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Critical Thinking

Explore critical thinking as a way of reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Learn the importance of critical thinking in leadership roles and engage in interactive activities to develop these skills.

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Critical Thinking

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  1. Critical Thinking Leadership Skill Area This project is supported by a grant from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC)

  2. What is critical thinking? • A way of reasoning and thought characterized by judgement and rational thinking • This type goes beyond just having a series of thoughts

  3. An Active Process • This process includes: • Gathering information • Empirical data • Evaluating it • What is relevant? • Making inferences • Making sense of it all • Reasoning, justification, theory

  4. Road Blocks to Critical Thinking • There can be issues that come up during each step of the process • Gathering information • Ambiguous or vague • Evaluating information • Inaccurate “jumps” between pieces of info • Making sense of it • Biases

  5. Critical Thinking & Leadership • Leaders are often expected to be the “problem solvers” • Those who are following will look to you to provide them with answers • This requires you to be able to go above and beyond – thinking of new and innovative ways to get to where you’re headed

  6. “Brain Tease” Activity We are going to use our brains to solve these puzzles • This activity can be done in teams or individually • Each person/group number a piece of paper 1-15 • Write down your answer next to its corresponding number

  7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

  8. What did you learn? • For the ones that you did not think of right away, what was your strategy for figuring it out? • How did you come up with a strategy? • Was it, or could it be, easier if you had other people to bounce ideas off of? • How can practicing this type of thinking help you at school and work?

  9. “Tower Challenge” Activity You and your team are going to build the tallest, free-standing, tower TALLEST TOWER WINS!! • Get into groups of 2-4 people • Each group gets a bundle of 15 pipe-cleaners • Each group will have 10 minutes to build the largest tower • Tower must be free-standing – meaning NO use of other materials • After 2 minutes, group members must only use one hand each! • Any time a group breaks the rules, they will lose one pipe-cleaner

  10. What did you learn? • What was the most difficult part of this task? • How did your group eventually come up with a strategy? Could you have come up with a better one with more time? • How did losing the use of one hand effect your group’s progress? • How can learning to problem solve as you go help you at school and work?

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