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This report outlines the achievements and challenges of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) during Quarter 3 of the 2011/12 financial year, focusing on core service delivery areas and strategic goals. Key areas include administration, economic development, food security, agriculture production, forestry management, and fisheries. The report highlights employee training, job creation, support for smallholders, marketing initiatives, engagement with international agreements, and food security programs such as establishing gardens and distributing starter packs. It emphasizes the department's commitment to sustainable resource management and sector transformation.
PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. Mandate, Vision and Strategic Goals 2. Overview 3. Programme 1: Administration 4. Programme 2: Economic Development, Trade and Marketing 5. Programme 3: Food Security and Agrarian Reform 6. Programme 4: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety 7. Programme 5: Forestry and Natural Resources Management 8. Programme 6: Fisheries Management 9. Financial Statements 10. Way Forward 2
VISION AND STRATEGIC GOALS OF DAFF VISION A leading, dynamic, united, prosperous and people-centred sector. STRATEGIC GOALS Increased profitable production of food, fibre and timber products by all categories of producers (subsistence, smallholder and commercial). Sustained management of natural resources. Effective national regulatory services and risk management systems. A transformed and united sector. Increased contribution of the sector to economic growth and development. Effective and efficient governance. 3
OVERVIEW The Department presents its Quarter 3 Organisational Performance Report for the 2011/12 financial year. This presentation focuses attention on the departmental achievements made during the third quarter, and highlights the performance status of planned deliverables and challenges encountered. The Department identified the following five areas as core for focussed service delivery during the financial year: Reduce the cost of basic foodstuffs as well as the cost of living; Employment creation and increase the number of participants in the DAFF sectors through support for smallholders and processors; Improving the income and conditions of farm workers, foresters and fishers; Enhance exports; and Ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources. 4
ADMINISTRATION The Employee Performance Management and Development System was successfully rolled-out and a total of 279 employees were trained. Of these, 103 were trained on short courses and 176 on accredited courses. 533 employees participated in screening tests, including HIV. R11 480 186 MAFISA loans have been disbursed to 876 clients during the period under review. 2 138 temporary and 845 permanent jobs resulting in a total of 2 983 jobs were created nationally through CASP support.(Report available to indicate distribution.) 7
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE AND MARKETING A concept document for the establishment and institutionalization of Grain Value Chains networks was approved by DEXCO. 92 farmers were trained in marketing skills and 23 co-operatives have been established in various provinces. As part of implementing the India, Brazil and South Africa(IBSA) agreement, the following engagements were held: IBSA Summit (18 October 2011), Joint Working Committee (12-13 October 2011) and Foot and Mouth disease workshop (23-25 November 2011). A programme of action has been developed for BRICS during the working Ministerial meeting on Agriculture and Agrarian Development in Chinaon28 October 2011. 9
FOOD SECURITY AND AGRARIAN REFORM 10 199 smallholder producers were identified for support. Free State (131), Limpopo (6 318), KZN (82), Mpumalanga (1 816), Western Cape (229), Gauteng (53) North West (857), Eastern Cape (614) and Northern Cape (99). 3402 producers received training in various programmes including beef production, goat production, sheep production, animal health, pig production, vegetable production, poultry production, production and management of piggeries. The distribution of trainees according to Provinces is as follows: EC – 1200; WC – 280; NW – 90; LM – 100; GP – 42; FS – 150; KZN – 800; NC – 320; MP – 120; Red Meat Abattoirs Association(RMAA)– 300. Furthermore, the three line-function SETAs (AgriSETA, Fibre Processing & Manufacturing (FP&M) SETA & FoodBev SETA) provided training to 1025 beneficiaries. 11
FOOD SECURITY AND AGRARIAN REFORM CONT… 5 409 household gardens (5 110 in Gauteng, 226 in Limpopo and 73 in NW) , 39 community gardens (20 in Gauteng and 19 in Limpopo) and 58 institutional gardens (23 in Gauteng and 35 in Limpopo) were established. 30 902 starter packs were distributed (8 500 each in Western Cape, Limpopo and KZN, with 5 110 in Gauteng and 292 in North West). 53 families received free seeds packs in North West. 1 Food Park has been established in Seshego (Limpopo) and 1 Agripark was launched in Gauteng. 12
FOOD SECURITY AND AGRARIAN REFORM CONT… 49 boreholes were drilled during the quarter. 148 Extension Officers were trained in Extension Suite Online and 818 extension officers registered for qualification upgrading. The draft Food Security Policy has been developed and consultations have taken place at different fora. Submissions have been made for presentation to the intergovernmental ministerial committee.. Departmental planning processes have been conducted with the focus being on the implementation of the Zero Hunger Campaign. 13
AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY The following interventions were implemented during Q3: Conducted43 899 inspections at the ports of entry; 20 746 Identification marks registered; 12 export facilities audited; 397 new Food Business Operator Codes were allocated; and 273 187 export/VI1 documents/certificates were issued. 10 776 veterinary import permits were issued during the period October to December 2011. 97 Reproduction Operators were registered. 15
AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY CONT…. Avian Influenza The outbreak continues and a total of 35 366 birds have been slaughtered for disease control purposes, and owners paid a total of R47 million. Contagious Equine Metritis Nationwide surveillance indicated that a total of 19 stallions were affected. These were put under quarantine and treated. Notice for the amendment to the export standards and requirements for canned fruit published in the Government Gazette on 23 December 2011. 280 418 temporary import permits for animals for purposes of feedlot/ slaughter/pasture/resale/shows and 422 permanent import permits were issued. 16
AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY CONT…. A total of747 agro-chemicals were processed and registered: Stock remedies = 23 Agric remedies = 85 Fertilizers = 142 Pest Control Operators = 116 Farm feeds = 262 Advertisements = 19 Import permits = 51 Free sale certificates = 42 Pack sizes = 7 17
AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY CONT…. Ten new taxa were declared as plants and amended regulations for plant breeder’s rights were published in the Government Gazette of 18 November 2011. 31 certificates under the Plant Breeders Rights Act issued within agreed standards, 47 import and 34 export permits of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were also issued within prescribed period. 18
The Conference of the Parties (COP 17) was held in Durban from 28 November – 11 December 2011 emerged with some key decisions on Green Climate Fund, Adaptation, Technology and support on developing country action. Although a decision on Agriculture has been deferred to COP18, Agriculture has, for the first time, been put on the agenda of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to consider views related to agriculture at its thirty-sixth session, with the aim of exchanging views and Conference of Parties adopting a decision on this matter at COP18. DAFF hosted and participated in the three high level events, namely, Agriculture and Rural Development Day (ARDD), Forest Day 5 and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) as well as three technical side events in the form of interactive seminars held in parallel with COP17 at the Climate Change Response (CCR) Expo. FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CONT … 20
FORESTRYAND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 269 jobs were created in Q3 through wattle jungle conversion (104 in EC, 14 in LP & Mpumalanga plantations, 101 jobs in WC and 50 in KZN ) resulting in 1 209 wattle jungleconversion jobs created from the beginning of financial year. 345 jobs were created on other forestry operations during the period under review. 1 329 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs were created through LandCare. 11 593 trees were planted (600 in EC, 6 050 in WC and 4943 in NW), while 4 499 trees were distributed of which (2 399 in LP & MP and 2 100 in WC). 695 761 trees have been planted since the beginning of financial year. 21
100,93 ha of indigenous forests and woodlands were rehabilitated. 3 704 ha were rehabilitated through CARA enforcement and 1 085 ha through Land Care projects. 183 forestry growers were supported in terms of training, licenses, funding, technical assistance and environmental impact assessments, and 8 000 seedlings were supplied to growers in the Limpopo/Mpumalanga regions. FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CONT … 22
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT The Marine Fish Farmers Association has been established and approved by the Minister. Fishermen’s Heritage project has been established to develop a fish processing plant in Kleinmond and recruitment of beneficiaries, clearing of the site and training are continuing. Twonew fish processing projects have been initiated (Port Nolloth & Elandsbaai). A total of eight Working For Fisheries Programmes (WFFP) are fully operational. 2 have concluded planning and are now recruiting beneficiaries for implementation. 6projects are in the planning phase. 24
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT CONT… 1017 jobs and 82,644 total person days of work were created through Working for Fisheries Programme along the Eastern Cape Coastline, Western Cape & Northern Cape coastline, Kwazulu Natal coastline; in the Metropole fishing harbours (Gordon’s Bay, Kalkbay and Houtbay); in the Overberg region (Western Cape),Eastern Cape and Kleinmond Fisheries Heritage). These jobs were formed by Monitoring of fisheries catch data, Maintenance, cleaning, patrol, safety and control in the fishing harbours, Development of Processing Facilities and Deployment of military veterans to enhance the enforcement capacity of DAFF, Consultation process for development of Small-Scale Fisheries Policy has been completed and report submitted to National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC). Approval granted to appoint a service provider to develop an implementation plan. 25
EXPENDITURE QUARTER 3: PER PROGRAMME PROGRAMMES BUDGET OCT NOV DEC QUARTER 3 % R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 SPENT Administration 1 329 982 119 585 104 505 117 353 341 443 25.7 Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety 934 247 139 983 57 938 47 834 245 755 26.3 Food Security and Agrarian Reform 1 253 940 376 492 18 142 23 881 418 515 33.4 Trade Promotion and Market Access 205 398 40 181 7 312 7 981 55 474 27.0 Forestry 895 350 63 853 59 772 82 561 206 186 23.0 Fisheries 345 532 58 359 12 662 23 345 94 366 27.3 TOTAL 4 964 449 798 453 260 331 302 955 1 361 739 27.4 27
EXPENDITURE QUARTER 3:PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION ECONOMIC BUDGET OCT NOV DEC QUARTER 3 % CLASSIFICATION R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 SPENT Compensation of employees 1 307 446 114 480 132 654 111 546 358 680 27.4 Goods and services 791 087 64 947 57 374 83 224 205 545 26.0 Interest and rent on land 943 43 116 40 199 21.1 Total transfers and subsidies 2 787 497 616 878 68 519 106 706 792 103 28.4 Payments for capital assets 77 476 2 105 1 668 1 439 5 212 6.7 TOTAL 4 964 449 798 453 260 331 302 955 1 361 739 27.4 28
Reasons for over/underspending against 25% target Programme 2 Quarter 3 payments for conditional grants to provinces are paid at 25% of the appropriated amount. Programme 3 Quarter 3 payments for conditional grants to provinces are paid at 35% of the appropriated amount. Programme 4 Once off payment to Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa. Programme 5 Funds in respect of the Prevention and Mitigation of Disaster Risks are committed for the latter part of the financial year after promulgation of the ENE. 29
EXPENDITURE QUARTERS 1, 2 AND 3: PER PROGRAMME PROGRAMMES BUDGET Q1 % Q2 % Q3 % Q1+Q2+Q3 % R’000 R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT Administration 1 329 982 380 744 28.6 373 753 28.1 341 443 25.7 1 095 940 82,4 Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety 934 247 181 193 19.4 205 921 22.0 245 755 26.3 632 869 67,7 Food Security and Agrarian Reform 1 253 940 154 468 12.3 251 915 20.1 418 515 33.4 824 898 65,8 Trade Promotion and Market Access 205 398 57 764 28.1 33 502 16.3 55 474 27.0 146 740 71,4 Forestry 895 350 133 892 15,0 172 030 19,2 206 186 23,0 512 108 57,2 Fisheries 345 532 89 328 25.9 84 530 24.5 94 366 27.3 268 224 77,6 TOTAL 4 964 449 997 389 20.1 1 121 651 22.6 1 361 739 27.4 3 480 779 70,1 30
EXPENDITURE QUARTERS 1, 2 AND 3:PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION ECONOMIC BUDGET Q 1 % Q 2 % Q 3 % Q1+Q2+Q3 % CLASSIFICATION R’000 R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT Compensation of employees 1 307 446 298 341 22.8 328 484 25.1 358 680 27,4 985 505 75.4 Goods and services 791 087 108 220 13.7 157 777 19.9 205 545 26,0 471 542 59.6 Interest and rent on land 943 38 4.0 174 18.5 199 21,1 411 43.6 Total transfers and Subsidies 2 787 497 590 014 21.2 627 637 22.5 792 103 28,4 2 009 754 72.1 Payments for Capital assets 77 476 776 1.0 7 579 9.8 5 212 6,7 13 567 17.5 TOTAL 4 964 449 997 389 20.1 1 121 651 22.6 1 361 739 27,4 3 480 779 70.1 31
CHALLENGES Sustainability of funded projects; Stakeholder engagements; Diseases outbreaks; Intergovernmental relations; and Escalated operational costs of research and patrol vessels (compromise focus on other fisheries responsibilities). 32
CONCLUSION Summary of key achievements for the quarter: The Conference of the Parties (COP 17) was held in Durban from 28 November – 11 December 2011 5598 jobs were created during the quarter( include both temporary and permanent). 10 199 smallholder producers were identified for support. 5506 food gardens were established. 30 902 starter packs were distributed 11 593 trees were planted. 33