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TNS OK report Kids – Money, health and mobile insight. Contents. Introduction 3 Fieldwork and methodology 4 Selected Insights 7 TNS and TNS OK background 28 Full graphical results 34. TNS OK Report … insight into 6 to 15+ year olds across the world.
Contents • Introduction 3 • Fieldwork and methodology 4 • Selected Insights 7 • TNS and TNS OK background 28 • Full graphical results 34
TNS OK Report …insight into 6 to 15+ year olds across the world • TNS is pleased to be able to offer you this FREE TNS OK (Online Kids) - Money, Health and Mobiles report. • Intended to give you an introduction into the kind of insight TNS OK can give you. • The research was undertaken in a single week in December 2003 in 7 different countries: France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Sweden, UK and US. • TNS OK is an international market research platform providing the opportunity to interview millions of children aged 6-15+ across the world online, with very fast turn-around times. • A unique international service enabling the ethical, fast and cost effective interviewing of children online.
TNS OK Survey FieldworkWhen and where the research was conducted • The research was carried out the week before Christmas 2003. (from 17/12/03 to 24/12/03). • The survey was run in the following countries; • France, Germany, Italy, • Holland, Sweden, UK, USA • The survey was split into four main sections; • Money • Health • Stress • Mobile Phones
The questionnaireWhat the kids were asked • The questions covered in the survey where; • Do you worry about having enough money to do / get the things you want? • How do you get money? • Is it important to have loads of money when you are an adult? • Do you think you will ever earn 1 million pounds / euros? • Do you think you are healthy? • Do you think you eat healthy food? • Do you ever get stressed out? • What stresses you out? • Do you have a mobile phone? • Does having a mobile phone make you feel safe?
TNS OK sample sizesInterviews by country France 2,430 Germany 2,784 Holland 8,053 Italy 1,772 Sweden 2,233 UK 2,250 USA 660 Total Base Sample 20,182
TNS OK survey insightsKids constantly surprise • We find that it is unwise to generalise too broadly about kids worldwide. • Thus, for every quite unremarkable general survey finding, when we dig deeper there are always groups of kids who defy it in interesting ways. • To illustrate this we present some general findings… • And in each case examples of those kids who ‘break the rules’ ! • Businesses who deal with kids therefore need to get to know their kids, and resist the temptation to treat kids as a homogenous group.
TNS OK survey insightsWhat we THINK we know about kids • Each of these everyday observations is true, but each has an INSIDE story - • Pocket money is the main source of income for kids… • Boys of all ages love to buy games, older girls love to buy clothes… • More girls buy books than boys… • Kids’ purchasing power is strong… • Many kids worry about not having enough money… • Kids think are they are healthy, but many admit they do not eat healthily… • Outdoor sports and play are the most common forms of exercise for kids… • Lots of kids own mobile phones, and they love to text their friends…
TNS OK survey insightsPocket money • We know that pocket money is the main source of income for kids. • The exceptional case is kids in the USA where far fewer kids get pocket money (25%) than in European countries (survey average of 60%). • US kids are more likely to get money in return for for cleaning, tidying and helping with the dinner, than just receiving pocket money - showing a stronger tendency to 'earn' their money. • German kids show the European opposite extreme, with 81% who get pocket money, and only 14% who have to clean the house for it.
TNS OK survey insightsWhat kids buy : games • We know that boys buy games. • Buying games is most popular among kids (of both sexes) in the UK. • Yet games are just as popular with boys in France and Holland as with boys the UK (84% of boys). • The reason is that in the UK many girls spend money on games (48%), more than in the rest of Europe (on average, 34%) and double the figure in Sweden. • Games are least popular in Germany, with only 45% of all kids purchasing them.
TNS OK survey insightsWhat kids buy : clothes and shoes • We know teenage girls buy the most clothes and shoes. • But there are big differences in what ages this really takes off. • In the UK, USA and Sweden more girls aged 10-14 buy clothes than in other countries, but there is little increase in purchasing propensity as they get older. • Although fewer 10-14 year old girls in France, Germany, Holland and Italy buys clothes, the older age group (15+) are much more likely to than their UK, US and Swedish counterparts. • Dutch girls are twice as likely to buy shoes as the Swedish 10-14 and 15+ year olds and are by far the most active in this market when they reach 15 (53% of Dutch15+ year olds buy shoes compared with the next highest, Italy, at 39%).
TNS OK survey insightsWhat kids buy : CDs • We know teenagers everywhere buy CDs. • But in our survey the German kids stand out. • 52% of the German kids buy CDs, far ahead of elsewhere. By contrast in the USA only 27% of kids purchase CDs. • In Germany spending money on CDs becomes popular quite young : 60% of boys aged 10 to 14 say they buy CDs, and 63% of girls this age. This only progresses to 63% and 65% for boys and girls respectively in the 15+ age group. • The least likely to buy CDs in the oldest age group are Swedish boys (only 36%) and American girls (39%)
TNS OK survey insightsWhat kids buy : books • We know that more girls buy books. • The girls we surveyed in Germany are the most likely to say that they spend money on books (39%), followed by girls in the UK (38%), compared with the country average of 28%. • Boys spend significantly less on books in every market, yet we find that boys in France are exceptional. • In France 34% of boys spend their own money on books. This is slightly less than French girls (37%) but much higher than boys in other countries where an average of only 22% of boys buy books. This figure is also more than twice that of the Swedish boys buying books.
TNS OK survey insightsThe role of parents • Often when kids shop with parents they can choose items for themselves. • Overall most kids can chose clothes when with parents (52%*), many of these aged under 10 years old. Also, 41%* of kids can choose shoes. • One key finding is that kids with their own spending power are more likely to be allowed to choose when with parents. The role of parents is therefore to boost kids total ‘effective spending power’, rather than substitute it. • This is especially true with clothes and shoes, and on average across the countries 80%* of kids who buy their own clothes are also allowed to choose clothes when shopping with parents, and 76%* of kids who buy shoes. This suggests that some kids have very high effective spending power in these categories. *Average across the countries in the sample
TNS OK survey insightsHow effective spending power differs • Across all categories, except games, the effective spending power of kids in the USA is lower than the average in the European countries analysed. • In particular kids in Europe are much more likely on average to choose sweets (57% choose sweets in Europe, 38% in the USA), and their own comics or magazines (53% in Europe, 32% in the USA). Girls in the USA are the least likely to choose their clothes (65%). • Girls in Holland have the most spending power for clothes, with 88% of girls able to choose clothes. Girls in Sweden and the UK have the next highest levels of spending power for clothes (75% and 74%). • Boys - many boys buy games themselves and they are most likely to choose them even when parental spending is taken in account. 89% of boys in the UK and 87% of boys in France and Holland choose games.
TNS OK survey insightsKids worry about money • Half of all kids worry about not having enough money to get what they want. • Kids who say this tend to buy the same stuff as the non worried kids, but, strangely, are 2 to 3% more likely to make purchases in all the categories…except books. • Boys in the USA are by far the most worried. 69% of boys in the USA aged 10 to 14 saying they worry about money, and 78% of the boys aged 15+. • In the European countries, French kids appear the most worried (57%). • Swedish kids are the least worried of all (40%) and Sweden is the only country where more girls worry about money than boys, even among older age groups.
TNS OK survey insightsInside kids concerns about money • Why do kids worry about money, and how serious is this ? • We find that a high proportion of kids who worry about money also think that 'it is important to have loads of money when you are an adult‘ (74%*). • These aspirational concerns are likely to be a factor of the social importance of money. In the USA the focus is on self provision, while Sweden (with the lowest concerns for kids) has a more socially orientated outlook. • When asked what stresses them, money itself comes bottom of the list (14%* of kids) while parents are a much more common source of stress (45%*). • Thus, although arguments about money are no doubt one source of tension with parents, the stress question puts money worries into perspective as just one of many issues for kids, and not their major preoccupation. *Average across the countries in the sample
TNS OK survey insightsKids opinions of their health • Most kids have a positive opinion of their health (67*% think they are healthy). • The link between health and food is shown, with kids who say they eat healthy food most of the time much more likely to think that they are healthy (83%* think so), than kids who do not (only 28%* think so). • This will reflect not only the real relationship between food and health, but also kids awareness of the link when they are questioned. • Similarly the link between physical activity and health is revealed, with 75%* of those kids who do outdoor sport saying they are healthy, compared to only 49%* of kids who do no physical activity at all. *Average across the countries in the sample
TNS OK survey insightsKids opinions of their health • Kids view of their own health differs widely. • Italian and French kids are most likely to say they are healthy (83% of Italian kids, and 81% of French kids). • French kids are also the most likely to say they eat healthy food 'most of the time' (62%) followed by the kids in Holland and then Italy (57% and 55%). • Swedish kids are least likely to think they are healthy (47%) • And when asked about physical activity 20% of Swedish kids say they do none of the common physical activities, more than in any other country. • The USA is close behind with 19% of kids who do no physical activity. In both Sweden and the USA girls seem less physically active than boys.
TNS OK survey insightsUK kids diet in question • In the UK recent public concern about kids’ diet may well be justified. • Only 36% of kids in UK say they eat healthy food most of the time, which is lower than any other country. • This is borne out by their behaviour. More UK kids say they choose to buy sweets, whether with their own money or by parents letting them choose, than in any of the other countries, at 72% of UK kids. • Sweden comes close at 71%, but elsewhere the proportion choosing sweets is much less. In Italy only 32% of kids choose sweets. • Many UK kids may be unaware that sweets contribute to an unhealthy diet. The kids who choose sweets are almost just as likely to say they eat a healthy diet 'most of the time' as kids who do not (35%).
TNS OK survey insightsKids physical activity • Kids go outdoors for most of their exercise, and teenagers exercise less. • 46%* of kids ride bikes, 46%* do outdoor sports and 45*% play outside. • There is a fall in all types of exercise at ages 15 and above, with 25%* admitting they do none of the physical activities mentioned. • In the UK kids claim they do the most sport, and bike riding. • 59% say they do outdoor sport, 55% ride bikes and 48% do indoor sport. • However this does not hold for kids aged 15 and over. At this age sports are more popular in the USA, and bike riding is more popular in Holland and Germany. *Average across the countries in the sample
TNS OK survey insightsKids with mobile/cell phone phones • Over half of kids surveyed say they have a mobile phone (50%*). • It should be noted that the sample represents kids with online access, not kids in the population as a whole. • The pattern of ownership is as expected, with most in Sweden (63%) and Germany (62%), and less in the USA than any European country (29%). France has significantly lower ownership than the other European countries, at 37%, compared to the others which all have over 50% ownership. • Overall more girls have mobile phones than boys (57%* of girls, 45%* of boys). • Ownership is more common for older kids, and by ages 15 + on average 80% own mobile phones in the European countries and 45% in the USA. *Average across the countries in the sample
TNS OK survey insightsMobile phones and safety • Kids agree that mobile phones make them feel safe • The majority of kids who have a mobile phone agree that it makes them feel safe (78%*). There is no real difference in this view between girls and boys. • The pattern of response seems to follow the exact same pattern of mobile ownership, so that in countries where mobile ownership is higher such as Sweden and Germany, the kids who have mobiles are more likely to say it makes them feel safe. • Possibly this indicates that concern for safety is a greater in these countries and is a factor in determining whether to own a mobile phone. • This view about safety peaks at ages 10 to 14 in all the countries surveyed. *Average across the countries in the sample
TNS OK survey insightsCalling and texting with mobile phones • Calling parents and friends ('mates') is the most common use of a mobile phone among kids surveyed (70%* call parents, 67%* call friends), however text messaging friends is just as popular as calling them (65%*). • Text messaging parents is not uncommon but far less popular than texting friends, with just 41%* who text their parents. • Slightly more girls text than boys, and for them texting friends is the most popular use of the mobile phone (72%* of girls text friends). • With respect to age, as we might expect the tendency to call and text friends increases with age, and is much greater for kids aged 10 and above than younger kids. Kids aged 7 to 9 are more likely to use it to call their parents (67%*) than any other use. *Average across the countries in the sample
TNS OK survey insightsDifferences in mobile phone use • Texting friends is popular with kids all over Europe, but much less so in the USA. • In the USA only 36% text friends, whereas 60% call them. By contrast the European country average is 70% of kids who text their friends. • In the UK and Germany texting is more common than calling friends, unlike the other countries surveyed. • Texting friends is overall most popular in the UK (86% of girls, 71% of boys).
TNS OK survey insightsHigh tech mobile phone kids in the USA ? • Although fewer kids in the USA have mobile phones, they use high tech features. • Ring tone downloads are popular everywhere (37%* overall). • However 41% of mobile phone owning kids in the USA download games, which is far greater than anywhere in Europe - the UK is next at 26% of kids. • 34% of US kids use their phone to take photos. In Europe this is most common in Italy (22%), and is low elsewhere (13% in Sweden, and 14% in Holland). • The impression created is one of a technology savvy and privileged minority of mobile owning kids in the USA which is in contrast to a more mass market profile in Europe, where kids may be limited by the cost of ‘high tech’ mobile applications. *Average across the countries in the sample
An introduction to TNS… TNS is one of the world's leading market information groups. We provide market measurement, analysis and insight through our operating companies in 70 countries. Working with national and multi-national organisations, we help our clients to develop effective business strategies and enhance relationships with their customers. • One of the world’s top 3 largest marketing information companies • Offices in 70 countries • Yearly turnover 1.47 billion € • More than 14,000 employees worldwide
TNS OK methodologyAn outline of the TNS OK service • TNS OK is an international platform for interviewing kids online • With access to over 5 million kids, aged 6-14 years old, across the world it is: • Fast and flexible • Easy to use and designed with the children in mind • Safe and ethical • Secure and scaleable
TNS OK methodologyPrivacy and ethics • No unsolicited or solicited e-mails • Core of the platform uses a consent and registration approach requiring express parental consent • One time registration and consent enables subsequent fast and ethical interviewing • Safe and secure access to kids without the need for and use of personal information • Strict adherence to ESOMAR, CASRO and COPPA codes, rules and guidelines
What can TNS OK be used for?An outline of the TNS OK service • Usage & attitude studies - how your product is being used, what kids think of it • Studies with low penetration samples • Concept tests on new products • Market structure and segmentation studies • Syndicated Research • Pre/post ad campaign awareness • Advertising testing and recall • Advertising tracking studies for your product or service • Brand tracking and awareness
What can TNS OK be used for?What the sample represents • TNS OK sample is freshly recruited on selected websites for every survey done. • We do not track kids on any database, and do not try to re-contact kids. • The kids can be taken to represent ‘kids with online access’ in each country, and not the population of kids as a whole. • Therefore care needs to taken in interpreting results - for some research questions more than for others. • As online use by kids grows, so the broader representation increases
For more information… Please contact: Ross Broadbent ross.broadbent@tns-global.com +44 (0) 7736 613805
Full Graphical Results
Total Kids and Money… Do you worry about not having enough money to do / get the things you want? { { Base: All Boys Girls
Total Kids and Money… How do you get money? Base: All
Total Kids and Money… How do you get money? – boys only Base: All boys
Total Kids and Money… How do you get money? – girls only Base: All girls
Total Kids and Money… What do you spend your money on? Base: All who got money
Total Kids and Money… What do you spend your money on? boys only Base: All who got money
Total Kids and Money… What do you spend your money on? girls only Base: All who got money
Total Kids and Money… When you go shopping with your parents which of these things do they let you choose? Base: All who got money
Total Kids and Money… When you go shopping with your parents which of these things do they let you choose? boys only Base: All who got money
Total Kids and Money… When you go shopping with your parents which of these things do they let you choose? girls only Base: All who got money
Total Kids and Money… Effective Spending Choice* Base: All who got money • These results combine kids own spending choices with • the choices they make when shopping with parents
Total Kids and Money… Effective Spending Choice* boys only Base: All who got money • These results combine kids own spending choices with • the choices they make when shopping with parents
Total Kids and Money… Effective Spending Choice* girls only Base: All who got money • These results combine kids own spending choices with • the choices they make when shopping with parents
Total Kids and Money… Is it important to have loads of money when you are an adult? { { Base: All Boys Girls
Total Kids and Money… Do you think you will ever earn 1 million pounds / euros / dollars? { { Base: All Boys Girls