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Stay informed on the latest initiatives to tackle anti-social behavior in North Warwickshire. Community involvement, youth engagement, and traffic safety measures are highlighted.
North Forum 1st April 2008 Northern Safer Neighbourhood team Contact number: 01827 718092 Sergeant: Roger Fildes
PACT Priorities Anti-social Behaviour • Health Centre, Bridge St., Polesworth. • Scout Hut, Warton. • Church Rd., Browns Ln., Doctors Surgery, Dordon. Speeding • Station Rd., Polesworth • New St., Baddesley Ensor. • Barn End Rd., Dordon
Table of Results from Incidents Fortnightly Document 2007/08
Other Work - ASB • Five statements obtained from residents in relation to ASBO application re Polesworth youth. Interim order in post. • Statements to be obtained re ABC for second Polesworth youth. • Section 59 notice issued, Speedwell Lane, Baddesley. Two further notices issued Warton / Polesworth. • Regular contact with schools, these included a multi-agency meeting and two behavioural days at Polesworth International Language Centre. • Continued visits to Youth Clubs in Baddesley and Polesworth. • Two separate initiatives developed re high profile policing of flats off Church Rd., Dordon.
Good News - ASB • During the past 3 months in excess of 60 items of alcohol have been seized from local youths in the North Forum area. • A good news e-mail was broadcast re work in the Dordon area:- • In Dordon PCSO's Mick Harle and Matt Steele confiscated eleven litres of cider from a group of youths all under the age of eighteen. Mick Harle said " We caught them drinking close to a elderly residents complex where there had been recent complaints of anti-social behaviour " After confiscating the cider all the youths were given written warnings about their behaviour and the shop keeper selling the alcohol was also dealt with.
Other Agency Work - ASB • A Crag Rats performance and interactive workshop was performed to all year 9 students at all secondary schools to highlight the the dangers and implications of; • Alcohol misuse, • Anti-social behaviour • Arson 97% of young people said the day had influenced their thinking towards; drinking, alcohol and it’s impact on anti-social behaviour. “It showed me the consequences of alcohol and ASB” “I have learnt how to say no and walk away”
Anti-social behaviour cont. Abbey Green park Discussions around increasing usage of the pavilion, investigating potential redevelopment/ improvements of the facility, looking to get the young people involved with painting the pavilion. Activities 4 U has been dropping into the area on an adhoc basis and is looking to make this a longer-term arrangement. Warton Finalising informing the public and organising the installation of solar lights, tarmac path & pad to encourage positive usage of the teen shelter
Anti-social behaviour cont. Dordon Investigating potential improvements to reduce the opportunity of ASB. Young people have asked both the Police and Borough Council about the opportunity of having “Their space” I.e. a teen shelter, which they would fund raise for Activities 4 U operates on Wednesday evening and has worked with the young people to secure funding for an arts based project in summer. Community education delivers an outreach session on Tuesday evenings. Alcohol Dip Testing strips (6 week trial) WCC Testing strips to check soft drinks bottles for alcohol - which can then be confiscated. Strips distributed Police and Youth Workers.
Other Traffic Issues • Liaison has taken place with Mr Mark Porter re issues of HGV’s using Dordon Hall Lane. • Initial comments are that a weight limit on this road is not feasible. • Site visit to take place re possibility of awareness signs being installed. • Sat Nav companies to be advised re problems, so that they be able to alter their systems. • Regarding issues relating to mirror being installed B5000 near railway bridge, these are no longer installed due to them causing problems with reflecting the Sun.
Good News - Traffic • During January and February PCSO's Kate Matin, Louise Moore and Julie Arbuckle assisted NWBC conducting assemblies across all primary schools in the Northern Forum as part of North Warwickshire's Community Speed Watch Project. This project aims to increase the public's awareness of local speed limits through our rural communities. • Pupils from all schools were invited to enter a logo design competition, in which the wining design will feature on all Community Speed Watch publications, clothing worn by the Community Speed Watch volunteers and signage which will be displaying in participating villages in the North.
Speeding – Other Agencies Community Speed watch All Area forum North Parish Council have been contacted and invited to join the voluntary scheme. To date Newton Regis, Seckington and No Mans Heath expressed interest but the “problem” roads speed limit exceeded the scope of the project, further discussions are occurring. Austrey have 9 volunteers and the village support. Baddesley are collecting signatures. A meeting has been arranged with Polesworth to advertise the scheme on Wednesday 2nd April. No other Parishes or volunteers have expressed furtherinterest.
The local PCSO’s and Community Project officer from NWBC delivered an assembly at each local junior schools about speed awareness to over 1360 young people. All students were invited to design a logo and poster for the project which will be used in each participating village. Runner up posters Nethersole school- J. Thomas 8 years old Woodside Primary- A. Hirons 9 Years old
Winning logo and poster Nethersole- C.Edden 10 years old
Driving down the risk Designed as an intervention tool in response to excessively high levels of road fatalities and injuries amongst young drivers in Warwickshire and North Warwickshire in particular. Fire Service developed a series of courses specifically aimed at equipping young drivers with the enhanced driving skills to enable them to stay safe on the road and develop as “Advanced Drivers”. Students commented on the fact that they now speed less but end up arriving at their destinations sooner The Police driving instructors, complemented the students on their driving maturity, attitude and practical skills. Courses run when suitable funding is secured.
Other Good News • In a joint operation with Trading Standards at Polesworth Car Boot, Monday 24th March, over £2,000 and a large quantity of goods were seized from four males selling counterfeit goods. All four were arrested and bailed. • PCSO Phillip McGuinness is now in post covering the Baddesley / Baxterly / Grendon areas. He has made contact with schools, and youth workers and is currently arranging a residents surgery, to be held at Baddesley library. • PCSO's Louise Moore and Kate Martin in conjunction with Lynn Hutton, Council Community Street Warden have just completed a series of 'Bogus Caller and Distraction Burglary' talks to elderly residents in Polesworth and Dordon. All elderly residents not living near to community centres had literature delivered to them personally. The talks have been extremely successful with over 200 elderly residents informed and more talks planned.
Speeding Continued Kerbsafe- trial project WCC Project is being developed to devise cones with child shaped attachments that will be placed on the zig zags outside of schools both in the morning and afternoon, this will be done in partnership with the police and the school.
Response times Target response times within Warwickshire are set at:- 10 mins – Urban areas, 20 mins – Rural areas. Current response times:- • Rugby………………………...89.04% • Nuneaton/Bedworth…………89.68% • North Warks ………………....91.92% • North………………………..…89.90% • Force…………………….……89.04%
Crime Overview North Warwickshire Comparison of crime 2007/08 with 2006/07 • Violent crime ……………….. Up 3.7% • Violent crime detections……..55.1% (5.1% above target, highest in county) • Domestic burglary…………….Down 11.8% • Vehicle crime………………….Down 12.7%
Criminal damage………………Down 7.7% • Criminal damage detections…24.9% (9.9% above target) • All crime detections……………25% (on target) • Overall crime ………………..…Down 14%
Crime overview – Daily Crime Figures Violence; 0.28 Burglary; 0.13 Vehicle Crime; 0.56 Criminal Damage; 0.49