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Questions in the Present Simple.

Questions in the Present Simple. We use 2 ways to ask questions in Present Simple:. We use: Yes/ No questions and. Wh questions.

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Questions in the Present Simple.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Questions in the Present Simple.

  2. We use 2 ways to ask questions in Present Simple:

  3. We use:Yes/ No questionsand...

  4. Wh questions .

  5. Yes/ No questions:we use the helping verbs Do or Does to ask yes/ noquestions. We put them before the subject.Do/ Does+ subject+ base verb?Remember! Do not add -s or -es to the verb.

  6. Do+I/you/we/they+base verb?Ex: Do you love me?Do they practice tennis everyday? Does+he/she/it+base verb?Ex: Does it cost a lot of money? Does he study everyday?!We do not use do or does with the verb be.Ex: Am I late?

  7. Wh questions:We use these words to askwhquestions:-Which-Who -When-What -Why-Where -How

  8. Wh non-subject questions:We usually put theWhquestion before thehelping verbs.Wh+do/does+subject+base verb?

  9. Wh+do/does+base verb?Ex: The sun rises in the east.Wheredoes the sun rise?Ex: I drink tea without sugar.How do you drink tea? Remember! Do not add -s or -es to the verb

  10. Wh subject questions:To ask subject questionswe use the Wh question words: what and whoinstead of the subject.

  11. After the Wh question words, who or what, the verb will be in it’s singular form.

  12. For example:What looks dangerous?Bungee-jumping looks dangerous.Whois at school? The pupils are at school.

  13. Don’t forget!!!We can also ask questions in the Present Simple to get general information about something.Ex:How much does a ticket to Disneyland cost?

  14. Keep onWorking!

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