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European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation. Annual meeting of the Working Group on IC&T Bucharest, 18-19 November, 2010. D raft legislative acts under public consultation.
European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation Annual meeting of the Working Group on IC&T Bucharest, 18-19 November, 2010
Draft legislative acts under public consultation The application offers to citizens the possibility to express their opinion and to send proposals, comments on the Romanian Senate’s legislative initiatives under public debates
Draft legislative acts under public consultation The application offers to citizens the possibility to express their opinion and to send proposals, comments on the European Commission’s legislative initiatives under public debates
Draft legislative acts under public consultation acces control
Draft legislative acts under public consultation The application offers proposals subject on subsidiarity check (proposals from the Commission, initiatives from a group of Member States, initiatives from the European Parliament, etc.)
Center of organizing and promoting eventsWebsite under development Bun venit la Centrul de organizare si promovare evenimente al Senatului Romaniei La Senatul Romaniei se lanseaza Centrul de organizare si promovare evenimente, cel mai nou centru de conferinte, organizare evenimente si vizitare care ofera un spectru larg de servicii precum conferinte, seminarii, expozitii, dineuri, cocktail-uri, trasee de vizitare. Prin arhitectura deosebita a salilor si dotarile tehnice detinute, noul centru de evenimente poate fi o alegere potrivita, fie ca se doreste organizarea intr-una dintre sali a unui seminar tematic, a unei receptii in restaurantul ,,Rustic” sau vreti sa le prezentati prietenilor Senatul Romaniei, spatiul in care isi desfasoara activitatea senatorilor.
Integrated information system of the Senate General Objectives: An Integrated Information System to uniquely manage all existing data and information, to meet the requirements defined by any of the compartments and to provide correct information, complete and timely decision-makers. Integrated Information System provides:- Creation and sharing of information of general interest collections (catalogs, data banks and their public data banks);- Encoding uniqueness and the identification information;- High speed access to information and rapid transfer of information between users;- Data security and access to information on levels of competence;- Establishing accountability for the provision, management and quality assurance and integrity of information;- Create a group of methods for managing information related to automation or support of human decision making. An Management Information System is comprised of people, equipment and procedures to collect, sort, analyze, evaluate and distribute information necessary fair and according to the management decision makers.
ROMANIAN PARLIAMENT - SENATECalea 13 Septembrie no. 1-3sector 5, BucurestiRomânia Georgian Ghervasiegeorgian.ghervasie@senat.ro