independently. The total cost of ownership for mobility is approx. € 8.000,- per employee anually. Savings untill 25% are possible. 70% find attractive eployment an objective. 60% find better accesibility for clients and employees an objective. 30% find saving costs an objective. (adds up to more then 100%!) >> Focus on environment

  16. Motivating small and midsize companies It is bottem up aproach, there is a development in expertlevels, there is approx. 9 million euro, and it starts in juli 2010. Hans van Hamersveld Bas Hilckmann Agentschap nl VCCR hans.vanhamersveld@agentschapnl.nl bas.hilckmann@vccr.nl >> Focus on environment

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