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Thank you for your participation in the tenth annual Taste of Webb Bridge!

Taste of Webb Bridge 2014. Tuesday, April 1, 2014. Webb Bridge Middle School. 5:30-8:30PM. www.tasteofwebbbridge.com. Thank you for your participation in the tenth annual Taste of Webb Bridge!. This event is a great opportunity for you to showcase your culinary talent and for the Webb Bridge

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Thank you for your participation in the tenth annual Taste of Webb Bridge!

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  1. TasteofWebbBridge2014 Tuesday,April 1, 2014 WebbBridgeMiddleSchool 5:30-8:30PM www.tasteofwebbbridge.com ThankyouforyourparticipationinthetenthannualTasteofWebbBridge! ThiseventisagreatopportunityforyoutoshowcaseyourculinarytalentandfortheWebbBridge MiddleSchoolcommunitytodiscoverdeliciousnewfood. Pleasegotowww.tasteofwebbbridge.comtoregisteryourcompanyunder“VendorRegistration.”Once youʼveregisteredyouwillreceiveaconfirmationemail. AnddonʼtforgettocheckusoutonFacebook!Wewillbepostingupdatesperiodicallyforallofour Facebookfans! EventInformationforVendors •Vendorswillneedapproximately300 tasting sizesamplesoffoodtodistribute. •Vendorsmustsupplyanyequipmentnecessaryforheating/coolingandservingtheirfood.Ifyouʼll needanelectricaloutlet,pleaseletusknowinadvance. •Vendorsshouldhaveatleastonestaffmembertohelpserveduringtheevent. •Vendorsshouldarriveby4:30PMonApril 1st forset-up. •Vendorsmaybringflyers,brochures,couponsorothermarketingmaterialstoadvertisetheir restaurantorfoodservice. YouʼrewelcometovisitWebbBridgeMiddleSchoolbeforetheeventtoseetheeventarea(theschool cafeteria).Toscheduleatour,pleasecontacttheschoolat (770) 667-2940. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasefeelfreetocontactEva Zarndt at 770 740-0281 or Anita Jones at 770 905-6919 or email us at tasteofwb@gmail.com. Welookforwardtoawonderfulevening! Eva Zarndt and Anita Jones  TasteofWebbBridgeCommitteeChairs

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