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The “ridge“ in high energy nuclear collisions Jörn Putschke for the STAR Collaboration Yale University. Weisshorn (4505m), Switzerland. Near-side x correlations. Ridge/Jet characteristics in Au+Au. Current scenarios. Can we test these scenarios?. Summary (and Outlook). Outline.
The “ridge“ in high energy nuclear collisions Jörn Putschke for the STAR Collaboration Yale University Weisshorn (4505m), Switzerland
Near-side x correlations Ridge/Jet characteristics in Au+Au Current scenarios Can we test these scenarios? Summary (and Outlook) Outline
Ridge observation: near-side component picture Di-hadron correlations associated Dj trigger Au+Au 0-10% STAR preliminary Components: • Near-side jet peakcomparable to d+Au • Near-side independent ridge • Away-side (and v2) 3 < pt,trigger < 4 GeV pt,assoc. > 2 GeV New phenomenon inAu+Au “The ridge”: • What is it ? ‘something’ coupling to long flow ? Can this quantify E-loss ? • How to deal with it?Need to subtract for near-side studies?
Near-side (ridge) shape in central Au+Au pt,assoc. > 2 GeV 3 < pt,trigger < 4 GeV and pt,assoc. > 2 GeV Jet STAR preliminary yield(in window Ridge window center STAR preliminary • Ridge approx. independent of and pt,trig • Jet part increasing with pt,trig
Jet-like peak width in central Au+Au pt,assoc. > 2 GeV 4 < pt,trigger < 5 GeV and pt,assoc. > 2 GeV STAR preliminary • Jet peak symmetric in and for pt,trig > 4 GeV and comparable to d+Au • Jet peak asymmetric in for pt,trig < 4 GeV and significantly broader than d+Au
Ridge yield vs. pt,trig in Au+Au pt,assoc. > 2 GeV STAR preliminary Ridge yield persists to highest trigger pt correlated to jet production Ridge only in Au+Au (not present in p+p or d+Au or peripheral Au+Au)
Ridge/Jet pt,assoc spectrum in central Au+Au Ridge, 4<pt,trig<6 inclusive Jet, 4<pt,trig<6 Ridge, 6<pt,trig<10 Ridge/Jet yield Jet, 6<pt,trig<10 STAR preliminary STAR preliminary • Jet pt-spectra harder and increasing with pt,trig, as expected from jet fragmentation • Ridge pt-spectra are ‘bulk-like’ and approx. independent on pt,trig
Subtracting the ridge: vacuum fragmentation (?) Jet+Ridge “Jet” in Au+Au Jet in d+Au STAR preliminary STAR preliminary zT = pT,assoc/pT,trig zT = pT,assoc/pT,trig Subtraction of -independent ‘ridge-yield’ recovers centrality-independent jet yield p+p like (vacuum) fragmentation after energy loss?
“Jet”/Ridge energy • Applying this “2-component picture” to lower pt,assoc measurements: zt,jet(Au+Au) ~ zt,jet(d+Au) subtracting p+p jet energy from Au+Au • upper estimate of the energy deposit in the ridge ~ few GeV “Direct” measure of energy loss ? } “Ridge energy” } “Ridge energy” STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 15230 0.15 < pt,assoc < 4 GeV 4 < pt,trigger < 6 GeV 6 < pt,trigger < 10 GeV
Particle composition in Ridge/Jet vs. inclusive Ridge: B/M ratio closer to bulk Jet : B/M ratio ~ p+p
Ridge characteristics Weisshorn (4505m), Switzerland • ridge approx. independent on • ridge persists up to highest trigger pt correlated to jet production • ridge spectrum ~ “bulk-like” • ridge energy roughly a few GeV • no significant PID trigger dependence (not shown) • /K0S ratio in ridge ~ inclusive B/M ratio • jet di-hadron fragmentation function after subtracting the ridge contributions comparable to d+Au STAR Au+Au 0-10%, RHIC, US (~0m) preliminary Are we seeing vacuum fragmentation after energy loss on the near-side in central Au+Au collisions with the lost energy deposited in the ridge ?
What is the ridge? A. Majumder, B. Muller, S. Bass hep-ph/0611135 Armesto et al, nucl-ex/0405301 nucl-th/0706.3531 E. Shuryak • Radiated gluons, broadened by • Longitudinal flow, Armesto et al, PRL 93 (2004) • QCD magnetic fields, Majumder et al, hep-ph/0611035 • Anisotropic plasma, P. Romantschke, PRC,75014901 (2007) • Medium heating + recombinationChiu & Hwa, PRC72, 034903 • Radial flow + trigger biasS. Voloshin, nucl-th/0312065, Nucl. Phys. A749, 287E. Shuryak, nucl-th/0706.3531 • Momentum-kick modelC.-Y. Wong , hep-ph/0707.2385 Proposed explanations so far:
Discussion ridge/jet yield increasing pt,trig h+,- ridge jet pt,assoc. • ridge spectrum slightly harder (?) than inclusive h+,- (tens of MeV) consistent with medium heatingparton recombination (T~15 MeV) ? • agreement with radial flow + jet quenching ? • ridge spectrum qualitatively in agreement with parton energy loss and coupling to longitudinal flow Unfortunately all models are in qualitative agreement quantitative calculations needed !
What else can/have we measure(d) to test these scenarios … • 3-particle near-side correlations test longitudinal flow picture • Is there a ridge on the away-side ? di-hadron triggered correlations (3-particle x correlations) • Geometry effects (pathlength) ridge vs. reaction plane / Cu+Cu • Energy dependence: 62 vs. 200 GeV similar medium but different partonic spectrum • How far does the ridge extend ? forward rapidity measurements • Full jet reconstruction E-by-E jet-shape modification (radiation spectrum) More ? Predictions ? Ideas ? …
3-particle near-side correlations trigger random 13 associated 12 enhancement long. flow picture 13 asymmetry in 13 x 12 suppression 12 trigger associated Long. flow pictureArmesto et al, PRL 93 (2004) Radial flow + trigger bias S. Voloshin, nucl-th/0312065, Nucl. Phys. A749, 287 Toy model
3-particle near-side correlation measurements 3<pTTrig<10 1<pTAsso<3 ||<0.7 STAR preliminary d+Au Au+Au 0-12% STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary The ridge appears to be uniform event by event within the STAR acceptance Caveats: STAR acceptance limits sensitivity in Dh regions needed to distinguish between radial and long. flow picture. Non-trivial bkg. subtraction in 3-particle correlations …
Is there a ridge on the away-side ? 8<pt,trigger<15 GeV T1: “near-side trigger” > 6 (8) GeV A: assoc. particles > 2 GeV disappearing bkg. T2: “away-side trigger” > 4 (6) GeV (and < near-side trigger) within 180deg.+- 30 deg. Use “away-side trigger” for 2-particle correlations Caveat: probably favor small energy loss of the surviving di-hadron pair
Di-jets in Au+Au STAR preliminary Df projection STAR preliminary 1 _dN_ Ntrigd(Df ) T1: pT>5GeV/c T2: pT>4GeV/c A : pT>1.5GeV/c STAR Preliminary Au+Au d+Au 3 2 T1A & T2 T2A T1A & T2 T2A 1 0 Dh projection -2 -1 2 0 1 3 4 5 Df D Df Di-jet measurements suggest that neither the widths in and (ridge/mach cone) are modified nor the yields are suppressed and comparable to d+Au Caveat: Non-trivial bkg. subtraction Surviving (di-jet) pairs at high pt seem to favor conditions with small energy loss ridge correlated with energy loss !(?)
Jet/ridge w.r.t. reaction plane 6 5 4 3 2 1 in-plane fS=0 out-of-plane fS=90o STAR preliminary Ridge 20-60% jet part, near-side ridge part, near-side 20-60% 3<pTtrig<4, 1.5<pTtrig<2.0 GeV/c Jet Out-of-plane • Ridge yield decreases with φS. Smaller ridge yield at larger φS • Jet yield approx. independent of φS and comparable with d+Au STAR preliminary Jet yield independent of φS, consistent with vacuum fragmentation after energy loss and lost energy deposited in ridge, if medium is “black” out-of-plane and more “gray” in-plane for surviving jets. In-plane
Jet/Ridge in Cu+Cu 3.0 GeV/c < pTtrigger 6.0 GeV/c; 1.5 GeV/c < pTassociated < pTtrigger Ridge Jet • Jet yield comparable in Cu+Cu and Au+Au at similar Npart • Ridge yield comparable in Cu+Cu and Au+Au at similar Npart(consistent with other jet-quenching variables like RAA)
Jet/Ridge 62 vs. 200 GeV 3.0 GeV/c < pTtrigger 6.0 GeV/c; 1.5 GeV/c < pTassociated < pTtrigger Ridge 200 GeV 200 GeV 62 GeV Jet 62 GeV • Jet yield significantly smaller in 62 GeV vs. 200 GeV “trivial” kinematic effect due to steeper jet spectrum in 62 GeV (pQCD/Pythia) • Ridge yield also suppressed in 62 GeV vs. 200 GeV (Ridge/Jet ratio comparable) Ridge yield correlated with pQCD jet properties (?); radial flow and v2 ≈ in 62 and 200 GeV (Does the ridge yield scale with RAA ? Less suppression in RAA at similar pt ?)
Is there a ridge at forward rapidity ? PHOBOS (QM08) preliminary; central Au+Au |trig| <1 and 2.7 < |assoc| < 3.9 pTassoc = 0.2-2.0 GeV/c: no near-side peak within systematic errors pTassoc > 1 GeV/c : non-zero correlation at near side (?) STAR and PHOBOS measurements suggestthe presence of a finite ridge yield at ~ 3 (?) Caveat: no momentum measurement at high rapidity in PHOBOS, STAR data are not conclusive
Summary Is the “ridge” due to energy loss ?If so, do we have a direct measurement of energy loss and medium response ? Many measurements characterizing the ridge properties are already available. Quantitative calculations are needed now to understand the underlying mechanism of the ridge ! Additional measurements possible (on the way) to furtheraddress the origin of the ridge. Extend sensitivity withfull jet-reconstruction.
Outlook: Ridge/Jet v2; different event classes? characteristics of the events yielding a “ridge pair” appear to be very different from those yielding a “jet pair” “jet” “ridge” STAR Preliminary • the “ridge” is calculated by projecting ||>0.7 correlation to ||<0.7 • the “jet” is the remaining correlation at ||<0.7 after subtracting the “ridge” • inferred v2 for events associated with “ridge” pairs is large • inferred v2 for events associated with “jet” pairs is small • this conclusion is a direct consequence of: zero-yield at minimum assumption and the 3-component model: • (v2 modulated background + ridge + jet)
Outlook: Jet reconstruction in heavy ion collisions Cone radius R=sqrt(f2+h2) pT Unbiased jet reconstruction: parton kinematics hadrons Heavy ions: large background from underlying event • Control background by limiting jet cone radius R, track pT cut • measure a fraction of partonic energy
Outlook: Full jet reconstruction in HI @ RHIC ? STAR, hep-ex/0608030 Central Cu+Cu 200 GeV Armesto et al, nucl-ex/0405301 Full jet reconstruction in p+p up to 40 GeV Back of the envelope calculation … • Jets > 10-15 GeV should be reconstructable in Cu+Cu @ RHIC (should be sufficient statistic on tape …)
Particle composition in Ridge/Jet |Δη|<0.7 |Δη|<2.0 STAR preliminary STAR preliminary /K0S ratio: in the ridge: ~ 1.0 similar to that from inclusive pT spectra in the jet: ~ 0.5 consistent with p+p Outlook: similar measurement will be pursued using dE/dx ID to look at p/π ratio in ridge/jet
Ridge “observation” 3 < pt,trigger < 4 GeV and pt,assoc. > 2 GeV d+Au minbias Au+Au 0-10% STAR preliminary STAR preliminary Additional near-side long range corrl. in in central Au+Au (“ridge like” corrl.) observedDan Magestro, Hard Probes 2004, STAR, nucl-ex/0509030, Phys. Rev. C73 (2006) 064907 and P. Jacobs, nucl-ex/0503022
Ridge phenomenology 3 < pt,trigger < 4 GeV and pt,assoc. > 2 GeV pt,assoc. > 2 GeV Jet+Ridge () Jet () Jet) STAR preliminary yield,) Npart Jet STAR preliminary yield(in window Ridge window center • Ridge approx. independent of • Jet yield in and independent on centrality and comparable to d+Au • Jet peak symmetric in and for pt,trig > 4 GeV Definition of “ridge yield”: ridge yield := Jet+Ridge( Jet()
Extracting the ridge yield 3 < pt,trigger < 4 GeV and pt,assoc. > 2 GeV Jet+Ridge () Jet () Jet) STAR preliminary yield,) Npart Jet yield independent of Npart and consistent with d+Au reference measurements ! Definition of “ridge yield”: ridge yield := Jet+Ridge( Jet() relative ridge yield := ridge yield / Jet()
Fundamental quantity P(DE) Salgado and Wiedemann, Phys. Rev. D68, 014008 ~15 GeV Renk, Eskola, hep-ph/0610059 Energy loss distribution P(DE) depends on Radiation spectrum Geometry, time evolution of matter Can we constrain this by experiment? High-pt di-hadron correlations: favor cases with small/no energy loss Low-pt di-hadron correlations: modification of near-side jet-part and complex away-side structure Need an unbiased measure of the parton energy full jet reconstruction
Ridge/Jet ratio 62 and 200 GeV 3.0 GeV/c < pTtrigger 6.0 GeV/c; 1.5 GeV/c < pTassociated < pTtrigger Ridge/Jet ratio independent of energy, system Au+Au √sNN=200 GeV from J. Bielcikova (STAR), J.Phys.G34:S929-930,2007 Cu+Cu √sNN=200 GeV from C. Nattrass (STAR), SQM2007
Ridge w.r.t reaction plane cont. STAR Preliminary 3<pTtrig<4GeV/c 4<pTtrig<6GeV/c At φS=0o: Ridge yields are similar in two centralities. Collision geometry? Gluon density?
Trigger PID Ridge/Jet Jet Ridge J. Bielcikova (STAR), QM’2006 • ridge yield increases with centrality • (ridge for K0S trigger < ridge for Λ trigger ?) • jet yield is independent of centrality and agrees with d+Au
Trigger PID ridge/jet pt,assoc spectrum J. Bielcikova (STAR), QM’2006 • Trigger PID ridge spectra comparable to h correlations and ~ bulk • Trigger PID Jet spectra comparable to h correlationsand slightly harder ~ 50 MeV
Ridge yield in Au+Au and Cu+Cu relative ridge yield := ridge yield / Jet() pt,assoc. > 2 GeV relative ridge yield relative ridge yield Au+Au 200 GeV Cu+Cu 200 GeV STAR preliminary Au+Au 200 GeV (30-40 %) Cu+Cu 200 GeV (0-10 %) relative ridge yield relative ridge yield 3<pt,trigger<4 GeV STAR preliminary Relative ridge yield comparable at same Npart in Au+Au and Cu+Cu
Extracting near-side “jet-like” yields J = near-side jet-like corrl. R = “ridge”-like corrl. (J) ||<0.7 2 (J) ||<0.7 1 2 const bkg. subtracted const bkg. subtracted (J+R) - (R) (J) flow (v2) corrected (J+R) ||<1.7 (J+R) ||<1.7 no bkg. subtraction v2 modulated bkg. subtracted Au+Au 20-30%
Analysis methods cont. preliminary • Use event-mixing to account for pair acceptance and use eff. correction for ass. particles • Background: • Subtract constant background for (J) • Subtract v2 modulated background for (J+R)(ZYAM method) • Assume Gaussian correlation shape:yield() = gaus integral / bin counting () = gaus width 2.5 < pt,trigger < 3 GeV and 0.3 < pt,assoc. < 0.8 GeV v2{RP} • v2 and systematic error estimation in Au+Au: a) Used v2 values = mean between v2 RP and v2{4} b) Systematic errors mainly due to uncertainties in v2; use v2 RP and v2{4} as upper and lower limit ZYAM norm. v2{4} Df <v2{RP}+v2{4}>
Di-hadron azimuthal correlations increasing pt,assoc. high pt : 8 < pt,trigger < 15 low pt: 4 < pt,trigger < 6 and pt,assoc > 0.15 GeV Away-side (and near-side) yield is enhanced for low pt,assoc in Au+Au Away-side yield is suppressed but finite and measurable at high pt,trigger and pt,assoc in central Au+Au collisions Recoil distribution soft and broad, angular substructure, Mach cone? (not topic of this talk)
Di-hadron associated spectra high pt low pt STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 162301 STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 15230 Low pt : Strong modification of near-side and away-side observed High pt : Near-side unmodified, away-side suppressed but shape unmodified • Surviving pairs at high pt seems to favor conditions with small energy loss: • tangential (halo) emission, finite probability for no energy loss (energy loss fluctuations) or dilution due to the expanding system(T. Renk, Hard Probes 06 and PQM: Dainese, Loizides and Paic) • limited sensitivity to energy loss in di-hadron fragmentation on the away-side ? • study near-side modification